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Bipolar disorder in women: common causes and symptoms

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that is part of the group of mood disorders.

In this article we will focus on the symptoms in women typical of bipolar disorder, how to recognize them, and the types of clinical expressions whose effects appear in both men and women.

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Symptoms of bipolar disorder in women

In general terms, bipolar disorder is a disorder characterized by extreme swings in mood. In its classic variant, stages of depression and mania appear, that is, phases characterized by sadness and the lack of ability to feel pleasure or motivation in the first case, and phases based on frenzy, excitement and grandiose thoughts by which the person believes they are capable of doing anything stuff.

On the other hand, the symptoms of bipolar disorder in women that are more characteristic in them are the following, although the Differences between the sexes are usually quantitative and not qualitative, and in the end we will see the symptoms of this disorder that occur both in them as in them

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1. Depressive phase predominates

There does not have to be symmetry in terms of the duration and intensity of the manic and depressive phases. For this reason, while in the male version the manic stage is relatively notable, in women the expressions of depression are somewhat more typical and frequent.

2. Pregnancy intensifies the effects

Although this does not have to be the case in all cases, it is very frequent that the hormonal changes linked to pregnancy make the symptoms intensify of bipolar disorder in women.

3. Menstruation intensifies the effects

In a similar way to what happens with pregnancy, menstruation generates a domino effect due to the imbalance in hormonal regulation, which translates into more intense manic stages and depressive stages in which there is even less energy, a more marked apathy, etc.

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4. Increased risk of suicide

In general, women are more likely than men to attempt suicide, and thus bipolar disorder in women can be especially dangerous in that sense. Normally these attempts are not based on trying to break or cut body parts, but more to do with poisoning and suffocation.

5. Increased chance of weight gain

Women in general have a slower metabolism than men, and therefore are more likely to accumulate body fat in a relatively short time. Due to the characteristics of the depressive stage of bipolar disorder, this sedentary lifestyle can lead women to gain weight until they reach an unhealthy situation.

6. Increased risk of eating behavior disorders

Perhaps due to the social pressure that exists regarding the need for women to have good aspect, the hormonal and emotional imbalances typical of this disorder have a greater chance of giving rise to to others psychological disorders related to eating behaviorsuch as anorexia or bulimia.

The types of bipolar disorder

Regarding the symptoms of bipolar disorder that occur in both men and women, these depend on the variant of bipolar disorder that we are facing. Let's see a summary.

Type I

In this variant, the manic phase is relatively intense and long-lasting, although the depressive phase also occurs. Both can last several days, and alternate between them quickly.

Mania is characterized by generating a feeling of euphoria, the desire to do many things, and the ability to endanger oneself and others. On the other hand, psychotic-type symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, can also appear.

Type II

In this variant, what prevails is the depressive stage, characterized by apathy (lack of motivation and desire to do anything, even the basic daily tasks to live well), sadness and feelings of hopelessness, and the inability to experience pleasure (anhedonia).


Cyclothymia is a kind of less intense bipolar disorder, in which the life of the person with it is in much less risk because the symptoms are not as extreme. It usually occurs in two phases, one hypomanic and one with mild depressive symptoms..

Unspecified bipolar disorder

This category encompasses all cases in which the symptoms do not fit with the rest of the types of bipolar disorder, so there is a mixture of clinical manifestations that do not normally arise together.


The causes of this alteration are largely unknown, although it is hypothesized that it is due to a failure in the ability to regulate hormonal levels. Besides, this is partly due to genetic predispositions, since it appears more frequently in those who have relatives who present it.

Bibliographic references:

  • Cipriani, G., Danti, S., Carlesi, C., Cammisuli, D.M., Di Fiorino, M. (2017). Bipolar Disorder and Cognitive Dysfunction: A Complex Link. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (Review). 205 (10): 743–756.
  • Newman, C. F., Leahy, R. L., Beck, A. T. and Reilly-Harrington, N. (2005). Bipolar disorder: An approach from cognitive therapy. Barcelona: Editions Paidós Ibérica.

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