Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Tatha Psychology Health Center for Psychology and Psychotherapy

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Sometimes difficulties and problems arise for which we suffer, and that by ourselves we cannot overcome. It is at that moment when a psychology professional can help us, generating, through joint work and with the more appropriate psychological techniques, the tools to face these difficulties, and achieve greater emotional well-being. With intense sessions, from a Cognitive-Behavioral orientation, a multidisciplinary approach and based on the rational emotive behavioral therapy of Albert Ellis, we intervene with a practical and directive therapy, which includes exercises and tasks to do at home to help the person solve their emotional problem in a brief and effective. It is also a deep therapy because it is not limited to relieving the symptoms of the person's discomfort but goes to the bottom of the problem, causing profound and permanent philosophical changes that result in an improvement in the quality of life.

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Problems such as anxiety, stress, depression, fears and phobias, anger episodes, obsessive disorders, panic attacks, loss of loved ones, relationship problems, emotional dependence, difficulties in social relationships or communication problems, social phobia, inadaptability in school environments, low school performance, lack of motivation and self-esteem, family problems, fears, anger, impulsiveness etc

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