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The 80 best phrases (and reflections) of Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury was an American-born writer of fiction, horror, and science fiction.. His most recognized works are the novel about a dystopian future, 'Fahrenheit 451' and 'Martian Chronicles', which he considered his best work. However, throughout his career he created short stories for various magazines, including Playboy.

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Best Ray Bradbury Quotes

Called 'the master of science fiction', Ray saw himself as a fantasy novelist. Inspired by historical events, such as being related to Mary Bradbury, a woman accused of witchcraft in the Salem witch trials. To learn more about these writers, we bring you a list of Ray Bradbury's best phrases and reflections on his life and his books.

1. I don't talk about things... I speak of the meaning of things. I sit here and I know that I am alive.

Each experience has a specific meaning for us.

2. There must be something in the books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there.

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Books have the power to change our life.

3. We don't need to be left alone. We have to be really bothered from time to time.

Isolation is never good, it makes us lose contact with the world.

4. Acting without knowing leads you directly to the precipice.

Impulsiveness leads you to make mistakes that are difficult to fix.

5. A good end, there is no bad beginning.

Every story needs a good ending.

6. Think. want. And with the desire: Do it!

Desire must be the engine that leads us to the success we seek.

7. You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just make people stop reading them.

Can you imagine a world where books are prohibited?

8. You can't try to do things, you just have to do them.

You will never know if you can handle something if you don't.

9. People ask me to predict the future, when all I want to do is prevent it. Better yet, build it.

The future cannot be predicted, because everyone is responsible for creating their own destiny.

10. If you don't like what you do, don't do it.

There are no reasons to keep you unhappiness.

11. Books are there to remind us how dumb and stupid we are.

We are all ignorant until we start reading.

12. Write a short story each week. It is totally impossible to write 52 bad stories in a row.

Even in writing, the most important thing is to constantly build new stories.

13. Writing is a way of survival. Any art, any job well done is, of course.

Art helps us tell the story of humanity through time.

14. Don't expect to be saved by any thing, person, machine, or library.

The only person who can save us is ourselves.

15. May the world burn through oneself.

Follow your dreams.

16. Perhaps books will take us out of this darkness a little. Maybe they'll keep us from making the same damned mistakes.

It is books that help us expand our knowledge.

17. Do you now realize why books are hated and feared? They show the pores of the face of life.

In the books there is a bit of the personal life of their authors.

18. You have to know how to accept rejection and how to reject acceptance.

A failure is not the end, but not all opportunities are beneficial.

19. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hurt you and you will never learn.

Criticism is always necessary to improve.

20. Too late I understood that it is not possible to wait to be perfect, that you have to go out to life and fall and get up like everyone else.

Everything in life is trial and error, because we don't know everything.

21. Love what you do and do what you love. Don't listen to anyone else telling you not to.

Surround yourself with positive people who support you and help you grow.

22. One must invent oneself every day and not sit back and watch the world go by without one's participation.

Don't let life pass you by, because you will regret all the time you wasted.

23. And what do you learn by writing? you will ask. First and foremost, you remember that you are alive and that this is a privilege, not a right.

Writers use their talent to express themselves.

24. Remember that it is one thing to choose a field of writing and quite another to submit within that field.

Just because you like something does not mean that you should close yourself off from other things, the same happens with writing styles.

25. The more population, the more minorities.

Minorities arise when there is marked inequality.

26. They combined religion, art and science, since in truth science is nothing more than the investigation of an inexplicable miracle, and art, the interpretation of that miracle.

Different forms of art that make up the universe.

27. I don't believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously.

An excellent way of seeing life.

28. Learning to let go must be learned before learning to achieve.

Clinging to something or someone prevents us from moving forward correctly.

29. Life is trying things to see if they work.

Nothing works right the first time, you have to keep practicing, even when you master something.

30. This is the great secret of creativity: treat ideas like cats, you have to make them follow you.

Never try to shut up or ignore your ideas, if you are someone creative.

31. We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.

Be thankful for your life, because in itself, it is a miracle.

32. I like to touch a book, breathe it, feel it, carry it... It's something a computer doesn't offer!

The books have an air of nostalgia that we still love.

33. You must stay drunk from writing so that reality does not destroy you.

We all need a monetary escape route to continue facing life.

34. They say you retain consciousness even when you're sleeping, if someone whispers in your ear.

If we listen, we learn more from other people.

35. Fill your eyes with wonder... live as if you were going to drop dead in ten seconds.

For this we cannot lose the instinct of curiosity.

36. Sci-fi swings you off the cliff. Fantasy pushes you.

Although his best work was science fiction, Bradbury identified himself as a fantasy writer.

37. I always thought that one dies every day, and that the days are like drawers. In each of those days there is a different me. Someone you don't know, or don't understand, or don't want to understand.

We discover ourselves every day, our experiences change how we think as time goes by.

38. You start with the whys and end up being really miserable.

There are answers that we are not prepared to hear or understand.

39. Death is mysterious. Life is even more so.

Many fear death, but fear to understand life.

40. We can only progress and develop if we admit that we are not perfect and live according to this truth.

Perfection is an unreal demand that only exists in our mind.

41. Connect with a scientist and you will be connecting with a child.

Every scientist must keep a bit of childish innocence for his discoveries.

42. Surround yourself with people who love you, and if they don't love you, kick them out.

Stay with those who bring you joy and put aside those who bring you bad times.

43. We are cups that are constantly and silently filled. The trick is knowing how to turn and let the beautiful things out.

We must learn to let go of the past to embrace what awaits us.

44. I hate all politics. I don't like any political party.

Showing his dislike for politics.

45. We spend our entire lives learning to forget things that are actually inside.

We cannot overcome something without first being aware of it.

46. We cannot say the precise moment in which friendship is formed.

Friendship is something that is formed by chance, but lasts for loyalty.

47. Space travel will make us immortal.

Betting on space travel in the future.

48. Jump and you will discover how to spread your wings as you fall.

It is by taking risks that we can discover our strength.

49. I have never heard anyone criticize my love of space travel, sideshows, or gorillas. When this happens, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.

Bradbury proved to be a master of science fiction writing.

50. Love will fly if you let it; love will fly if you tie it.

Love helps us improve, but it can also be extinguished by forcing it.

51. Television, that insidious beast, that jellyfish that turns millions of people to stone every day. nights staring at her, that siren that calls and sings, that promises a lot and that actually gives a lot bit.

A critique of the manipulation that exists on television.

52. What founds all writing is love, is to do what we love and love what we do. And forget about the money.

Money takes a backseat when we do what we love.

53. Everything is generated through your own willpower.

Things are achieved depending on your motivation towards it.

54. See the world. It is more fantastic than any dream.

Traveling helps us connect with all sides of the world.

55. Life must be touched, not strangled. You have to relax, let it happen, the rest moves with it.

You have to learn to ride with the flow.

56. Passion will protect you against all submission, or excessive imitation. There is no bad field for a writer.

A writer writes about what he is most passionate about.

57. It is good to renew our capacity for wonder. Interplanetary travel has brought us back to childhood.

Every child is amazed with the universe.

58. There was always a minority that was afraid of something, and a great majority that was afraid of the dark, afraid of the future, afraid of the present, afraid of themselves and the shadows of themselves.

It is the minorities who risk the most, since they have nothing to lose.

59. If your great love is the world of the future, it seems only fitting that you spend your energy on science fiction.

The writing style is known depending on what the author enjoys writing.

60. Once we have been given life, we have to earn it.

The way you make your living is by doing what you love and not letting others run it.

61. The animal does not discuss life, it lives. He has no other reason to live than life. Love life and enjoy life.

We must learn more about animals.

62. Do what you want, what you love. Imagination should be the center of your life.

Curiosity is what drives us to grow.

63. Madness is relative. It depends on who locks whom in the cage.

Madness is not necessarily a loss, but a misunderstanding.

64. Good writers touch life often. The mediocre touch it quickly. The bad guys rape her and leave her to the flies.

Not all writers deserve the title.

65. The first thing you learn in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you learn in life is that you are the same fool.

Do you think we'll always be the same?

66. The stars are yours, if you have the head, the hands and the heart for them.

You can achieve any goal you set for yourself, if you work for it.

67. When you can't have reality, dreams are enough.

Dreams are necessary to have a future to pursue.

68. There are only two things you can sleep with: a person and a book.

Take to your bed what makes you happy.

69. Do your own saving work, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for the beach.

Make your own mistakes, not the ones others want you to make.

70. I was nine years old when I heard about the three fires in the Alexandria library and I began to cry.

Undoubtedly an eventuality that left a lost legacy for humanity.

71. Without libraries, what do we have? Neither past nor future.

Libraries should be a valuable heritage of any people.

72. The best scientist is open to experience, and it begins with a romance, that is, the idea that anything is possible.

Every scientist must have a spirit of curiosity.

73. I don't need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me up.

Ideas are always necessary to create.

74. Do not think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity, it is being too self-aware, and being too self-aware is negative.

Overthinking also robs us of valuable time that we can use in other ways.

75. If one does what he loves, he is happy.

Happiness is the greatest goal in our future.

76. "For what living?". The answer was life itself. Life was about spreading more life, and living the best life possible.

Life is what you want it to be.

77. Life is a visit built of dreams.

Happiness is in doing what we like to do the most.

78. Don't judge a book by its dust jacket.

To know if a book is good or not, you have to read it.

79. How long has it been since you really got upset? About something important, about something real?

Bothering us is a synonym for something that needs a change.

80. You don't stay for nothing.

At all times we have a reason to stay.

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