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The 80 best phrases (and reflections) of Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was an English writer, in his most outstanding works are: 'Oliver Twist', 'David Copperfield' or 'A Christmas Carol'. His writings stand out for having realism within their fictions, which made his readers develop enormous empathy for his characters and other writers. Due to his influence, the term 'Dickensian' was created, where writers take his style as the basis for their creations..

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Best quotes from Charles Dickens

Known for being one of the most outstanding writers of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens left us with thousands of quotes and reflections on his life and inspirations.

1. Man never knows what he is capable of until he tries it.

Trying something is the way we know if we can or not.

2. No one who has relieved the weight of their peers will have failed in this world.

Giving a helping hand when someone needs it is as important as a miracle.

3. My advice is: never do tomorrow what you can do today.

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A warning about taking advantage of our time.

4. A loving heart is better and stronger than wisdom.

A strong heart is one that can understand and be open.

5. There are great men who make everyone else feel small.

Good men whom we can admire or also criminals to fear.

6. Subdue your appetites, my friends, and you have conquered human nature.

A reference to controlling our greed to protect our humanity.

7. Happiness is a gift that we should enjoy when it comes.

Happiness is in appreciating the good times.

8. In this life there are days that are worth living and those that are worth dying for.

When we are satisfied, we cannot ask for anything more.

9. I have been too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, just as I have been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.

We all make mistakes, but it is our responsibility to remedy them.

10. The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will."

Thinking positive makes us have positive results.

11. Have a heart that never hardens and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.

Learn to be kind but firm.

12. A man is lucky if he is a woman's first love. A woman is lucky if she is the last love of a man.

Love has different beginnings and endings.

13. Procrastination is the thief of time.

An unconscious way we waste our life.

14. The best way to lengthen our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose.

Not everyone is able to see the benefits of walking.

15. I will live in the Past, the Present and the Future; the spirits of the three will give me inner strength and I will not forget their teachings.

One of the most valuable lessons that a Christmas story left us.

16. We should never be ashamed of our tears.

We must never silence our emotions.

17. A day spent on others is not spent on oneself.

We are here to please ourselves, not others.

18. How few of Nature's faces are left alone to gladden us with their beauty!

A call to appreciate more the nature that surrounds us.

19. He opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens the temper; so he cries.

Crying helps us alleviate our sorrows and renew ourselves.

20. Every failure teaches a man something he needed to learn.

Every failure teaches us lessons to be better in the future.

21. It's not in my nature to hide anything. I cannot close my lips when I have opened my heart.

Encouraging us not to hide what we feel for someone.

22. The human heart is an instrument with many strings; the perfect connoisseur of men knows how to make them all vibrate, like a good musician.

Anyone who appreciates the human heart knows that it can never be played with.

23. The number of criminals does not authorize the crime.

No crime should be justified.

24. Don't judge anything by its appearance, but by the evidence. There is no best rule.

Things and people are not always what they appear to be.

25. The mind, like the body, can deteriorate if exposed to excess comfort.

The worst effect of staying in the comfort zone.

26. Throughout life, our worst weaknesses and pettiness are often at the service of the people we hate the most.

Suffering is a vicious circle if no one seeks to break it.

27. In all things, man should trust his own activity more than that of others.

If you don't trust yourself, you will have to depend on others to solve your problems.

28. The paths of loyalty are always straight.

There are no excuses if there is loyalty.

29. Regrets are the natural property of those who comb gray hair.

Regrets weigh heavier in old age.

30. You appear in all the lines that I have read in my life.

When love is real, it manifests everywhere.

31. There are shadows and darks in this world, but the light outshines them.

Our positivity should always be greater than the negativity that can surround us.

32. The world belongs to those who set out to conquer it with self-confidence and good humor.

Any kind and hardworking person can conquer anything.

33. I will celebrate Christmas with all my heart and I will try to do the same throughout the year.

The spirit of Christmas is something we carry inside.

34. Every traveler has a home, no matter where.

Traveling is amazing, but we always have a longing to return home.

35. The first rule of business is: do to other men what they would do to you.

The business world is a cutthroat space.

36. Where millions of men flinched, there you begin to work.

Look for the new, that will make you stand out and stand out.

37. A sincere word is worth more than a speech.

Honesty is always appreciated, even if it hurts sometimes.

38. Each child that comes into the world is more beautiful than the last.

Children are the hope of the world.

39. When a man bleeds inside, it is dangerous for him, but when he laughs inside, it is a harbinger of evil for others.

The things we hide can have repercussions for everyone.

40. There are people whose only enemies are themselves.

Self-sabotage is more common than we may think.

41. Surprises, like misfortunes, rarely come alone.

We all have challenges to overcome.

42. All of us have wonders hidden in our chests, we just need certain circumstances to evoke them.

We are not always able to see our potential, until the right time comes to put them to the test.

43. No one who knows how to read ever looks at a book, even unopened on a shelf, like someone who doesn't know.

Books are attractive to those who know their value.

44. Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man possesses many; not about your past sorrows, of which everyone has some.

Appreciating what you have now will help you take advantage of all the good things that come your way.

45.Family is not only those people with whom we share blood, but also those for whom we would shed our blood.

Family are those people with whom we feel good.

46. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, the age of wisdom, and also of madness; the time of beliefs and disbelief; the era of light and darkness.

All good weather has a bit of eventuality.

47. Love her as you have chosen her, for the qualities she has and not for those she does not have.

You love someone for who they are, not to change them into how you want them to be.

48. Celebrate Christmas however you see fit, but allow me to do it my way.

A person who taught us to love Christmas.

49. Revenge and punishment take a long time.

Lost time that never comes back, unless you're satisfied with what you get.

50. The dog is, generally, an animal that never takes revenge for the punishment that its master applies to it.

Dogs are the noblest creatures in the world.

51. When you've found it, write it down.

Listen to your ideas.

52. No repentance can make amends for the lost opportunities in life.

A lost opportunity becomes a weight that we carry forever.

53. Think! I have enough to do, and how little I can get without thinking.

Thinking leads us to grow, as long as you don't get obsessed with your thoughts.

54. We forge the chains that we carry during our lives.

All our actions have consequences that sooner or later take their toll on us.

55. Moths and all sorts of ugly creatures swarm over a burning candle. Can the candle help you?

Depending on a person leads us to lose our individuality.

56. Conventional notions of a lover cannot always be true.

Love blinds us in such a way that we do not know how to respond coherently for our actions.

57. There is a wisdom of the head and a wisdom of the heart.

And both wisdoms must coexist with each other.

58. The sum of everything is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy.

Reminding us of the importance of walking and staying active.

59. If there were no bad people there would be no good lawyers.

Evil people will always exist, because each person pursues their own purposes.

60. It is never late for repentance and reparation.

We can always start over and do the right thing.

61. There are books of which the back and covers are by far the best parts.

You should never judge a book by its cover.

62. Love is what makes the world go round.

It is the strongest and most effective engine for people.

63. There are strings in the human heart that it would be better not to vibrate.

Everyone has a dark side that they seek to hide from others.

64. I only ask to be free. Butterflies are free.

We all desire the freedom to be and do what we are passionate about.

65. Electronic communication will never replace the face of a human being who with his soul encourages another person to be brave and authentic.

Technology makes our lives easier, but it is not capable of replacing human warmth.

66. Nothing is as strong and sure in a life emergency as the simple truth.

The truth appears sooner or later to reform or to punish.

67. The pain of separation is nothing compared to the joy of meeting again.

Distance is nothing if there is hope of getting back together.

68. Never close your lips to those to whom you have already opened your heart.

Always be honest with the people you love.

69. There is nothing in the world as irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.

We all need joy to have good health.

70. What greater gift than the love of a cat.

Cats teach us to love without dependencies.

71. There was a time, long and hard, when I tried to forget what I had wasted, and when I was too ignorant to see its value.

When we're blinded by something, we don't notice the things we miss until it's too late.

72. The ocean asks for nothing, but those next to it gradually tune into its rhythm.

We can be one with nature, if we know how to live with it.

73. Don't consider anything impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.

The only impossible things are the ones that are created in your mind.

74. I hope that true love and truth are finally stronger than any misfortune.

Everyone should get the reward they deserve for their suffering.

75. If the wounds in the heart deepen as it grows and grows stronger, love it, love it.

Wounds help us discover what we really want in our life.

76. rain that sweeps away the blinding dust that covers our hearts.

It is necessary to face our problems so as not to run away from reality.

77. I would never have succeeded in life if I had not devoted myself to the smallest things with the same attention and care that I did to the biggest.

Everything you do should have the same importance, no matter how big or small.

78. True greatness is making everyone feel great.

You don't need to step on your teammates to reach the goal you want.

79. Charity begins at my house, and justice next door.

All of our actions stem from the way we were raised.

80. The sun is weak when it first rises, gaining strength and courage as the day progresses.

We all start off weak, but it's our determination that makes us strong.

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