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Colon cancer: 8 warning symptoms

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases. In Spain, in 2015, 220,000 new cases of this condition were diagnosed, according to data from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). The future does not seem to be promising in this regard, as the United Nations (UN) estimates that in 2020 there will be 246,713 new cases of cancer in Spain, of which: 97,715 will be women and 148,998 in men.

In this article we will talk about one of the most frequent types of cancer: colon cancer.

What is cancer

Cells are essential components for our body. Our body is made of millions upon trillions of these cells that have different functions. These units are grouped to form the tissues and organs of our body. In this way, they cover our vital needs, helping, among other things, in nutrition, breathing or body structure.

When cells multiply uncontrollably and invade adjacent organs or tissues cancer occurs, that is, normal cells become cancerous

Types of cancer

Although the terms cancer and tumor are often confused

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as if they were referring to the same thing, in reality it is not like that: cancer is a more serious tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant.

In the first case, the cells multiply uncontrollably but without spreading to other parts of the body. This type of tumor represents less risk to the life of the person who suffers it, although, on some occasions, it can become a more serious tumor. The malignant tumor or cancer occurs when uncontrolled cells spread to other areas of the body, what is called metastasis.

  • Related article: "Types of cancer: definition, risks and how they are classified"

What is colon cancer

Colon cancer (or colorectal cancer) is a malignant tumor that occurs because a colonic mucosa contained in an existing polyp evolves for different reasons until it turned into cancer. According to the organization against cancer AECC, the cases of this type of tumor are between 28,500 and 33,800 each year in this country. Of these, 20,000 new cases are men and 14,000 are women.

The same institution explains that in Spain survival at 5 years of suffering from this disease is currently above the average for European countries, with 64%.

The importance of early diagnosis

An early diagnosis is essential if we want to reach an appropriate cure for this disease., but there are several risk factors that can lead to colon cancer. Risk factors include:

  • Being overweight: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of colon cancer in both men and women.
  • Physical inactivity: Having an active life decreases the risk of suffering from this condition. Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy heart and body.
  • Diet: Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have been linked to a lower risk of this type of cancer. Reducing the consumption of red meat and processed foods can also reduce the risk of its appearance.
  • Alcohol: Several studies have found an increased risk of colon cancer when a person consumes alcohol on a regular basis, especially in the case of men.
  • Personal history: Personal or family history of cancer is a risk factor for colon cancer, so it is advisable to take preventive measures such as the above.

Warning symptoms of colon cancer

But. What symptoms can indicate that a person has colon cancer? In the following lines you will find the answer to this question.

1. Blood in the stool

One of the most common symptoms of colon cancer is bleeding in the stool. The blood may appear reddish or darker in color. While the former may be due to the tumor being in the descending colon, the darker color is usually due to the fact that the area affected by the cancer is the ascending colon.

2. Diagnosis of anemia

According to Dr. Randall Holcombe, chief of the cancer unit at Mount Sinai Health Center in New York, "a diagnosis of anemia may be the first sign that a person is bleeding internally, even without being able to see any symptoms of bleeding”.

In the case of women, anemia is less likely to follow up with a check-up and additional tests due to menstruation, however, in the case of men, anemia can be a dead giveaway that you are missing from somewhere." In reality, internal bleeding often goes undetected until blood appears in the stool.

3. excessive tiredness

A side effect of slow internal bleeding and anemia is lack of air. This may be caused by cancer cells using the body's energy supply or by affecting the way the body makes energy from food.

4, Feeling of being swollen

As Dr. Randall Holcombe, chief of the medical department at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City, explains, when the colon is affected, the person feel bloated and may even feel cramping.

Obviously there are many factors that can cause these symptoms, however, if the symptoms persist, the expert recommends going to a doctor as soon as possible.

5. pain in the abdomen

In addition, Holcombe explains that: colon cancer causes constant pain in the right side of the abdomen. This usually occurs in later stages of the disease. especially if the liver is also affected.

6. Variation in stools

The person with colon cancer may have had a normal bowel rhythm, but there has been a change in their bowel movements. For example, diarrhea or constipation appears. It can also happen that periods of constipation are combined with periods of diarrhea.

7. narrower stools

Perhaps when going to the bathroom there is no bleeding in the stool, but that the droppings have a different shape than the original and are thinner it is a sign of concern. As Dr. Holcombe recounts, “this could indicate a restriction in the colon caused by the polyps.”

8. Appearance and jaundice

Jaundice is common in liver metastases, and refers to the yellowing of the skin and the white parts of the eyes. Jaundice is common in colon cancer.

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