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The 10 most unfaithful countries in the world

My friend Juan, quite an attractive guy, he approached a girl who kept looking at him in a bar where we were having tapas, and asked her if she had a boyfriend. She, looking straight into her eyes, said: "Yes, but I'm not a fan of that."

Contrary to what some may think, millions of people in the world are and have been unfaithful. Traditionally it has been seen infidelity as an anti-human behavior, something that only bad people commit, those without a heart. In general, adultery is considered the exception. But is it really so?

According to a survey on the web "The Richest", there are more infidelities than many individuals imagine. In addition, the website revealed the 10 most unfaithful countries in the world.

Infidelity is considered the greatest betrayal between the members of the couple

We all have an idea in our head of what infidelity is because it is a very common topic, especially nowadays. In fact, infidelity is considered one of the biggest betrayals between the members of the couple, and there are few couples who, once committed adultery, manage to overcome it.

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Infidelity is prohibited and, although it is increasingly accepted, most individuals say that they would not be unfaithful because they know that they would not like to suffer it themselves. Even so, on many occasions, they can become so. When committing the act of infidelity, they usually justify themselves by telling themselves that the other member of the couple is to blame (what is known as cognitive dissonance). This happens because bearing the weight of having been unfaithful (thinking that infidelity is from bad people) can cause a lot of suffering.

Infidelity is perceived differently by men and women

But are there differences when it comes to perceiving infidelity between men and women? Well, it seems that yes. At least that is the conclusion of an investigation carried out by the University of Kansas in which 475 subjects participated. In the survey, men only considered that there is infidelity when there is a sexual act. Instead, women only consider it infidelity when there is an emotional desire.

Besides, 90 percent of women considered a kiss an act of adultery. In contrast, only 75 percent of men considered a kiss as cheating. With respect to "sexting” with other people outside of the relationship, that is, sending each other hot messages on the phone, only 51 percent of those men considered it infidelity, while 68 percent of women stated that this act was part of the infidelity.

The workplace is the preferred place to commit infidelity

As for the preferred place to commit infidelity, the contact manager Ashley Madison, which collected data from 170,000 US users, claims that 68 percent of infidelities take place in the workplace. In addition, another investigation, this time from Harvard University, concluded that Wednesday afternoons are the time of the week when more sexual adventures with lovers take place.

The 10 most unfaithful countries

The Web The Richest has carried out a study to find out which countries are the most unfaithful. For this they have used data from Durex surveys and from different pages to link. Below you can see the list of the 10 most unfaithful countries in the world:

10. Finland: 36%

At number 10 is Finland. In this politically correct country, infidelities are not so frowned upon and are considered "parallel relationships". One Page Poll found that one in five men had had relationships with at least 10 women, seven times more than females.

9. United Kingdom: 36%

British gentlemen are not traditionally known as cheaters. But that may have changed. In fact, the Ashley Madison website, which helps cheaters find their extramarital friends or friends, at least 1 million Brits are interested in cuckolding their partners.

8. Spain: 39%

This Mediterranean country is associated with passionate romances, which is why It is strange that Spain is not higher on the list. But it is possible that the traditional mentality is the reason why infidelity is still a taboo subject in the country of tapas and flamenco.

7. Belgium: 40%

According to the magazine New Europe, the Belgian page "Gleeden", of extramarital encounters, already has 1.1 million subscribers. Hence director Chantal Bauwens explains that cheating is no longer taboo in this country.

6. Norway: 41%

According to the page of extramarital encounters "Victoria Milan", the citizens of this Scandinavian country tend to use their website less in the winter months. On the other hand, when spring arrives and the temperature rises, so does the promiscuity of the Norwegians.

5. France: 43%

Citizens of the French Republic are known for being open-minded when it comes to romance. Even though Paris is the city of love, It does not seem that infidelity is frowned upon, since only 28 percent of its citizens regret having committed infidelity.

4. Germany: 45%

It might seem strange that the Germans are more unfaithful than the French, but it seems that the Teutons are beaten, although by a narrow margin. The inclusion of Central Europeans in the top 4 may come as a surprise considering the stereotype that Germans are strict and highly rational people.

3. Italy: 45%

Italians have a reputation for womanizing. In fact, giacomo casanova He is the quintessential seducer and was famous for sleeping with hundreds of women... and yes, he was Italian. Will infidelity be in the genes of Italian citizens? Possibly not but Italian culture has placed this country in third place on the list. It should not be forgotten that Silvio Berlusconi is also Italian... and no one has forgotten the impressive parties that were marked in their private chalets. Rascal parties and where there was no shortage of alcohol or company women.

2. Denmark: 46%

Another Scandinavian country in the top 10 most unfaithful countries in the world. The data shows that a third of Copenhageners have cuckolded their partners.

1. Thailand: 56%

Anyone who has been in thailand can attest to the lack of sexual control that exists in that Asian country. In fact, 56% of its citizens claim to have been unfaithful. Apart from its beaches, its food and its parties, Thailand is also famous for its prostitutes and Kamagra.

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