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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) about Retirement

Retirement is a period of life that you want to reach, but at the same time it becomes a stage which is avoided for fear of feeling old and without having other opportunities to be useful and productive. However, the reality is that it is a perfect opportunity to give the green light to that project that you wanted so much, learn new things or relax in your free time.

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Best quotes and phrases about retirement

Next we will see a compilation with the best phrases about retirement so that we appreciate everything we leave behind with our work.

1. The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off. (Abe Lemons)

At home there are always things to do.

2. Retirement can be an end, a closure, but it is also a new beginning. (Catherine Pulsifer)

Retirement should not be seen as a defeat, but as a new opportunity that presents itself.

3. Retire from work, but not from life. (M.K.Soni)

Even when you retire from work, you still have your personal and family life.

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4. Before you retire, find your passion, the thing you've always wanted to do.

Always do something you are passionate about that is not part of your job.

5. The more sand that has escaped from our life's clock, the more clearly we should be able to see through its glass. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

With the arrival of retirement, life does not end, only another stage arrives.

6. Do not wait for your retirement to lead the life you have always wanted and if you have already retired, start it now.

With the arrival of retirement, life does not end, only another stage arrives.

7. Don't live just to live, enjoy what you do and learn to share to teach others to live.

When you no longer return to work, do not get depressed as there are many things to live and learn.

8. Remove yourself from work and pressure, not life and fun.

We retire from work, not from life.

9. It is not true that people stop chasing their dreams because they get old, they get old because they stop chasing their dreams. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Old age is not synonymous with losing strength, but with doing quieter things.

10. Age is just a number, a figure. A person cannot withdraw experience from him. He must use it. (Bernard Baruch)

With age you gain experience.

11. When you have to go, you have to go.

Retirement is a stage that comes at some point and should be received with joy and gratitude.

12. Rest is not idleness, and lying sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float in the blue sky is not a waste of time. (John Lubbock)

Every person who has worked part of her life has the right to rest.

13. The key to retirement is enjoying the little things. (Susan Miller)

There are things you didn't know existed because you were working.

14. Retirement is when you stop living to work and start working to live. (A stranger)

It is time that you work to live and not live for work.

15. Don't just walk away from something; have something to retreat to. (Harry Emerson Fosdick)

Have an activity that allows you to continue when retirement knocks on your door.

16. Retirement is a continuous and tireless creative effort. At first I enjoyed the novelty, it was like playing hooky. (Robert DeNiro)

Don't let retirement make you useless.

17. I think that for a painter, for an architect, retirement does not exist. You keep doing things while they come out. He is not going to cut them like this by a decision of his will; he's not going to go blank. (Clorindo Testa)

There are professions where retirement does not exist.

18. Retirement is a new beginning, and that means closing the book on one chapter to begin the next. (Sid Miramontes)

If you are already a retiree, turn the page and start writing others.

19. For some of us, retirement gives us time to follow our dreams. (Shirley Mitchell)

Retirement is just a time to keep dreaming until we achieve what we want.

20. The concept of freedom is never understood until one settles into retirement mode. (TO. major)

Retirement is synonymous with freedom.

21. Retirement is a step towards a better future.

The future is a path that looks closer after retirement.

22. Retirement means doing what I want to do. It means choice. (Dianne Nahirny)

After retirement there is a way to go.

23. When you retire, get up earlier, have more energy, plan more and be more excited than when you worked, because now you have all the time you wanted before to do all the things that deserve the worth living.

There are no more excuses to do what you wanted so much, because your retirement is already a fact.

24. Don't just withdraw from something, have something to withdraw to. (Harry Emerson Fosdick)

Have an alternative for when retirement time arrives.

25. Retirement is the youth to do all the things you didn't do when you were younger. (Anonymous)

Retirement allows you to do everything you couldn't do before because you were working.

26. Retirement: It's okay to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to do well with less cheese. (Gene Perret)

You have to continue investing time in something, even if you are no longer working.

27. The perfect time to fulfill all your dreams is now. (A stranger)

Enjoy this stage to the fullest.

28. I wish time hadn't gone so fast. And sometimes I wish I had enjoyed the road more and worried less. (Neil Gaiman)

There are times when stopping for a moment and looking at what we have done allows us to move forward with more strength.

29. Retirement is like a long vacation. The goal is to enjoy yourself to the fullest, but not so much that you run out of money.

Enjoy your retirement, but remember to invest some of your hard-earned money.

30. Feel good, because right now you will receive the rewards of all the time you dedicated to giving your best at work.

Retirement is the reward for your years of service.

31. You age faster when you think about retirement. (Beta tuff)

Don't focus on retirement, enjoy the road to get there.

32. Don't live just to live, enjoy what you do and learn to share to teach others to live.

Live in such a way that you can be an example to follow.

33. Aging is a precious commodity. Only a few can resist achieving that distinguished distinction and quality. (Debasish Mridha)

Aging is a prize that life gives.

34. The elixir of eternal youth is hidden in the only place where no one thinks of looking, inside us.

Youth is not a matter of age, but of attitude.

35. The wrinkles of the spirit make us older than those of the face. (Michel Eyquem de la Montaigne)

If you feel old inside, so will your outside.

36. Retirement is wonderful. It's doing nothing without having to worry about getting caught up in it. (Gene Perret)

Enjoy your retirement, no one else can do it for you.

37. I want to be like a vagabond, but with more means: I won't do anything, just live and observe. I will not miss the interpretation. (Alfredo Landa)

After retirement there is nothing left but to enjoy life.

38. There is an exciting world of possibilities that very few of us get the chance to explore during our working lives, but retirement is that time! (Stella Rhinegold)

The best thing about working is that we know we have a retirement.

39. Don't act your age when you retire. Act like the inner youth you've always been. (J. TO. west)

Retirement is not the end, it is time to bring out the youth in you and live fully.

40. For a long and comfortable retirement, save more today.

Today's savings will be your insurance for the retirement that awaits you tomorrow.

41. Once upon a time there was a new beginning... Looking forward to seeing you write the rest of your story, mate.

Being retired allows you to have more time to start new challenges.

42. There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working. (Robert Half)

There are people who love what they do so much that retirement is not an option.

43. Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy these years to the fullest but not so much that you run out of money. (Jonathan Clements)

Enjoy your retirement, travel, see new places, but also think about saving.

44. There is no age to start being gallant or to stop being gallant. (Lin Yutang)

Age is not a determining factor.

45. I advise you to continue living just to anger those who pay your annuities. It's the only pleasure I have left. (Voltaire)

Many people are envious of what you do.

46. When you retire, think and act like you're still working, and when you're still working, think and act like you're already retired.

Don't change your essence, despite what you do.

47. When you are old, you will see life differently and gain a better understanding of the path of life: how you lived it and how you should have lived it. (Ernest Agyemang Yeboah)

Old age is a stage where the experience and knowledge acquired are highly appreciated.

48. If you want to live long, live old. (Erik Sateie)

Keep in mind that life must be lived slowly and without haste.

49. Retiring from your primary career is not simply an act of completion, but, more opportunistically and relevantly, an act of beginning and the promise of a meaningful future. (Allan Spector)

Retirement does not mean that your professional career is over, it is a new opportunity to start other plans.

50. Retiring from work does not mean retiring from life! It's the beginning, not the end! (Ravi Samuel)

When the time comes to retire from work, it does not mean the end of the road, but the moment to open up new goals.

51. A prosperous "fresh start" can and should be a time for incredible engagement, growth, connections, contributions, and greater possibilities. (Lee M. Brower)

After job separation, life continues to shine.

52. Forget birthdays and start fulfilling dreams. (F. Xavier Gonzalez)

Focus on fulfilling only your dreams.

53. Often when you are at the end of something you are at the beginning of something else. (Fred Rogers)

Nothing is the end, it is only a beginning.

54. I found out that retirement means playing golf, or I don't know what the hell it means. But to me, retiring means doing what you have fun doing. (Dick Van Dyke)

Retirement is synonymous with fun.

55. There is a new kind of life ahead, full of experiences waiting to happen. Some call it "retirement." I call it "happiness." (Betty Sullivan)

Retirement is a period of total happiness.

56. The best thing about retirement is not having to wear pants. (Mark Hewer)

When you stay home because you're not going to work anymore, it allows you to do things you didn't do before.

57. My formula for a treasured retirement is simple: plan, design, enjoy. (Julia Valentine)

It is important to have a plan to put into action during retirement.

58. In 20 years you will regret more what you did not do than what you did, so cast off and leave the safe harbor. (Mark Twain)

Live other experiences and do not allow fear to take over you.

59. Youth is but the painted shell within which, continually growing, that thing lives. Wonderful that is the spirit of a man waiting for the moment of his appearance, sooner in some than in others. others. (Lew Wallace)

Youth is a state that lasts forever.

60. It's time to do what you always dreamed of.

Retirement is a period where you can do whatever you want.

61. The important part of getting older was the part of growing up. To resist change meant to stay put forever, which was a sad way to live. (Barbara Delinsky)

Growing old is a blessing, but it is also a period of many changes.

62. Old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon)

Old age has its charms.

63. The concept of freedom is never understood until one settles into retirement mode. (Anonymous)

Freedom is not as longed for as when retirement arrives.

64. The path to the mountain of action is no longer a path for me; my future hope stops with my present happiness in the gloomy valley of repose. (Wilkie Collins)

There comes a time when being completely calm is a relief.

65. Attention, the legend has retired.

It is time to give way to youth, experience is withdrawn.

66. To start a new stage it is necessary to close another; that saying goodbye does not fill you with fear, but with illusion and joy.

Saying goodbye to a job that has given you a lot is difficult.

67. Retirement is not a life without purpose; It is the continuing purpose that provides meaning without meaning. (Robert Rivers)

Retirement is a stage of continuous movement.

68. Retire from your job but never from significant projects. (Stephen R. Covey)

Even when you are retired, there will always be an opportunity for you.

69. I don't see it as impossible that in the middle of your life you can spend a few years studying other universes and then postpone your retirement date. (Eduard Punset Casals)

Even though retirement is near, don't stop looking for other knowledge.

70. We cannot live the evening of life with the same morning program. (Carl Jung)

Live each stage of life with courage and pleasure.

71. A man is never too old to start his life over and we must not look for what he was to prevent him from being what he is or what he will be. (Miguel de Unamuno)

It is never too late to start over.

72. Retirement is only for those who have spent their lives hating what they did; So it's not goodbye, it's see you soon!

Work retirement should only be for those who no longer want to work.

73. Every day the growing weight of the years warns me more and more that the shadow of retirement is as necessary for me as it is welcome. (George Washington)

For many, retirement is a gift.

74. Retirement is a second youth.

You may have another shot at being young when retirement comes.

75. Utopia is on the horizon. I walk two steps, she walks two steps away, and the horizon runs ten steps further. So, for what does the utophy works? For that, it is used to walk. (Eduardo Galeano)

Imagination is used to do things that are actually impossible to do.

76. Someday you'll be old enough to start reading fairy tales again... that moment is now.

Being a retiree allows you to spend more time with your grandchildren.

77. People don't stop playing because they grow up, they stop growing when they stop playing.

Never stop having fun and playing.

78. Retirement kills more people than hard work ever did. (Malcolm Forbes)

For many people retirement is a downer.

79. I am really enjoying my retirement. I can sleep every day. I do crossword puzzles and eat cake. (Derek Landy)

You have to live each day as if it were your last.

80. Retirement is a work in progress.

Retirement is inevitable.

81. When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband, but half the income. (Chi Chi Rodriguez)

Retirement is a blessing for the family.

82. I live in that loneliness that is painful in youth but delicious in mature years. (Albert Einstein)

Loneliness begins to be an elixir as we get older.

83. Preparation for old age should begin not much later than in adolescence. A life that is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly be filled in retirement. (DwightL. moody)

We should prepare for old age.

84. Retirement is wonderful. It's about doing nothing without having to worry.

Retirement is a stage of rest and respite.

85. Retirement literally gives you time to recreate yourself through a sport, game, or hobby that you've always wanted to try or haven't done in years. (Steven d. Price)

Playing sports or any other hobby are very common alternatives.

86. The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before your boss does.

Keep in mind that retirement will come in due time.

87. A retired man is often the complete work of a wife. (Ella Harris)

The family is a great support for the retiree.

88. The first step to a successful retirement is to start by asking yourself what you want to do. (Chris Farrel)

After a job retirement there are many uncertainties.

89. Retirement is… a time to experience a fulfilling life derived from many enjoyable and rewarding activities. (Ernie J. Zelinski)

Don't worry about what you're going to do in retirement, just live each day to the fullest.

90. If within 30 years we do not have two young people working to support a retiree, a catastrophe will have occurred or there will be robots that do it. (Santiago Carrillo)

Replacing you will not be an easy task.

91. As a young man he dreamed of retirement and now, as a retiree, he dreamed of youth. (Miguel Delibes)

When you want something you have to be ready to receive it.

92. The harder you work, the harder it is to quit. (Vince Lombardi)

Retiring from work is harder than you think.

93. Feel good, because it is at this moment that you are finally going to receive the reward for all the time you dedicated to giving your best at work.

When they give you retirement, accept it in a good way.

94. Start your new life! Goodbye at dawn

One advantage of being retired is that you no longer have to get up early.

95. Age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don't care, it doesn't matter. (Mark Twain)

Age is not a factor in retiring.

96. I've retired, but if there's one thing that would kill me, it's waking up in the morning not knowing what I'm going to do. (Nelson Mandela)

Find something to do during this stage to avoid depression.

97. Take advantage of retirement to live the life you've always wanted and how you've always wanted.

It is time for you to have a space for yourself and enjoy life.

98. Use your retirement to collect all the fruits you have been sowing.

Being retired allows you to live on what you sow.

99. Retirement can be a great joy if you figure out how to spend time without spending money.

Live this new stage with enthusiasm.

100. Retirement is an attitude of embracing the years ahead with enthusiasm rather than apathy. (Morton Shaevitz)

Do not get depressed if retirement has already knocked on your door, see the situation with confidence and tranquility.

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