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The 90 best phrases (and reflections) of Ed Sheeran

Edward Christopher Sheeran, better known in the musical and world sphere as Ed Sheeran is one of the most relevant male pop singers of the moment., thanks to his songs that show us different facets of love, from charm to passion. At 16 he decided to take the risk of pursuing his dream and, after releasing an EP independently, Elton John became interested in the young man's talent and helped him get a contract under the Asylum label. records.

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Ed Sheeran quotes and reflections

For his hard work, he has been awarded several Grammys, however, he has not only left us interesting phrases in his songs, but quotes that lead us to reflect on life itself, as we will see continuation.

1. Be nice to everyone, always smile, and appreciate the little things because everything can fade away tomorrow...

Smile and enjoy the little things that life has, because we don't know when the end will come.

2. Everything will work out at the end of the road. And if it doesn't work out, then it's not the end.

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Everything has its time and hour.

3. The pain is only relevant if it still remains.

Everything passes including pain.

4. Be yourself. It is the best advice I can give.

Don't be a copy of anyone, because you are unique.

5. I want to have a career that evolves with me.

Don't stay in something that doesn't make you grow.

6. Before I save anyone else I have to save myself.

Before helping others, do it yourself.

7. Your hand fits me like it was made just for me.

The person who is destined for you will arrive at the right time.

8. Success is the best revenge for anything.

If you want to get back at someone, be successful at what you do.

9. If you love what you cannot have, then you must love what you do have.

Focus only on what you really have.

10. I can't tell you the key to success, but I can tell you that the key to failure is to please everyone.

If you want to be successful, just do what really makes you happy.

11. The best thing about being on the road is being able to play in front of people who are real fans of your songs.

The people who really love and admire you are the ones who have to give the best of us.

12. You have to make sure that someone is going to be there when you need them, not just in good times.

It is in difficult times that true friends are known.

13. Have you ever wondered if the stars shine for you?

The stars shine to those who need their light.

14. Kiss me like you want to be loved.

A kiss can convey the deepest love.

15. It's okay to cry, even my dad does it sometimes; so don't wipe your eyes, tears can remind you that you are alive.

Tears are not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it reflects how wonderful we are inside.

16. Be original, don't be afraid to be bold!

Don't be afraid to be who you are.

17. Teasing may seem weird when you're young, but it makes you stand out when you're older, and that's important.

Don't allow mockery to hurt you, but to make you strong.

18. Nobody is perfect. You make mistakes all the time. The key is to learn from them and not make the same mistakes again.

Mistakes are not the end, but are lessons that make you look differently.

19. I will not become a product of my genre, my mind will always be stronger than my songs.

Fame is not everything in life.

20. I'm going to collect the pieces and build a Lego house. If things go wrong we can tear it down.

You have the responsibility to push away everything that doesn't make you happy.

21. I'm happy on my own, so I'll stay here. Save your loving arms for a rainy day.

We always have to be where we are happy.

22. The world may be full of hate, but keep erasing it now, somehow.

Don't let hate contaminate your life.

23. It is good not to be good.

Nothing is perfect in life.

24. I never want to be perfect, because I'm a singer you never want to see shirtless.

Perfection does not exist.

25. If you are broken, I will mend you and keep you protected from the coming storm.

When you feel like you can't anymore, lean on that person who knows how to value you.

26. The tongue has no bones, but it can break a heart.

Watch your words as they can hurt.

27. Tears remind you that you are alive.

Crying is part of life.

28. Try to find someone with a sense of humor. That's kind of important because when you get into an argument, one of the best ways to diffuse it is to be funny.

A sense of humor is essential in any relationship.

29. No one else is going to do it for you, if you want it bad enough then go out and do it yourself.

Only you are the one who can help you get ahead.

30. I believe that to be successful at anything you have to work really hard.

Hard work is what leads to success.

31. Be yourself. Accept your quirks.

Never change, be yourself.

32. The main thing to remember on this journey is to be kind to everyone and always smile.

Never stop being kind and always smile.

33. Music is a powerful tool to galvanize people around an issue.

Music is capable of changing everything.

34. As for songwriting, my inspiration came from love, life and death, and seeing other people's situations.

Inspirations come from anything.

35. All my songs have colors.

The songs have their tonalities.

36. A heart that is broken is a heart that has been loved.

Love can be treacherous and hurtful.

37. Just remember that there is more to life than fitting into your jeans. It is love and understanding, positivity.

There are things in life that are really important.

38. But once you've made a song and you post it, it doesn't belong to you anymore. The public owns it. It's his song.

The songs are part of those who listen to them.

39. Never stop pursuing what you believe in, even though there are those who tell you that you will never achieve it.

Follow your dreams, don't get carried away by other people's opinions.

40. Personally, I think redheads don't have a reputation for being attractive. We have to make ourselves attractive by doing things.

Physical attraction is relative.

41. I don't know when I lost my mind, maybe it was when I made you mine.

Love makes us do crazy things.

42. But if I kiss you, would your mouth read this truth? Darling, how I miss you, strawberries taste like your lips.

The kiss of the loved person is always desired.

43. I'd like to say I'm a rock star, but I'm not… I'm more of a relationship guy.

Sometimes we are different than how others think we are.

44. I feel safe when you have me close. I love the way you conquer your fear. You know hearts don't break around here.

Don't let your fears control you.

45. Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes, but it's all I know when it gets hard.

Many times love hurts.

46. And I know these scars will bleed, but our hearts believe that all these stars will guide us home.

Wounds hurt, but they always heal.

47. I would say you can never do enough shows and you can never do enough songs.

When we do what we like, nothing is enough.

48. If I can put my album in a car or on my headphones and hear everything and love it, that's what I'm going to be happy to post.

When we do something we really like, success is guaranteed.

49. Country music is some of the best written music in the world, so yeah, one day I would keep my mind open to making a country record.

It is good to do things that are not in our comfort zone.

50. I'm a big fan of hip-hop for a long time.

We all have something that pleases us a lot.

51. I think I need to accept the fact that I am where I am today because the fans have shared my music illegally and legally but I wouldn't be here today without the internet so I can't speak against that.

The internet is a tool that has benefited the entire human race.

52. I've had years of being teased about my red hair, but I definitely think it toughened me up. If you're a redhead, you end up being pretty witty.

Accept yourself as you are, don't listen to other people's opinions.

53. Make sure that every chance you get, play a show and every chance you get, write a song.

Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way.

54. Come and start a conversation just with me and believe me I will give it a try now.

Try to have a moment alone with yourself, you will not regret it.

55. You start with a small spark, and that is whether or not you feed that spark. You have to expand it and work on it.

Start with small things and move on to something more difficult.

56. What I took with me as an early fan of Bob Dylan were the narrative aspects. He can tell some wicked stories.

Lean on the experiences of others to achieve your success.

57. Appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow.

Live each day, because you will not know if there will be others.

58. Loving can heal, loving can repair your soul and that's all I know.

Love conquers all.

59. I am quite artistic. I didn't know whether to become an artist or a musician, but I realized that I could paint with music.

When we do what we love, everything flows masterfully.

60. There's no better way to get his point across than to put him in a beautiful song.

Everything is transmitted through music.

61. Growing up, I was inspired by The Beatles and Bob Dylan. Damian Rice was a huge influence on me musically.

We all have a role model.

62. Grandma Sheeran told me that when I'm looking for a partner I fall in love with her eyes because eyes are the only thing that don't age, so if you fall in love with her eyes you'll be in love forever.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul and the light of the body.

63. Pick your battles. I chose music, put a lot of effort and it worked.

Never give up, keep going.

64. People fall in love in mysterious ways. Maybe it's all part of a plan...

Love is spontaneous, although there are people who do it following a plan.

65. You don't want to hide from a point, because some points are serious, but you'd rather have a discussion that is a discussion, rather than a discussion.

Arguing without hurting is wise.

66. The club is not the best place to find a lover, so I go to the bar.

There are places where it seems impossible to find love.

67. I saw a shooting star and thought of you.

There are times when thinking about your loved one is the only thing that comes to mind.

68. Women who like Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are the coolest people in the world.

A very unique phrase to describe how great these characters are.

69. If you love what you can't have, then you must love what you have.

Don't focus on what you don't have and focus on what you do have.

70. You know we're made of love and hate, but they both balance on a razor blade.

Between love and hate there is a fragile line that separates it.

71. I chased the perfect life, I think they painted it wrong.

Life is not perfect, it only depends on the glass with which we look at it.

72. When the world is against me is when I really come alive.

Adversities make us stronger.

73. Never believe all the lies you are told, read the stories Wikipedia has.

Before you believe in something, find out its authenticity.

74. You want to make sure that someone is there for you when you really need them, and not just for the good times.

Look for that person who accompanies you in bad times since they will surely be there when happiness knocks on your door.

75. Someone told me, 'Always speak your mind' and I'm just being honest with you, I get lonely and I make mistakes from time to time.

Being honest is what makes the difference.

76. Negativity is not the way to go. Smile more, eat some chocolate.

Stay away from negative thoughts and people.

77. The worst things in life come for free.

When it comes easy to you, be careful, it may not be something lasting.

78. This is the beginning of something precious, it is the beginning of something new.

New beginnings are important.

79. The world looks better through your eyes.

The way you see the world will depend on your essence.

80. Do what you like, work as hard as you can, and make people happy.

Don't be influenced by others. Do what you really like.

81. The more songs you write the better you will do. The more concerts you do, the better you will perform.

Continuous work makes a difference.

82. I like my hair. It took me a while to get the hang of the fact that it was quite a unique item.

Accept each part of the body, because you are special.

83. I agree that you disagree.

There are times when agreeing with others is impossible.

84. If I ever have dancers in my performances, I want them to be the 'Madagascar' penguins.

It is a phrase that enhances the originality of these beautiful characters.

85. What didn't kill me... didn't make me stronger either...

There are things that don't make us strong, they just pass us by.

86. It was my love for the guitar that first brought me to music and singing.

The love we put into what we do is what leads us to achieve our dreams.

87. I can't tell you the key to success, but I can tell you that the key to failure is to please everyone.

Believe in your work.

88. There are seven billion people on this planet and there is no one like you.

We are all unique and special.

89. Be a brave heart, not a follower.

Be brave and face everything.

90. If someone tells you that you should change, tell them they can go to hell.

Don't change just because others tell you to.

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