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The 60 best phrases (and reflections) of George Clooney

George Clooney is one of the most prominent actors in Hollywood, maintaining his energy and charisma after many years of work, which have led him to win the Oscar for best supporting actor. He is also a producer, director and screenwriter, which shows that he can stay in the cinema, from many points of view.

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Best George Clooney Quotes and Phrases

Next we will take a walk through the most iconic quotes and reflections of George Clooney to remember his life and his career.

1. Art takes different forms… But it represents something that is basic to all of us: our history.

Art is a representation of the history of whoever represents it.

2. You have to have failed several times to have an idea of ​​how little it has to do with you.

Failure is just learning, it is not something that defines us.

3. I'm just a guy who goes out with his buddies on a Friday night, picks a fight when he gets off too much, and occasionally gives a touch to his Harley Davidson. The normal.

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Every person knows how to enjoy life from it.

4. I just see myself as a presentable liar.

We all tell lies sometimes.

5. I don't believe in happy endings, but I do believe in happy journeys.

Don't fix your gaze on the goal, just enjoy the ride.

6. The truth is, you shouldn't get married if you're the type of person who would run away.

If you can't fulfill a responsibility, then don't commit.

7. When you are young you believe when people tell you how good you are. And that's dangerous, because you swallow all that.

Don't believe everything they say about you, both the good and the negative.

8. Now I want to do things my way. Cinema made in the old way: born to last over time, with soul and a classic aroma.

Things must be done from our own perspective.

9. If you only listen to yourself, you won't learn much.

Don't focus on yourself, look around you and you will find many things to pay attention to.

10. If we turn our heads and look away and hope it all goes away, then they will, all of them, a whole generation of people. And we will only have history to judge us.

Don't turn your back on who needs you.

11. You have to learn to let go.

Clinging to the past is not healthy at all, let go of everything that no longer works.

12. For us, even the most horrible characters have a good time. I don't think you have to suffer to act.

When you do what you really love, work doesn't exist.

13. First there is that moment when you overreact and everything is great. Then you reach the point where you want everything to seem believable. And then there's the moment where you relax a bit more and mix it all up.

Life is a constant change.

14. I don't like to share details of my private life, it wouldn't be private if I did.

Every person has a private life that he keeps protected and must be respected.

15. I don't like feeling like they're after me. I've always liked to hunt on my own when it comes to meeting a woman.

The man likes to seduce instead of being seduced.

16. We fight for our culture and our way of life.

You always have to raise your voice for just causes, both personal and towards others.

17. I can make a bad movie with a good script, but I can't make a good movie with a bad script.

Life is all about planning to succeed.

18. Life is better with company. Everyone needs a co-pilot.

Do not separate yourself from others, for a companion is a treasure.

19. Peace is a full time job. He is protecting civilians, supervising elections and disarming ex-combatants.

Keeping peace is an indispensable thing in life.

20. The only failure is not trying.

Try it every time it is necessary, that is the key to success.

21. When a man reaches 40 is when the roles start to happen. And for women, that doesn't happen. I think it is a very worrying issue.

The 40s is an age where the second youth is lived, but with more responsibility.

22. Driving is really exciting. In the end, it's more fun to be the painter than the painting.

Doing something you are passionate about is what should really be the first option.

23. Anyone would be lying if they said that she doesn't feel lonely sometimes.

Loneliness is part of life.

24. Our life is worth more than any work of art.

Life is a very precious commodity.

25. I'm the old fashioned type who would rather meet a woman in a more normal setting.

Being gallant and attentive to a woman is not a matter of age, but of education.

26. It's a humbling thing when you find someone to love. Even better if you've been waiting your whole life.

Love is an important part of man's life.

27. If you always study diseases, you will convince yourself that you have them.

The mind is a machine of desire since what is thought becomes reality.

28. I love children and I get along great with them.

Children are synonymous with joy and sweetness at the same time.

29. I don't know if winning at all costs is wrong or not. There are times when I have thought that the end justified the means.

When we want something, we always look for any option to achieve it.

30. I prefer directing to doing other things. Directing and writing seem to be infinitely more creative.

Clooney is passionate about writing and directing.

31. The relationship with my pig Max is great, we have been together for 12 years. He saved me from an earthquake waking me up with his grunts to leave the house, which I did naked, and it's the best relationship I've ever had.

Pets are beings that really know how to offer sincere affection.

32. The simple truth is that everyone has an opinion, everyone has the right to express it, and they should if they want to.

Everyone has an opinion and it should be respected.

33. When I was a child, the future was different.

Childhood is a stage where there are no worries.

34. I like to go on motorcycle trips and stop in small towns and enjoy drinks with the locals.

Happiness is in simple things.

35. The hardest thing is trying not to correct everything on the Internet.

There are things that cannot be corrected, even if you want to.

36. I've slept with too many women, gotten into too much stuff, and been to too many parties to run for any political office.

Assuring that he does not have the necessary profile to be a politician.

37. I don't think Hollywood has much to do with changing politics. Hollywood tends to reflect things.

Politics has nothing to do with movies.

38. Whatever you do, don't wake up at 65 and think about what you should have done with your life.

Don't make repentance a regular part of your life.

39. I love my gray hair and my wrinkles.

You have to accept the passing of the years with serenity and respect.

40. What if there was a place, a secret place, where nothing was impossible? would you like to go

Life is beautiful, therefore, it has different nuances, which is what makes it worth living.

41. It seems to me that as you get older, he starts to simplify things in general.

Old age is a stage of stillness and experience.

42. I've always been a mature hunk, so now that I'm old, I'm comfortable.

A mature person has a host of unique experiences.

43. If I fail I want to do it on my own terms and according to my own decisions. In any case, I can say to myself: 'Guys, you have lousy taste'.

Failure is something you have to live with.

44. Everyone will tell you that you are a genius, but in reality you are not, and if you understand that, you win.

There are people who think they are geniuses, when in reality they are the complete opposite of that.

45. Finally, you die at a very young age, or live long enough to see your friends die. It's a bad thing, life.

Death is not selective.

46. I'm not a smart guy and I never know enough about what's going on.

There is always something to learn.

47. I think I'm good at pretending to be someone else, even though I can be a dangerous guy.

We must love and accept ourselves as we are.

48. I once bought a piano because I had a dream to play on it and the girl who leans over it while drinking a martini. What a great image. That never worked, but at least I have a piano in my house.

You have to accept the circumstances that arise.

49. Failures are infinitely more instructive than successes.

Failures are lessons and you have to see them that way.

50. For me, the definition of a patriot is someone who constantly questions the government.

We must fight injustices.

51. I'm somewhat comfortable with getting old because it's better than the other option, which is being dead.

Old age is something that cannot be avoided just like death.

52. We are people, not computers. We have conscience.

We are thinking beings and sometimes we don't seem so.

53. We all want to go home. Where is that?, the place doesn't matter.

Home is the place where the heart is.

54. I had to stop going to auditions thinking, 'Oh, I hope you guys like it.' I had to go in thinking that I was the answer to their problem.

Do not focus on others, but on yourself.

55. It's amazing that gay and lesbian Americans are still treated like second-class citizens.

Inclusion must be a priority in society.

56. I love the fact that my face has more edge and character than she did when she was in her twenties and thirties. There is no botox for me.

Each stage of life has its charm.

57. Growing old on screen is not for the faint of heart.

Aging is something that many fear.

58. You have only a short period of time in your life to make your mark, and I am there now.

Live with such fullness to be an example to follow.

59. I don't believe in heaven or hell. I don't know if I believe in God. All I know is that as an individual I will not let this life, the only thing I know exists, go to waste.

Each person has his beliefs.

60. Peace, like war, must be fought.

We are always fighting internal battles.

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