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The hottest planet in the Universe

The hottest planet in the Universe

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has allowed a group of California scientists to conduct a study of the Mapmeteorological of the planets that are located outside our galaxy. Which in turn has made it possible to discover the planet more hot of Universe.

These two gigantic gas planets are also known by the name of hot Jupiters, and they also rotate very close to their respective stars. At present it is believed that 50 of the more than 200 planets that are outside our Solar System, which are called exoplanets, are of this type Jupiterhot.

This spectacular and innovative NASA telescope has been studying the atmospheres of exoplanets since 2005, and so far one of the most important discoveries has been the discovery of the hottest planet in the Universe, known as HD 189733b and which is 60 light years away from us, and specifically in the constellation of Vulpecula.

The temperatures of this planet vary, standing around 650 ° C on the dark side, while the part that receives the most light and heat can reach 930 ° C. Regarding its characteristics, scientists agree that all

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planets of kindJupiter share similarities with our Moon, this means that one side of the planet is always located in front of the star.

Other curious details show that the planet reflects almost no starlight, which means that it absorbs all the heat in its interior, thus supporting these high temperatures that give it the title of the planet most warm. Considering that it radiates very little light, it could also be considered as the darkest, as well as the hottest in our Universe.

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