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The suicidal twins: the case of Úrsula and Sabina Eriksson

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In case of Ursula and Sabina Eriksson It is one of those difficult stories to understand. Well, those of us who know the story ask ourselves: “How is it possible that two twin sisters decide to commit suicide at the same time? How are two relatives capable of suffering the same madness together?

The terrible case was recorded by the BBC

But this terrible story not only draws attention to the fact that two sisters wanted to commit suicide together, something rare, but also Her suicide attempt was recorded on a British BBC program. But there is still more, because a few days later, in the middle of a psychotic outbreak, one of the sisters was capable of murdering an innocent man.

If you still do not know the story, and before continuing reading this text, we invite you to view the video that we present below, so that you can see with your own eyes this impressive case. We warn you that the images are harsh, so if you are an extremely sensitive person, we recommend that you do not watch this recording.

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The strange behavior of the two sisters

This incredible story that you have just seen, in which the protagonists are Sabina and Úrsula Eriksson, occurred on the M6 ​​motorway in the United Kingdom and had an audience of 7 million viewers the day it aired on television.

Apparently, the agents arrived in the area warned because there were two women who were behaving very strangely on the outskirts of the road. When the police officers tried to talk to them, they behaved very aggressively. They had in mind to commit suicide, and nobody was going to avoid it.

In an oversight of the agents, Úrsula managed to throw herself under the wheels of a truck that was traveling at 60 miles per hour, and which seemed to swallow her and then expel her lifeless body from her. Right after, Sabina took advantage of a mistake by the agents to carry out her suicide, and she was strongly hit by a car. Both are lying on the ground and seem unconscious.

The sisters survived the suicide attempt

To the surprise of those present and of the spectators, neither Úrsula nor Sabina achieved their goal. Although the first one ended with several fractures, Sabina emerged completely unscathed from this incident. In fact, she tried to push the agents away by shouting: “You want to steal our organs. You are not real." As the minutes go by, Sabina felt better and got up to confront the law enforcement officers, for which she was arrested and handcuffed.

Sabine's murder

But what happened this fateful day was not enough for Sabina, rather, a few hours later, when she was released, she became the author of the tragic death of a man innocent who crossed her path, Glenn Hollinshead.

The murder occurred because two men helped Sabina when she was prowling the streets looking for the hospital where her sister was. Glenn and a friend were walking her dog, and alerted by Sabina's strange behavior, they approached her. Despite everything that had happened, she was nice and asked them for a place to sleep. They offered her shelter, so she accompanied them.

Once at Glenn's house, his strange behavior continued, and as a result of his delusions he stabbed Glenn Hollinshead to death. Sabina was sentenced to five years in jail.

A case of Folie à Deux or shared psychotic disorder

The two twin sisters suffered a shared psychotic disorder or Folie à Deux, which does not happen very often. It is characterized because two or more people share the symptoms of a psychotic disorder, usually delusions.

Both suffered symptoms of a paranoid disorder, as they thought that there were people who were against them. For example, in the case of the policemen, when they tried to help the two, they both believed that they wanted to steal their organs.

Another case of twins attempting suicide

In 2010, two 29-year-old Australian sisters who were conducting target practice in Denver, Colorado, United States, agreed to commit suicide together. To do this, they decided to shoot themselves in the head at the same time. After the shot, one of the two survived, but the other lost her life.

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