Education, study and knowledge

Solve Subtraction Problems Carrying

We continue with our third video on the problem solving with subtraction. In the previous videos I taught you solve subtraction problems without carrying but the subtraction can also be more complicated. For this reason, in this video I will show you how to solve subtraction problems by carrying.

The method to follow for solve these problems it will be the same as always. The only difference is that the operation being a subtract carrying it will be more complicated. Let's remember the steps: read the problem statement as many times as necessary to understand it, see what data provides us with the problem and what it asks of us, decide what operation is the one that must be done to solve the problem and write the solution.

After watching the video, thanks to the printable exercises with their solutions, you can practice with subtraction problems carrying similar to those I have explained. I hope they help you understand them better!

And if you have any questions to solve, whenever you want you can ask me through the space dedicated to this on our website.

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