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What type of disorder is body dysmorphia?

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The mirror seems to show in detail what a person looks like. However, reflection on the selfconcept physicality goes beyond what the reflection shows at each moment. That is to say, a human being can observe himself from a positive perspective or, on the contrary, put the accent on traits that he perceives as defects, deficiencies or imperfections.

The suffering caused by a negative perception of body image is not superficial. In fact, it comes to condition the quality of life when the subject feels a high degree of insecurity in their personal and professional relationships. Body dysmorphia is, ultimately, a type of mental disorder.

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Characteristics of body dysmorphia disorder

Where this alteration occurs, the individual has a distorted image of his own body. He does not objectively observe the beauty of those features and qualities that are part of his body image. On the contrary, he pays too much attention to details that become huge defects according to his criteria. Those characteristics take on enormous prominence when she visualizes herself.

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This fact makes irrational beliefs about physical appearance become a reason for worry, insecurity and restlessness. That is, this disorder has a direct impact on personal self-esteem and the relationships established with others. For example, the patient with body dysmorphia may not fully enjoy her social life. In some cases, you may avoid those plans that make you feel stressrestlessness or restlessness. In short, the risk of feeling a higher level of loneliness increases.

It is common for the person to experience great discomfort when looking in the mirror. It is difficult for her to hold her gaze for a long time. And neither does he enjoy looking at those family portraits in which he is present. The value of personal image and physical appearance seems to have great importance in today's society, which is so visual.

Thus, a person who judges herself negatively tends to compare herself to others, but generally he does it from a position of inferiority. That is to say, she is not objective in her evaluations, since she magnifies and exaggerates her possible defects (it should be remembered that she does not do it consciously and intentionally). In addition, she believes that others also notice those details that she would like to change about herself.

On the contrary, he idealizes the beauty that he perceives in others as if it were the expression of the highest perfection. Currently, interpersonal comparisons can go beyond the closest and most immediate environment. That is, the person can perceive perfectly cared for photographs on social networks. Images that sometimes show a perspective of beauty that is unattainable in reality. And yet, that content leaves an emotional mark on whoever feels vulnerable when she sees it from an idealized perspective. That is to say, the person can also compare himself with people whom he does not know in person.

Attention to body image becomes a recurring concern for those who suffer from this disorder. The person maintains an internal dialogue that presents various repetitive ideas with a markedly negative tone. That is, she has internalized the belief that she is not beautiful, pretty or attractive enough. And even if other friends and relatives tell her otherwise, she does not feel as true the praise she receives when, for example, she wears a new image or debuts a style that favors her. Body dysmorphia significantly impacts one's self-esteem and self-confidence. The person believes that the image that they perceive of themselves is identical to the one that others see when they accompany them. But others are looking at him from a totally different angle.

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Psychological help is key for the patient with body dysmorphia

Each body is unique and has an attractiveness that should not be conditioned by demanding beauty canons that give rise to a reductionist image of physical appearance. However, the negative vision of bodily defects becomes an important source of suffering on a day-to-day basis. So much so that the affected person reviews her image constantly. For example, you may change your clothes numerous times before choosing a final outfit.

Those flaws seem to become the main cause of unhappiness. But the reason for dissatisfaction is not in the body, but in the perception of a distorted image. For this reason, it is important to receive psychological help, nurture self-esteem and deepen internalized beliefs about physical beauty.

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