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The 60 best phrases (and reflections) of Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel is a German-born physicist and politician who has held various positions throughout her political career.She, however, was best known for serving 16 years as Federal Chancellor of Germany. Her work consisted of forming a political coalition that included ideas and opinions from different political parties.

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Phrases and quotes from Angela Merkel

Next we will see a compilation with the best phrases of Angela Merkel, who showed us that we can get ahead for the same cause if we join forces, even with thoughts different.

1. If we have too many contacts now before Christmas and then we find out that it was the last Christmas with the grandparents, we will have lost a lot. We should avoid it.

A wake-up call about staying in quarantine during the pandemic.

2. Politicians have to be committed to the people in equal measure.

The duty of a politician is to dedicate himself to his people in an equitable manner.

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3. Europe can only stick together and stay together, which is very important in times of migration challenges, terrorism challenges, if each country takes responsibility for itself.

Encouraging politicians to work to keep Europe united.

4. I don't share the idea that a person can touch others enough with words to change their opinions, but it's a nice idea anyway.

The biggest challenge for teamwork is that everyone shares the same goal.

5. I have certain dromedary qualities. I can store a lot, but at some point I must rest.

Talking about how you can keep working for a long time, but you always need to have a break.

6. Fukushima changed my attitude towards nuclear power.

One of the reasons why the German government rejects the use of nuclear energy.

7. A good politician always has doubts and, therefore, constantly reviews his answers.

It is okay to doubt, because it allows us to look for different options before making a decision.

8. The euro is our common destiny and Europe is our common future.

Betting on a more lasting union of the continent.

9. It all comes down to the ability to convince others. I constantly have to convince the citizens, my party and the members of my coalition.

A skill that every politician should have in his arsenal.

10. A good compromise is one where everyone makes a contribution.

Not only the leader must work, but everyone must contribute their grain of sand.

11. We feel obliged to the Christian image of humanity, which is what defines us.

As president of the Christian Democratic Union movement, it was her duty to promote Christian values.

12. We must train the necessary number of skilled workers or allow these professionals to work in Germany through an Immigration Agreement for Skilled Workers.

The value of a country increases when there are diverse job opportunities.

13. We will be very persistent when it comes to imposing freedom, justice and self-determination on the European continent.

Freedom must be an irrevocable right.

14. Sometimes I'm seen as a permanent delayer, but I think it's essential and extremely important to bring people in and really listen to them in political conversations.

Every political figure must listen to the needs of the people, from their own mouth.

15. I am deeply convinced that Europe, with its democracy, its human rights, its ideals of freedom and its values, has a lot to give to the people who inhabit it and also to the world.

A continent that offers many development alternatives.

16. Those who believe that protectionism and isolationism are the solution to the world's problems are making a serious mistake.

The best solution to solve problems and get ahead will always be teamwork.

17. Freedom of expression has limits. They start when hate is spread and another person's dignity is violated.

We must be careful what we say and how we say it.

18. Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop at the Pacific islands and the entire international community here has to take responsibility for achieving sustainable development.

All world governments must be working together for the environmental cause.

19. We will have to accept a certain degree of legal immigration; that's globalization...

Controlled immigration can benefit the development of a nation.

20. Yes, now girls in Germany know that they can become hairdressers or chancellors. We'll see.

Being an example for all those young women who aspire to political office.

21. No one in Europe will be abandoned. No one in Europe will be excluded. Europe only succeeds if we work together.

The belief that he professed.

22. We are responsible for each other. I'm trying to convince the skeptics. There is still work to be done.

There will always be a group of detractors that prevent others from moving forward.

23. I may break, but I will never break because it is in my nature as a strong woman.

We can all fall, but that should not make us give up something.

24. Everything that seems set in stone or unchangeable can, in fact, change. In matters big and small, it is true that all change begins in the mind.

Almost everything can change, because we are in constant movement and evolution.

25. Freedom does not mean being free from something, but being free to do something.

Freedom implies being able to do what we want, assuming our responsibilities.

26. From this experience we have learned that at a large party it is important to have the necessary and often controversial discussions on policy issues.

Criticism helps us to see the weaknesses that we go unnoticed.

27. The only thing I disliked about being a scientist was not having the chance to talk to people.

One of the things that led her to make that change of profession.

28. Let's be a little more curious about what happens in other parts of the world, let's look a little less at the navel...

Having an open mind is taking inspiration from other places to improve yourself.

29. I will not do more politics. I will not be as a solver of political conflicts, I have done that for many years.

A single person cannot solve the problems of the whole world, only offer viable solutions.

30. Germany has become a country that many people abroad associate with hope.

A big change for a nation that had a dark stain on its past.

31. I assume my share of the responsibility that corresponds to me as president and chancellor of the party.

Only you can be responsible for your actions.

32. Letting go of the old is part of the new beginning.

Leaving the past behind is a strict requirement to move forward into our future.

33. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Success is waiting for us, if we diligently pursue it.

34. This inclination to hoard is deeply ingrained in me because in the past, in times of scarcity, you took what you could get.

Her simple and difficult life led her to appreciate everything that can be achieved.

35. The women's soccer team is already world champion and I see no reason why men can't achieve the same as women.

Reflecting on the German men's soccer team.

36. Don't forget that freedom is never something that can be taken for granted.

Appreciate the opportunities for expression that you have to carry beneficial messages.

37. Surprise yourself with what is possible.

Never shut yourself off from the new things you can see.

38. Look to the future and look into the unknown. Nothing stays the same and people change. One day that pain and pain will be a distant memory.

The unknown is scary, but staying in the same place becomes a sentence.

39. The only thing the East German system taught us was that we should never do it that way again.

Even bad times have something valuable to leave us, not repeat the same thing.

40. I chose to pursue a career in physics because truth doesn't bend so easily there.

His motivation to study physics.

41. We have defended our values; freedom of the press, democratic freedom, religious freedom and freedom of expression.

Freedom must be in all those aspects of life where we express ourselves.

42. The question is not whether we are capable of change, but whether we are changing fast enough.

Change is the best adaptability we have, it allows us to be in line with the future.

43. Always be more than you appear and never appear to be more than you are.

Be honest with yourself, but never underestimate yourself.

44. It's much, much better to talk to each other than about each other.

We can achieve greater goals if we work as a team, instead of competing aggressively.

45. For me, it is always important to go through all possible options to make a decision.

There is not necessarily only one way out of a problem, you may have several options to consider.

46. Every person who comes is a human being and has the right to be treated as such.

Defending life from the first moment of its creation.

47. The willingness to learn new skills is very high.

Learning always brings great benefits of personal independence.

48. In the age of the smartphone, we cannot lock ourselves... people know very well how we live in Europe.

It is useless to seek to hide information now, where we can find out almost everything with just one click.

49. The European Union is our response to globalisation. Only together can we guarantee security, well-being and peace in Europe.

Betting on teamwork within Europe.

50. I have never underestimated myself, there is nothing wrong with being ambitious.

Remember that ambition should be a motor to drive us to achieve what we want, not a power that consumes us.

51. Climate change represented an existential challenge for humanity.

One of the worst threats we have at the door of our home.

52. As a child I learned to play a little recorder and piano, but with little success.

Not every skill you acquire will pay off, but it will never be a waste of time.

53. We have needed 40 years to overcome East Germany. Sometimes, in history, you have to be prepared for the long haul and not wonder after four months whether it still makes sense to maintain our demands.

One of the hardest moments in German history was his inspiration to look for something better.

54. I always used the free space that the G.D.R allowed me… There was no shadow on my childhood.

Showing herself proud and very sure of the clarity of his past.

55. I have doubted more than once about the existence of God. But I have always believed again.

Recovering again and again, faith in God.

56. If I always got angry right away, I couldn't be federal chancellor for three days.

Every important charge must be executed with patience and a cool mind.

57. That is why everyone in politics, and we do, has to make sure that they are not dependent on any one interest group...

A politician should not have an absolute preference over something.

58. Sometimes I am asked who decides when my husband accompanies me or not. My husband decides.

A couple must complement each other with the individuality of each one.

59. I act to the best of my knowledge and belief.

One of his best traits in his position was putting his values ​​first.

60. Whoever decides to dedicate his life to politics knows that making money is not the priority.

Every politician should be an example of humility and public service.

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