Education, study and knowledge

Solve subtraction problems without carrying

Once the child has already internalized the subtraction concept and he knows perform simple subtractions, you can start to introduce some subtraction problems.

In this video I will explain how solve subtraction problems without carrying. Starting from some problems that I will use as examples, I will explain all the Steps what you have to give to be able solve a problem with subtraction. The most important thing is that the problems are familiar to the child, that is, that they talk about things about their daily life. If we do not do this, it is very likely that the child does not understand the problem and as a consequence, does not know how to solve it. The steps that I will explain when solving problems are the following: read the problem statement as many times as necessary to understand it, know what data He gives us the problem and what he asks us to decide what the operation that will have to be done to solve the problem and write the problem solution.

In addition, I have prepared some

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printable exercises with solutions with which you can practice what is explained in the video with subtraction problems without lead Similar.

Problems are not easy to solve but thanks to they will be simpler. It's very important teach children to solve problems because many times it is the most difficult part of the Math.

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