The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of famous video games
Video games or electronic games are a fundamental part for many young people and adults, changing its meaning for them over the years, as they go from being a form of entertainment to a hobby or a way of life. Thanks to these we can live dynamically, different stories that leave us excited and with valuable life lessons.
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Best video game phrases
Next we will see a compilation of the iconic quotes from the most notable video games in history.
1. I may be small, but I will die like a colossus. (Dark Souls 3)
Our size is not a reference to our strength.
2. Look behind you - a three-headed monkey! (Monkey Island)
One of the best-known games for the whole family.
3. War. War never changes. (fallout)
War is the result of greed and lack of cooperation.
4. It's amazing what a person can forget... but it is more surprising what he can hide. (Final Fantasy VII)
We all have secrets to hide.
5. What is a man but a miserable pile of secrets? (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
People pay a high price for their secrets.
6. It was fate that brought me here, but it's me who made my own path. (Red Dead Redemption)
In your hands is your destiny.
7. People take little time to judge, but a long time to correct themselves. (Assassin's Creed 2)
We tend to point fingers at others and deny our mistakes.
8. Only by letting strangers in can we find new ways of being ourselves. (The World Ends With You)
When we help others, we discover our own potential.
9. We do not choose how we start in this life. The true greatness is that we do with what we get. (Uncharted 3)
Your past should not influence the path you decide to take in the future.
10. There is no news anymore, only propaganda. (Mirror's Edge)
When the news is manufactured.
11. How far are you willing to go to save the ones you love most? (Heavy Rain)
How big is your love?
12. Men are for friends, so I don't need any. (Hitman)
We all need friends to trust.
13. Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young. (The Witcher)
The old people who remain in power can never be overthrown.
14. The more you hit a man, the higher he rises. (Far Cry 2)
People only have one option when they fall, to get up.
15. I don't need no weapon; my friends are my power! (Kingdom Hearts)
A united group is stronger than anything.
16. What is better? Born good or overcome your evil nature through great effort? (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
We all have the potential to be better.
17. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. (Half Life 2)
Bad times change a person.
18. It's a funny thing, ambition. It can take one to sublime heights or heartbreaking depths. And sometimes they are one and the same. (Dishonored)
Power helps but it also corrupts, a middle point is not always achieved.
19. Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. (Animal Crossing)
Things are hard to prove our worth.
20. If history only remembers one in a thousand of us, then the future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did. (Battlefield 1)
The stories are journals of old experiences.
21. Life is cruel. Of this I have no doubt. (Gears of War 2)
Life isn't always fair, until we find the right opportunity.
22. How many are in you? Whose hopes and dreams does it encompass? (Half Life 2)
Your inner strength is what allows you to move on.
23. Each plays the role that fate has written for him. (Soul Reaver 2)
We all have something to accomplish in this life.
24. The human mind is not prepared to wake up knowing that this will be the last day of his life, but for me that is a luxury, not a curse. Knowing that the end is coming is a liberation. (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)
For some, death is a relief.
25. Time is an ocean in the storm… (Prince of Persia)
He just moves on and doesn't stop.
26. What can change the nature of a man? (Planescape Torment)
The way we process our experiences.
27. Paris in autumn. The last months of the year and the end of the millennium. I have many memories of the city: the cafes, the music, the love… and the death. (Broken Sword)
We always bring back some pleasant memory of a place that has impacted us.
28. I feel like I could… like I could… take over the world! (Day of Tentacle)
When you feel invincible, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself.
29. There are things we forget... And there are things that we cannot forget, it's funny, I don't know which is sadder. (Silent Hill 3)
Memories are a treasure, but they can also be a burden.
30. Don't confuse my silence with lack of mourning. Cry your way, I'll cry mine. (God of War 4)
Each person handles loss personally.
31. Hope is what makes us strong. It is the reason why we are here. It's what we fight for when all else is lost. (God of war 3)
Hope is what keeps us going in despair.
32. If there really is evil in this world, it resides in the very heart of man. (Tales of Fantasy)
Evil is not something that comes from the outside, it is built from the inside.
33. As long as you always have an exploring spirit, you will find your way out. That is my hope. (Cave Story)
Exploring the world opens our eyes to new solutions.
34. The course of time is very cruel... It's different for each person, but no one can ever change it... (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Time can be your ally or your worst opponent.
35. I was able to survive because the fire inside me burned stronger than the one around me. (The shelter)
We get up because we don't want what brought us down to succeed.
36. Overconfidence is a slow and tricky killer. (Darkest Dungeons)
Egocentrism makes people vulnerable without knowing it.
37. At the end of the day, even if there are only two people left on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead. (Sniper, Team Fortress 2)
About the selfish instinct of people.
38. Nothing is ruder than treating a woman with respect! (Borderlands 2)
All people deserve to be treated as our equals.
39. Often when we guess the motives of others, we only reveal our own. (Destination)
It is common to project our desires or weaknesses on others, because we refuse to see it in ourselves.
40. You're here, and it's beautiful, and running away isn't always a bad thing. (Firewatch)
Leaving may be the step you need to improve.
41. A man once promised me that he would release me from my chains, but in the end, he abandoned me in pursuit of his own interests. (Bioshock Infinite)
There is no worse betrayal than the one that comes from someone you trusted with your life.
42. A nosy old woman like you knows everything that happens to the people who live under her roof. Where did he go? (La Noire)
Neighbors have more information than you think.
43. There are people who are useful and there are people who are not; And people who are not useful must die. (Trevor Phillips)
A forced and unfair selection.
44. Any advice, brat? When life gets tough, you stand up, fight, and show them who's in charge! (undertale)
Difficulties must be met face to face, otherwise they will never go away.
45. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old into killing each other. (GTA 4)
Soldiers become scapegoats for the powerful.
46. Science is not about why, it is about why not? (Gateway 2)
Science leads us to explore the unthinkable.
47. A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream. (Lord of the Nightmare, Bloodborne)
You can't change who you are.
48. It's me Mario! (Assassin's Creed II)
A fun reference to the Mario game, by Mario Auditore.
49. Each puzzle has an answer. (Professor Layton and the Curious Village)
Every mystery can be solved.
50. Ripping off heads, I think I'm ready for something more violent than this. (Mortal Kombat)
A game that combines violence with the balance of the body.
51. You did well, for being one of the sheep. Challenge me again when you learn from your mistakes. (Street Fighter)
We will only be better when we learn from our mistakes and put them behind us.
52. I saw death in my dreams many times, but I have not died. I was better than my dreams, better than my nightmares. (Ace Combat: Assault Horizon)
When you're past your lowest point, there's no way you'll go back down.
53. Technology is created to make our lives easier, not our decisions. (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
We cannot leave our lives in the hands of machines. Or if?
54. Steel wins battles. Gold wins wars. (DOTA 2)
A circle of interests.
55. All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. (Call of Duty)
Being indifferent and staying silent also makes us accomplices.
56. Good men have good intentions. We just don't always end up doing good. (Dead Space)
Sometimes a good intention can cause irreparable damage.
57. Don't dream of what you are, but what you want to be. (Warframe)
Stop concentrating on what you don't have and focus on how you can grow.
58. A wife can make you twice the man you were on your own. (The Banner Saga 2)
Your partner helps you to be stronger, never weaker.
59. Hate and prejudice will never be eradicated. And the witch hunt is never about witches. Having a scapegoat, that's what it's all about. (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
The witch hunt is an excuse to silence those who think differently.
60. Everybody talks about what they're going to do, what they're going to do…they don't talk about who they are, and they don't care about others. (Patrick MacReary)
We focus more on what we want and not on who we are.
61. It is better to die fighting for something than to live for nothing. (Call Of Duty)
Life has no meaning if we only live caged in comfort.
62. The end is not more important than any of the moments leading up to it. (To the Moon)
More than the end, what is valuable lies in the journey we make and how it changes us.
63. Wake me up when you need me. (Halo 3)
There will always be someone you can count on.
64. I searched for the truth. I found her. I did not like. I wish I could forget her. (Prototype)
The truth can be the worst possible punishment.
65. If our lives are already written, it would take a man of courage to change the script. (Alan Wake)
If you don't like the course of your life, have the courage to change it.
66. Too many people have opinions about things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. (Fallout: New Vegas)
ignorant people will always believe that they know everything.
67. The right thing... What is it? If you do the right thing... You do... happy... to all the world? (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
To do the right thing is to act for one's own benefit and that of others, in an equitable manner.
68. Every game has a story... But only one is a legend. (The Legend of Zelda)
Only memorable stories become legends.
69. Everything is balanced on the edge of everything. (The Line)
Things can change in just a moment.
70. Okay, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Bring your lemons back to life! Enraged! I don't want your damn lemons! (Cave Johnson)
To get over a traumatic event, it is necessary to release all negative emotions.
71. You can't undo what you've already done, but you can face it. (Silent Hill: Downpour)
You can't go back, but you can fix your mistakes.
72. endure and survive. (Last of Us)
How long more?
73. Sorry Mario, but the princess is in another castle. (Super Mario Bros)
One of the most famous games of all time.
74. Everyone thinks that he is the hero of his own story. (Borderlands)
Everyone should be the protagonist of their story.
75. Men are flesh and blood. They know their destination, but not the time. (The Elder Scrolls, Oblivion)
We all know that the end will come sometime, although we don't know when it will be.
76. What is bravery, without a little recklessness? (Dark Souls)
No one can be completely sure what lies ahead.
77. One thing that doesn't change with time is the memory of your younger days… (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Treasure your childhood memories.
78. What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to the mind? (System Shock 2)
We are a whole made up of thousands of different parts.
79. If history must change, let it change. If the world is destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I'll just laugh at it. (Chrono trigger)
A person who is at peace with his fate.
80. Every lie contains the truth, and every truth contains a lie. (Suikoden 2)
The truth and the lie are not always separated.
81. In the end, we only regret what we have not done. (League of Legends)
Which becomes the worst of regrets.
82. Do you think I'm one of those who likes children? Man... making them is something else. (Bayonetta)
A very important difference.
83. Half of what we know is a lie... The other half, a well-constructed lie. (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
Seek the truth on your own and do not be carried away only by what you see.
84. The past is like a broken mirror. As you recompose it, you cut yourself and your image doesn't stop changing... And you change too. (Max Payne 2)
We are not the same people from our past, because we are constantly changing.
85. Many believe that time is like a river that flows safely and swiftly in one direction; but I have seen the face of time and I assure you that it is not so. (Prince of Persia)
Time is chaotic.
86. We inevitably move along preconceived paths. Free will is an illusion. (Soul Reaver 2)
Do you think our destiny is already written?
87. We are all our own worst enemies. But also, our best teacher. (Gouken, Super Street Fighter 4)
It all depends on the way we view failures and deal with eventualities.
88. Even in dark times, we can't give up on the things that make us human. (Subway 2033)
When we lose our humanity, that is when society falls completely.
89. They stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. Silence is your answer. (Mass Effect 3)
What good is honor if all the innocent die?
90. Wisdom is the fruit of suffering and time. (Path of Exile)
No one becomes an expert in something only by succeeding.
91. If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you have to do is stop digging. (Red Dead Redemption)
You will not get out of the well if you continue down, the only way out is to go up.
92. Do not regret, be better. (God of War)
All failure hurts, but if we stay with the anxiety, we will never see the dawn.
93. The sacrifices are decided by you. The losses are decided for you. (Tomb Raider)
You can't control who leaves, but you can choose what you leave behind to move forward.
94. In the end, what distinguishes the free man from the slave? Money? Can? No. The man chooses. The slave obeys. (Bioshock)
It is our choices that direct our course.
95. Outside the mercury was falling fast. It was colder than in the heart of the devil, and it was raining pitchforks of ice as if the sky was ready to fall. (Max Payne)
A bleak scenario that can cross the screen.
96. We must fight for those who live and for those who are yet to be born. (Final Fantasy VI)
A promise to continue in the battle.
97. The heart may be weak, but sometimes it's all we need. (Kingdom Hearts)
In our hearts is who we really are.
98. Do not depend on anyone in this world... Because even your own shadow leaves you in the dark. (Devil May Cry 3)
Always depending on someone prevents your independence from emerging.
99. One can only hope that he will leave a lasting legacy. But often, the legacies we leave behind…are not the ones we intended. (Gears of War 2)
Perhaps the story we know was not what its protagonists intended.
100. The closer you get to the light, the longer your shadow will be. (Kingdom Hearts)
There can be no good without there being stains of evil within us.