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7 reasons why it is not essential to have a partner to be happy

Over the years, the idea has been passed down from generation to generation that finding a the right partner for us, getting married and starting a family is part of what is usually understood by "happiness". It is a cultural phenomenon based on the concept of the better half, according to which every person is incomplete if they do not find someone special for them.

Contrary to this preconceived idea, we must bear in mind that having a stable partner is only one of the options that we have in life and that there are many other ways to be happy without having a relationship stable. Let's see the different reasons why the most advisable thing for our mental health is to assume that it is not essential having a partner (although this does not imply closing ourselves off from the possibility of having dates or starting a relationship of engagement).

  • Related article: "On happiness: what is it that we all seek?"

Why is it not necessary to have a partner to be happy?

People who do not have a stable partner are perfectly capable of finding happiness in many areas of their lives, and although this very happiness can also be found by those who live in marriage or courtship, being single offers us endless possibilities daily.

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Below we will briefly see the reasons why it is not essential to have a partner to be happy in life.

1. You have time to focus on you

People who have a partner have less free time and can rarely focus exclusively on their projects, dreams and personal ambitions.

Any relationship as a couple is based on mutual understanding and on carrying out all kinds of activities always thinking of the other person and taking into account that any decision must satisfy both parts. This implies commitment and effort; If said effort is not produced symmetrically by both parties, problems arise in the relationship.

When we don't have a partner, we have all the time in the world to think about ourselves and start all kinds of personal projects that fill us up and make us happy. This means having almost total freedom to undertake any type of work, work project, study, hobby or way of life that interests us.

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2. Self-actualization focuses on the individual

One of the main reasons to be alone is that we can find happiness in ourselves, it is then when we realize that we do not need a partner to self-realize as beings humans.

Happiness can be found in many places at once, both in one's own work or projects future professionals, such as friends, social life, hobbies, family, study or work sport. Of course, these contexts do not always have to involve activities that can only be done as a couple.

Happiness is closely linked to the possibility of immersing ourselves in a way of life that gives us meaning; this is an introspective and private process, which normally does not require the involvement of more people. In this sense, being single is fully compatible with this process of searching for meaning and experimenting with what we do.

  • Related article: "Self-actualization needs: what are they, according to Maslow?"

3. Offers more leeway to pursue financial freedom

In the same way, without having a stable partner we can count on the energy and enough time to, for For example, throwing ourselves into our work life for a few months or years and then enjoying some freedom financial. These ways of living so based on radical changes between one stage of working life and another are much easier if you don't have a partner.

Although it is true that it can be done equally with a partner, it is clear that in a relationship we would not have as much time or energy to dedicate to the professional field.

4. Knowing yourself does not require the presence of another person

Deepen the self-knowledge necessary to connect with our own values ​​and interests and seeking happiness from them is not a process that requires us to be in a relationship of couple. It is usually necessary to have regular contact with other people (to learn about our different facets through them), but not necessarily a specific one.

The free time that the fact of not having a partner gives us also allows us to dedicate ourselves to getting to know ourselves consciously ourselves, which will allow us to discover who we are and what our desires in life are, as well as objectives, interests and hobbies.

  • You may be interested in: "Unwanted loneliness: what it is and how we can fight it"

5. Do not underestimate friendships

Some couples often find it difficult to meet frequently with their friends, due to daily obligations in the workplace and also the need to spend time together.

On the other hand, the idea that friendships are a less satisfying version of romantic relationships is a myth; there are qualitative differences between the two, and both have things to offer.

6. You can invest more time in growing as a person

Knowing ourselves is also a good way to know our strengths and weaknesses, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of our personality.

This will allow us, in the end, to improve and grow as a person on a daily basis and to work on those defects that we may have, both emotionally and psychologically, as well as in interpersonal relationships.

7. You can shape your future

As indicated above, being alone allows us to make our own decisions in life, and also to take the course we decide regarding our future.

Couples must habitually make joint decisions regarding the future together; However, when we don't have a partner we have a lot of room to maneuver to build the life we ​​want.

This means that we have total freedom and flexibility in, for example, traveling to any part of the world when we want or going to live in the area of ​​the city that we like best.

Do you want to boost your self-esteem and personal development with psychological support?

If you are interested in having professional psychological assistance, please contact me.

My name is Lorraine Irribarra and I am a psychologist and Certified Mindfulness Instructor; I offer psychotherapy services and training in self-leadership, self-esteem and Mindfulness MBSR.

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