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10 Popular Myths About Cancer (And Why They're False)

Cancer is a disease which is much talked about today. Every year around 220,000 new cases are diagnosed in Spain alone, according to data from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). Despite being a well-known phenomenon, Not everything that is said about cancer is true..

The problem is that much of the information that exists regarding this disease is inaccurate. On the internet it is possible to find many websites that talk about the subject and that offer information that is not entirely true. In this article, we're going to debunk 10 cancer myths and explain why they're not.

myths about cancer

Our body is made of trillions of cells, which come together to form tissues and organs. Cancer occurs when these cells, which perform a series of vital functions for our body, break down. become abnormal, that is, they multiply uncontrollably invading organs and tissues adjacent.

Undoubtedly, cancer has a negative impact on the health of the person who suffers from it and, in some cases, can cause death. Since it is a problem that worries many people, there is a lot of information that is not true about this condition.

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Below you can find a list of ten myths about cancer that we are going to disprove.

1. It is totally safe to sunbathe before 10:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m.

It is common to hear that it is safe to sunbathe between ten in the morning and four in the afternoon. Therefore, many people, at that time, do not take extreme precautions. The reality is that there are two types of ultraviolet rays that penetrate the atmosphere: UVB and UVA. The former are highest between ten in the morning and four in the afternoon, however, the UVA are present throughout the day. Therefore, and especially on summer days, it is necessary to protect yourself well, because the sun can cause many skin problems, from spots to cancer.

2. Mammograms cause cancer

Mammography helps save lives, and although there is a myth that it can cause cancer, this statement is not true. Mammograms don't usually take very long, around 20 minutes. It does not cause great discomfort, except for the irrational concern that some people may have.

Mammograms are a safe procedure, in which radiation exposure is minute. Although it is not 100% certain in its results, one should not worry about this exposure.

3. Cancer is not contagious

Obviously, cancer is not a contagious disease, unlike other diseases such as HIV. However, some viruses can cause cancer and can be contagious.. One of the best known is the human papillomavirus (HPV).

There are two types of HPV: low-risk, which does not cause cancer but does cause warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis; and high-risk ones, which can cause cancer. HPVs are very common sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Cancer is a modern disease

Cancer is often referred to as a modern disease, but cancer has always existed.. Recently, a team of researchers from the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) and the South African Center of Excellence in Paleosciences discovered the oldest evidence of cancer in humans. They were from 1.7 million years ago.

While it is true that the western man's lifestyle (diet, pollution, etc.) can have a great impact on our health, cancer is not something new.

5. Men don't get breast cancer

Surely many think that breast cancer is exclusive to women. Although the number of men who suffer from this disease is less than that of women, men can also suffer. A 25-year study revealed that breast cancer in men is on the rise.

6. Dark-skinned people do not get skin cancer.

Caucasians are more likely to develop skin cancer, however, people with dark skin can also get it. In fact, the belief that the latter hardly suffer from this type of cancer means that it is often not diagnosed on time. In other words, this belief can generate dangerous delays in diagnosis, which can be fatal for the patient.

7. On cloudy days we are protected from skin cancer

Radiation can also affect people even on days with little sunlight. Therefore, when doing outdoor activities it is necessary to protect yourself, even on cloudy days. This is especially important at an early age, since according to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), "between 50 and 80% of damage from sun exposure has its origin in childhood and adolescence".

8. superfoods against cancer

There is a growing tendency to associate food with a series of healthy benefits to increase sales, including those that prevent cancer. This, which can be very useful as a marketing technique, is not true. Cancer is too complex to reduce to drinking green tea or eating broccoli. Global health and positive habits, such as not smoking or playing sports, can have a positive effect against cancer, but isolated actions are useless.

9. Chemotherapy is worse than cancer

There is a lot of debate and controversy about the effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients, and the truth is that it is not a pleasant treatment. But this way of proceeding, despite being very aggressive, becomes necessary to treat many cases of this disease. Although the treatment does not always work, it has saved many lives.

10. Mobile phones cause cancer

Much is said today that mobile phones cause cancer. However, There is no scientific evidence that this is the case, says Jack Jacoub, an oncologist at the Fountain Valley Medical Center (United States)..

An article published in the American newspaper “The New York Times” explains that many studies have been carried out on on this issue, such as the Million Women Study and another Danish study with more than 350,000 telephone users mobile. The conclusions are clear: there is no scientific evidence of the relationship between mobile phones and cancer. In fact, despite the increased use of smartphones, the incidence of brain cancer in the United States has remained the same since 1992.

Although the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) include radiation from telephones cells as a carcinogenic factor, this organism qualifies it at the same level as coffee or vegetables in preserves.

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