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10 characteristics of INSECTS

Insect Characteristics

The insect characteristics It is that they are animals that undergo metamorphosis, have articulated legs, live in all the world's ecosystems, reproduce very quickly and many more. Insects belong to phylum of arthropods, is the most diverse group of invertebrates and represents about 80% of the known species of animals. They have existed for around 350 million years and have evolved in various ways to end up inhabiting all environments on Earth. In this lesson from a Teacher we will tell you what are the insect characteristics.

To continue knowing the characteristics of insects we have to know their external structure. And it is that insects have a exoskeleton or external skeleton made up of chitin, it is secreted by glands in the epidermis of insects. Its function is give support and protection against agents of the environment or potential predators.

  • bilateral symmetry: Most insects have this type of symmetry, which means that if a stroke is made in half in the vertical plane, each part is the same. There are exceptions.
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  • Segmented body: The body of insects is segmented or divided into three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. These parts are called metameres. In some species these 3 parts are not well differentiated.
  • Hexapods: All insects are characterized by having 3 pairs of legs, adding 6 legs in total. They are found in 3 different parts of the thorax.
  • Antennas: Most insects have two antennae. They are elongated and segmented appendages, they have sensory functions such as touch, smell and hearing. There are insects without them.
  • At: Insects can have 2 to 4 wings. They are located in the upper part of the thorax. It is one of the characteristics of insects.
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