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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of Serena Williams

Serena Williams was a tennis player, winner of 23 Grand Slam titles, 4 Olympic medals and she being first in the WTA ranking position for 319 weeks, for which she has been considered one of the best players in tennis history. She shares this passion with her older sister, Venus.

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Best serena williams quotes

To commemorate the personal and professional life of this athlete, we bring you a collection of quotes and reflections from Serena Williams.

1. Everyone's dream can come true if you stick to it and work hard.

Any dream can come true as long as it involves hard work and dedication.

2. I always believe that I can beat the best, achieve the best.

We always have to believe in our abilities.

3. I have grown more not because of victories, but because of setbacks.

Failures are great lessons that teach more than triumphs.

4. I want to knock on people's doors and preach. But I also meet a lot of people on airplanes and in restaurants, and you can preach with them.

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Wanting to reach the hearts of as many people as possible.

5. Tennis is mainly mental. You win or lose the game before you even go to the court.

Take care of your thoughts as they will lead you to both victory and defeat.

6. All my life I have had to fight. It's just another fight I'll have to learn to win, that's all. I'll have to keep smiling.

Life is a continuous challenge, do not stop.

7. Luck has nothing to do with it, because I have spent many, many hours, countless hours, on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would arrive.

Luck does not exist, however, continuous effort and hard work if they give good results.

8. I am here to tell you that I am moving away from tennis, towards other things that are important to me.

There comes a time when we have to take other equally successful paths.

9. This is what I do best. I love a challenge; I love taking on a challenge.

Do not run away from challenges, face them in the best possible way.

10. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.

Even if others lose faith in you, you stand firm at all times.

11. Growing up he wasn't the richest, but he had a family rich in spirit.

Wealth is not just material.

12. If winning is God's reward, then He teaches us to lose.

Failures are lessons that come in disguise.

13. I always see myself in the first position.

Include good thoughts and imagination in everything you do.

14. I am lucky that whatever fear I have inside of me, my desire to win is always stronger.

Don't let fear paralyze you.

15. I have had to learn to fight all my life, I have to learn to keep smiling.

Even if things don't go the way you want, never stop smiling.

16. Don't let anyone work harder than you.

Work and strive every day as if it were your last.

17. I truly believe that a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can bounce back when they fall.

If you can get up when you fall, then you are a complete winner.

18. I hate to lose. When I'm on the court, it's like my life depends on it.

Defeat is not pleasant at all, but it is part of life and you have to learn to live with it.

19. I'm not used to crying. It is a little difficult.

Do not repress your desire to cry, because tears are waters that heal.

20. A few years ago I quietly started Serena Ventures, a venture capital firm. Shortly after that, I started a family. I want to grow that family.

Family is something important and we must put all our effort, time and desire into it.

21. Everything has a cost. What are you willing to pay for it?

Nothing is easy in life.

22. Those are the people who have made a difference in this world, people who stand up for what is right. If you look at history, those are the people you really remember.

There are people who have left a legacy.

23. To be here with 19 championships is something I never thought would happen.

Dreams do come true.

24. If you smile, things will work out.

A smile changes everything.

25. It doesn't matter what your background is or where you come from, if you have dreams and goals, that's all that matters.

Success does not depend on social status, but on the effort that is put in.

26. I entered a court with only a ball and a racket and with hope.

Don't lose hope and faith.

27. Am I the biggest? I don't know. I am the best that I can be.

The competition to beat is yourself.

28. Being strong is never easy. Not in this world, in which we live... Defending yourself is not going to be easy, but in the end you always respect yourself.

Even when it's hard, stay strong.

29. If Plan A doesn't work, I have Plan B, Plan C, and even Plan D.

Never give up.

30. I believe that in life you should work on yourself until the day you die.

Self-knowledge of oneself is what really matters.

31. The success of each woman should be an inspiration to another. We are stronger when we encourage each other.

Seek that your actions are a source of inspiration for others.

32. I just never give up. I fight to the end.

Never give up.

33. I think you have to love yourself before you fall in love. I am still learning to love myself.

May your first love be towards yourself.

34. Nothing comes to a dreamer if he doesn't dream.

Dream so that it can become reality.

35. Is greatness winning? Is it lose? Is it recover? It's all of that, plus being good to yourself.

That your greatness is reflected in others.

36. Victory is very, very sweet. It tastes better than any dessert you've ever had.

Enjoy your victories, as well as the losses.

37. Family comes first, and that's what matters most. We realize that our love is deeper than the game of tennis.

The love of family has no comparison.

38. Nobody likes getting their nails done more than me.

Taking care of the physical appearance is really important.

39. I am not a robot. I have a heart and I bleed.

We all have feelings, so be careful.

40. Physically I am strong, but psychologically more.

Mental strength is more important than physical.

41. I want to be great, I want to be perfect. I know there's no such thing as perfect, but whatever my perfection, I never wanted to stop until I got it right.

Even when the perfect does not exist, always give the best.

42. With a loss, when you lose, you get up, you improve, you try again. That's what I do in life, when I get down, when I get sick, I don't want to just stop. I go ahead and try to do more.

Don't stop, just keep going.

43. You can be whatever size you are, and you can be beautiful both inside and out.

You are capable of everything.

44. Make sure you are very brave: be strong, be extremely kind, and most of all, be humble.

Never lose humility.

45. I decided that I can't pay a person to rewind time, so I better get over it.

You cannot return the past, it only remains to overcome what happened.

46. There's one thing I'm really good at, and that's hitting the ball over a net, into a box. I am excellent.

We all need to know what talents we have.

47. I am definitely a feminist.

A woman who has fought for women's rights in tennis.

48. Since I don't look like other girls, it takes me a while to get okay with it. To be different. But different is good.

Being different is not bad, it is a blessing.

49. I'm really exciting. I smile a lot, I earn a lot and I'm very sexy.

We must be aware of our attributes and capabilities.

50. I am grateful to my family, friends and fans for all their support.

You always have to be thankful for everything.

51. I'm very outgoing, but when I'm with someone new, I'm super shy.

Shyness is not something to be ashamed of.

52. Having a pulmonary embolism is definitely easier than a broken heart.

We take longer to recover from emotional pain.

53. Joy is the whole game, not just the end game.

You have to enjoy the path that leads you to the goal.

54. The world knows me as someone who puts a lot of time and hard work into my game, and through it all, I've come to realize that you have to find the joys that make the journey worthwhile.

Don't just see the problems, also look at the joys that life gives you.

55. Victory is temporary, but joy is eternal.

Enjoy every moment, because they are unique.

56. You just have to prove to yourself that you can go out there and be the best you can be and not prove anything to anyone.

You just have to prove to yourself that you can.

57. I decided that I shouldn't be nervous and just do the best I can.

Fears and fears are not good advisers.

58. There's always another record, then there's always someone else to catch or pass with.

Life always gives you other opportunities.

59. I was tired of losing… Life was passing me by.

You decide if you stay in defeat or move on.

60. I have definitely found a balance.

Finding a harmony in things allows you to go far.

61. I've had so many offers in the past to do different movies or different things and I always choose the tournaments before that.

We were born with a purpose and we must focus on it.

62. I just hate losing. When I'm on the court, it's like my life depends on it.

Losing is not an option, but when it comes you have to face it in the best way.

63. Venus told me the other day that champions don't get nervous in difficult situations. That really helped me a lot.

It is good to listen to the advice of those who love us.

64. I'm an athlete and I'm black, and a lot of black athletes go broke. I don't want to become a statistic.

Don't let the actions of others define you.

65. For me, the art of failure is not limited to athletes or entrepreneurs or even executives. experienced, it's open to everyone in life, and part of the journey for me is taking the fall and dust you off

Failure is found in any aspect of life.

66. I can't be satisfied, because if I'm satisfied, I'm going to say, “Oh, I've won Wimbledon, I've won the US Open. Now I can relax." But now people are really going to fight to beat me.

Don't stop when you succeed, she just keeps fighting.

67. To dominate. Pass. Get over.

Excellence leads to success.

68. Losing is learning.

Failures are lessons.

69. My story is not over… This is just a new part of my life. My baby is going to be in the stands: I hope she cheers me up and doesn't cry too much!

Life gives us several stages that must be lived to the fullest.

70. I want to be a generous woman and a good person in general.

Do not focus only on winning, but also on your personal life.

71. All my life I had woken up to tennis, tennis, tennis. Even if I don't go to practice, I think about it all day

When you want something, you work for it day and night.

72. Your legacy is what you have done with your life.

Live in such a way that you leave an indelible mark.

73. To this day, I don't love my arms. People want fitter arms, but my arms are too fit. But I'm not complaining. They pay my bills.

We have to accept ourselves as we are.

74. I decided that I can't pay a person to rewind time, so I might as well get over it.

The past is over, you just have to learn from it.

75. My school was very small, and they called me the class clown!

Children can be very cruel, but Serena is a clear example that bad times at school can be overcome.

76. I don't know if I've had my share of drama, but I've definitely had my share of hard times.

We all have difficulties.

77. I am a perfectionist. I'm pretty insatiable. I feel there are many things I can improve on

You always have to bet on excellence.

78. I have never felt invincible.

We can all fail at some point.

79. With my website, I'm really interactive. I have written many things about myself.

You have to know how to take advantage of the technological advances that we have within our reach.

80. Grateful for all the happy moments, big and small.

It's good to be thankful for both the small and the big things that happen to us.

81. While motherhood has been one of her greatest joys, she also wants the world to know how difficult it can be to juggle everything on her plate.

Maternity is a stage in life that demands care and responsibility.

82. Nothing about me right now is perfect. But I am perfectly Serena.

Never stop being yourself.

83. What will make me happy is going out on the court and holding trophies, singles and doubles.

Doing what we like is living completely happy.

84. I love who I am and I encourage other people to love and embrace who they are. But it definitely wasn't easy, it took me a while.

Accepting yourself as we are often takes time.

85. I've always been a fighter and I've always fought through things my whole life.

Life is a constant struggle.

86. I'm not a size two. It's okay to look strong, to be sexy, to be a woman, and to be unbreakable, all of those things.

Beauty stereotypes should not influence how you feel about yourself.

87. I like to defend women and women's rights. So much stuff happens and I just think 'Wow, why don't we have a chance?

Women deserve to have their rights respected.

88. But as we know, all too often women do not receive enough support or feel discouraged from choosing their path. I hope that together we can change that.'

In many nations, women do not fully enjoy their rights.

89. If I don't get it right, I won't stop until I do.

We always bet on the best.

90. They always tell us what is beautiful and what is not, and that is not right.

We must not be carried away by the opinions of others.

91. Everybody always says never give up but you really have to take that to heart and really never give up for good. Keep trying.

If you fail, try again as many times as necessary.

92. Tennis is just a game, family is forever.

There are things that are extremely important.

93. Being lucky requires a lot of work.

Luck does not come by itself, we build it.

94. If anything, you know, I think losing motivates me even more.

When you fail at something, take it as an opportunity.

95. My thing is to win.

Succeeding is the engine that drives you to continue.

96. I was tired of losing… Life was passing me by.

There are times when life treats us badly.

97. You have to be fearless to be successful.

To reach the goal you have to be persevering.

98. For me, it was a matter of resilience. What others marked as flaws or disadvantages about me—my race, my gender—I embraced as fuel for my success. I never let anything or anyone define me or my potential. I controlled my future.

Life puts us in the way of difficulties that we must overcome to become stronger.

99. With a loss, when you lose, you pick yourself up, improve it, try again. That's what I do in life, when I get depressed, when I get sick.

Get up and continue, that is the slogan.

100. You can't go out there and say, "I want a spirit bag." Its not for sale. It has to be innate.

Effort is what feeds the spirit.

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