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The 8 types of strategies against memory loss

Although not all people suffer from them, memory deterioration and other types of cognitive deterioration are common consequences of aging, especially when it is pathological.

In this article we will describe eight types of strategies against memory loss that can be very useful to compensate for the typical deterioration of the elderly. We will divide them into three categories: external aids, internal strategies, and environmental adaptations.

  • Related article: "Types of memory: how does the human brain store memories?"

The decline of memory in old age

Scientific research suggests that we tend to overestimate the severity of worsening memory that occurs in old age, although it is true that some capacities are affected in a way clear. This happens especially in people with cognitive impairment, whether or not it is framed in the context of dementia.

According to studies, with aging sensory memory suffers a slight deterioration that is not of great importance in practice. Working or working memory is notably affected

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, especially from the age of 70; the deterioration in this kind of memory is probably the most significant of all.

Regarding long-term memory, deficits appear more frequently in the declarative type than in procedural memory, so that the abilities are usually maintained. Recent episodic memory, which includes autobiographical memories of recent years, is more sensitive to impairment than semantic (knowledge about facts).

These deteriorations have been attributed mainly to three reasons: the appearance of deficits in encoding complex information, which makes it difficult to memorize, the worsening in the ability to recover memories and the lower sensation of control in cognitive tasks, which decreases the expectations of efficacy of many people greater.

Memory losses that appear in old age can be compensated through the use of cognitive, behavioral and environmental strategies. In cases where the memory impairment is slight, these techniques are usually sufficient to nullify its effects; if the situation is more serious they can at least reduce the problems to a noticeable degree.

  • Related article: "Types of dementias: forms of loss of cognition"

Strategies against memory loss based on external aids

The use of external aids for the recovery of memories is the most important strategy for compensating for memory leaks that occur at advanced ages. Many people resort to these methods spontaneously.

1. external recovery

External recovery strategies include taking notes in a notebook or diary, asking a close person to remind us something or using digital devices (for example, setting an alarm with text) to make it easier to remember information concrete. Recent technological advances have increased the utility and diversity of these strategies.

2. internal recovery

Unlike external recovery strategies, in these cases a signal is used that something needs to be remembered, but it is not specified what; changing a ring on your finger or making a small mark on your hand with a pen are two common external recovery techniques.

Internal or psychological strategies

Internal strategies to combat memory problems are based on cognition management. They are considered the most specific intervention of Psychology in this field and are frequently included in training programs for older people with memory deficits.

1. naturally learned

This subcategory includes all the cognitive strategies that people possess naturally; They are part of the normal functioning of memory and do not require prior training.

2. Mnemonics

The mnemonics are artificial cognitive methods that are used to promote learninginformation organization and recall. Some of the best known mnemonic strategies include the method of loci (or places), the one with the hangers, the one with the links and the one with the rhymes, which are based on words and/or images mental.

  • Related article: "The loci method, almost infallible to remember anything"

Adaptations and environmental indications

These strategies consist of facilitate orientation and a sense of familiarity with the physical environment of people in a certain place. In this sense, we can talk about both the home itself and a broader context, for example a residence for the elderly or even a town.

1. distal

Distal environmental cues are a type of adaptation that refers to the acclimatization of cities, streets or buildings to help people with memory problems to find their way around they. In this set of aids we find the indications on the doors on how to open them, the uniforms of the hospital staff, etc.

2. proximal

Proximal aids are those that are framed in a more restricted environment, such as a room or a small apartment. They are based on the principle that the structure and stability of the environment close to people with memory difficulties make it easier for them to find their way around and reduce the likelihood of them getting lost.

3. personal

Personal environmental indications can be considered a type of external help, and therefore can depend on internal or external recovery; this means that they can be explicit, like leaving a note in a notebook, or simply function as signals to remember something specific.

4. Reality Orientation Therapy

Reality Orientation Therapy was created by James Folsom in the 1950s. This psychological program focuses on teaching skills that allow the patient to maintain personal, spatial and temporal orientation. Among the strategies included are visual external aids, sensory stimulation and verbal repetition.

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