Solve addition problems
To solve any addition problem a series of steps will have to be followed. Below I summarize what I have explained in the video:
- first of all there will be read the problem statement very well as many times as necessary to understand the information you give us and what you ask of us
- then they can underline the data and the keywords of the problem
- copy the data to one side of the problem and help yourself with simple drawings to make it easier to understand (optional)
- decide what operation will be the most suitable for solve the problem (in this case the sum)
- do the sum copying the data well
- review the sum to check if it is well done
- write the solution (Remember to write well in the solution what is asked of you in the problem - pencils, cards, years, months, toys ...-)
If children follow all these steps, almost 100% guaranteed that the problem will be well solved.
After watching the video, the children will be able to continue practicing with the printable exercises and their solutions that I have left on this same page of the web.
In addition, if you have any questions about this video, you can ask me directly through the same website in the space dedicated to this.