The 110 best phrases of Louise Hay
Louise Lynn Hay was an acclaimed American writer and speaker, who became the forerunner of writing and publishing self-help books and of the movement known as the 'New thought'.
In this article you will find a selection of Louise Hay's quotes that better express the way of thinking of this author.
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Louise Hay's most memorable phrases
This is a compilation of Louise Hay's phrases about self-help and managing emotions.
1. I think we have to do with all the diseases of our body.
Through his actions, the human being has an influence on the health of his body.
2. Whatever pain we may be experiencing, let's choose thoughts that nurture and support us.
Having positive thoughts, even in difficult situations, is the best medicine to heal both body and soul.
3. Power is always in the present moment.
We can all heal from within.
4. If your mother didn't know how to love herself, or your father didn't know how to love himself, it would be impossible for them to teach you how to love yourself.
You have to love yourself so that you can love someone else.
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5. When there is a problem, there is not something to do, there is something to know.
Every problem has a solution.
6. Each of us is responsible for their experiences.
The way we live is solely our responsibility.
7. Love who you are and what you are and what you do.
Love yourself, that is the key to true happiness.
8. When I'm wrong, I realize that it's just a part of my learning process.
Mistakes and failure are also lessons.
9. Resentment, criticism, and fear cause most of the problems we have in life.
Feelings like fear, anger and criticism towards others are the cause of many diseases that afflict man.

10. If I want to believe that life is lonely and nobody loves me, that's what I'll find in my world.
Everything we think whether positive or negative comes true.
11. As my mind can conceive of more good, barriers and blocks dissolve.
Many problems only exist in the mind.
12. We need to let go of the past and love everyone, including ourselves.
Forgiveness is great medicine.
13. Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles.
Loving is a feeling that causes many miracles.
14. My life is full of little miracles appearing out of nowhere.
Life is a complete miracle.
15. With every thought we think is creating our future.
Your future is only your responsibility, so take care of your thoughts.
16. They were doing the best they could with what they had been taught as children.
It is important to teach children the power of thought.
17. If you want to understand your parents more, have them talk about their own childhood; and if you listen compassionately, you will learn where their fears and rigid patterns come from.
Learn to listen to others, you will be surprised at what you hear.
18. Forgiveness is for you because it sets you free. It allows you to get out of the prison you are in.
Forgiveness is liberation for the one who performs it.
19. Part of self-acceptance is freeing yourself from the opinions of others.
You should not let the opinions of others influence you.
20. The Body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of what we internally think and believe.
What we think is reflected in our body.
21. We must be willing to begin to love ourselves.
If you don't love yourself, then you will be unable to love someone else.
22. With every thought we think is creating our future.
Everything you think becomes reality.
23. All of the events that you have experienced in your life up to this point have been created by your thoughts and beliefs that you have held in the past.
Your present is the result of the thoughts you had in the past.
24. You are the only person who thinks in your mind. You are the power and authority in your world.
Only you are responsible for your own thoughts.
25. How you start your day is how you live your day.
How you think the day will go, so it will.
26. Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles.
Love heals everything.
27. Your mind is a tool that you can choose to use in any way you want.
The mind is a powerful weapon, it can destroy you as well as lead you on the right path.
28. It's no fun being a victim.
No person should be in the role of victim.
29. I get the help I need, and it can come from anywhere.
You have to firmly believe that, at the right time, help arrives.
30. Resentment, criticism, guilt and fear appear when we blame others and do not take responsibility for our own experiences.
It is very common for us to blame others for our own mistakes.
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31. If you're going to listen to the people, listen to the achievers.
Surround yourself with successful people, you will be one of them.
32. To change your life on the outside you must change yourself on the inside.
You cannot change externally, but you change first within yourself.
33. No matter where we live on the planet or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.
Human beings have the ability to overcome any difficulty that comes their way.
34. Some people would rather leave the planet than change.
Situations don't change if you don't change first.
35. You have the power to heal your life and you need to know it.
In your hands is the solution to your problems.
36. I understand and love everyone. Love makes me feel at ease.
When you really love life, everything makes sense.
37. Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
Life puts the solutions to your problems in your hands.
38. I listen with love to the messages of my body.
It's good to sit still and listen to your body, it has a lot to tell you.
39. Fears are nothing more than thoughts, and we can be free of thoughts.
Fears can be removed.
40. We often think that we are powerless, but we are not.
If you think you are incapable, so be it.
41. I find praise and joy in everything I say and do.
We must affirm that our environment provides us with everything we need.
42. Every time we say; «I don't know», we close the door of our own source of wisdom, which is infinite.
Never say you can't do something as it won't let you move forward.
43. Everything I need comes to me.
Having a positive attitude at all times is the key to success.
44. It's just a thought, and a thought can be changed.
Keep your thoughts in tune with what you feel.
45. We need to acknowledge and admit all of our feelings, including anger, and find positive ways to express them.
Express what you feel.
46. We always have the power of our mind. Consciously claim and use your power.
The power that the mind has is very powerful.
47. Learn from the past and let it go. Live in the present.
Just go to the past to learn from the mistakes made and thus not commit them in the present.
48. If I want to be accepted as I am, I need to be willing to accept others as they are.
If you accept others as they are, they will accept you too.
49. The moment you are ready to change, it is amazing how the universe begins to help you, and brings you what you need.
If you change, everything around you will too.
50. Listen to people who know what they are doing and who demonstrate the value of what they do.
Try to surround yourself with people who are confident in themselves and in what they do.
51. My support system is strong and caring at the same time.
It is essential to have people who support us at all times.
52. I refuse to feel like a defenseless person again. I claim my strength.
We all have an internal strength that motivates us to keep going.
53. I am a capable person and can cope with anything.
You are a being completely capable of doing everything you want.
54. If I want to believe that life is lonely and nobody loves me, that's what I'll find in my world.
Your life will be as you think.
55. Power is always in the present moment.
You have to live in the here and now.
56. How you live your day is how you live your life.
Every day should be lived as if it were the last.
57. If a thought or belief doesn't serve you, let it go.
Don't hold on to what doesn't serve you, it's time to let go.
58. They were created by the thoughts and words you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year.
What you have today is the product of your thoughts.
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59. The door of my heart opens inward. Step from rancor to Love.
Do not give room to grudges and anger in your heart.
60. The point of power is always in the present moment.
Yesterday is over, tomorrow is an illusion and today is what really matters.
61. As you free yourself from the need to continually criticize yourself, you will find that you don't criticize others as much either.
Do not criticize yourself, you are a very capable person.
62. One of the most important spiritual lessons we have to learn is to understand that everyone does the best they are capable of at all times.
People are capable of doing the best when we propose.
63. I am a capable person and can cope with anything.
No matter the odds, you can overcome it.
64. Every day offers me a new opportunity.
Live intensely every day, you may not have more opportunities.
65. Yesterday has already ended. Today is the first day of my future.
Don't stay in yesterday, move on.
66. Responsibility is your ability to respond to a situation. We always have a choice.
Don't give up, there are always options.
67. When our inner vision opens, our horizon expands.
If you change your way of thinking, the problems will fade away.
68. I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
Your present is what you deserve and what you have attracted.
69. I will not be distracted by noise or setbacks.
Don't let problems affect your life.
70. Everyone has something to teach me. There is a purpose for us to be together.
Learn from each person who is by your side.
71. What we believe in, will be what we will find around us.
What you believe, that's what you will attract.
72. We are energy, and energy vibrates.
You are energy and you attract the same.
73. Can you imagine what a generation of adults would be like who in school, in addition to the normal curriculum, would have been taught these subjects?
In schools and universities they should teach the power of thought, we would be better people.
74. I am willing to release the need to be unworthy.
Avoid thinking that you do not deserve anything, you are very valuable.
75. I accept the gift of this time alone.
Loneliness is a very valuable friend.
76. Now I attract new friends and friends; interesting, kind, responsible, tolerant, funny and generous people.
May your thoughts focus on attracting good people.
77. My heart is the center of my power. I follow my heart.
The power in you lies in your thoughts and in the heart.
78. I express gratitude for all the good in my life. Every day brings me wonderful new surprises.
Every day is a new beginning and an opportunity to do better.
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79. We create situations and then give up our power by blaming others for our frustrations.
Don't blame others for your failures.
80. How do you treat the elderly? What you give today is what you will find tomorrow when you grow old.
Old age is a path that we are all going to travel.
81. The more self-hatred and guilt we have, the less our life works.
Don't hate yourself or blame yourself for anything, keep going.
82. Begin to recognize prosperity everywhere, and rejoice in it.
Prosperity is not just a matter of money, but encompasses other aspects.
83. You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked.
Stop sabotaging yourself, you will hurt yourself a lot.
84. My life is overflowing with joy and is constantly improving.
Joy is a fundamental part of everything we do.
85. As babies, we were all love and joy. We knew how important we were, we felt like the center of the universe.
Let's not lose the safety that children have.
86. My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.
It is absolutely necessary that when we wake up and before going to sleep, we have a moment to be thankful.
87. Remember that whatever situation you find yourself in, what led you to it was your thought.
The situations we experience are reflections of our way of thinking.
88. I wish children were soon taught that our thinking creates our experiences.
We must learn to think correctly so that everything changes around us.
89. I forgive myself for not being a perfect person. I live in the best way I know how.
Don't look for perfection as it doesn't exist.
90. Trust your inner guidance to reveal what you need to know.
Faced with a problem, just calm down and look for the solution with patience.
91. The people around you do nothing but reflect what you think you deserve.
If you think you deserve the best, that's what you will have.
92. Today I listen to my feelings and am kind to myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends.
Get in tune with your feelings.
93. I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.
Open your arms and hope for the best.
94. Try to approve of yourself as you are and see what happens.
If you accept yourself as you really are, the world will look at you with good eyes.
95. Look at the problems in your life. Ask yourself: What kind of thoughts am I having that is creating this?
Take care of your thoughts.
96. Humor and joy contribute to my general well-being.
Be happy, laugh at all times.
97. Every time you issue a judgment or criticism, you are sending something that will end up coming back to you.
What you give, comes to you in a multiplied way.
98. There is no person, place or thing that has any power over us. In our mind, we just think.
You are the owner of your own thoughts.
99. As I move forward in life, I know that I am safe and that I have Divine protection and guidance.
God always protects us.
100. Abundance flows freely through me.
We are completely abundant.
101. With love and joy I accept my sexuality and my way of expressing it.
It is essential to accept sexuality as an essential part of life.
102. I feel totally healthy and complete.
You have to decree health and happiness every day.
103. You should know that you are always safe. And that it is possible to move from the old to the new, easily and peacefully.
Feel safe in all areas where you move.
104. I am worthy of having the best in life and now lovingly allow myself to accept it.
You are an important being and you deserve the best.
105. If our energy is projected positively towards the outside and towards ourselves, what we achieve is vibrating at a positive frequency.
Surround yourself with good energy at all times.
106. We are continuously vibrating together with everything that exists in the Universe.
We are in tune with everything around us.
107. Life is a lottery that we have already won. But most people haven't cashed in their tickets
Life is a gift and you have to enjoy it.
108. Patience, commitment, grace and purpose will guide me.
We must always be grateful for what we have, be patient at all times and make commitments.
109. Every day declare what you want in your life.
Every day is a new opportunity to start.
110. When there is a problem, there is not something to do, there is something to know.
Problems must be attacked immediately before they grow.