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Gottlob Frege: biography of this German philosopher

Do you know who Gottlob Frege was? g. Frege (1848-1925) was a German philosopher, logician, and mathematician, considered the father of analytical philosophy and mathematical logic.

Analytical philosophy is a branch of knowledge that deals with logically analyzing scientific language and also common language. For its part, mathematical logic (or symbolic logic) studies logic and its application in mathematics.

In this article we will learn about the most important milestones in the life of this philosopher through a biography of Gottlob Frege, in addition to his most relevant contributions and works in his different fields of study.

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Gottlob Frege: who was it?

Gottlob Frege, full name Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) was a German philosopher, logician, and mathematician.. He was born in Wismar (Germany) on November 8, 1848, and died in Bad Kleinen (Germany) on July 26, 1925.

For many, Frege is considered the father of two very specific currents in the field of philosophy: mathematical logic and analytical philosophy. As for the latter, analytical philosophy, Frege established, together with the renowned philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell, the bases and foundations of this type of thought.

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Gottlob Frege's most relevant contributions were in the field of mathematics and the philosophy of language.. Frege became a professor of mathematics at the University of Jena (Germany).

For a long time (practically until the end of his life), Gottlob Frege went unnoticed by these fields of knowledge and, in a certain way, "in the shadow". However, thanks to two prominent figures, the also philosopher, mathematician and logician Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), and the philosopher and mathematician Giuseppe Peano (1858-1932), Gottlob's work became known enormously.

Thought and relevant contributions

Gottlob Frege believed that mathematics and language could be reduced to logic; With this idea, he developed a logical program whose mission was to analyze the foundations, both logical and philosophical, of mathematics and language.

As a result of all this process he developed modern logic, which was a kind of antithesis to the prevailing classical logic of the moment, since the time of Aristotle. His contributions, greatly influenced by Russell, Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle, gave way to the so-called analytical philosophy..

Thus, we can say that Frege was the first to address the foundations of mathematics; what he did was establish the relationship (according to him, quite close) between the definition of the essence of mathematical knowledge, and the rigorous description of the demonstrative processes.

What Frege wanted was to demonstrate that arithmetic was a branch of logic and that, as such, he did not need experience or intuition to demonstrate its principles.

On the other hand, Gottlob Frege also he was one of the first to analyze language through a logical method. In this way, as we see, Frege tried, during a large part of his career, to combine logic, mathematics, philosophy and language.

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Going into this biography of Gottlob Frege, we know that He was born in Wismar (Germany) on November 8, 1848.. His father was Carl Alexander Frege (1809-1866), co-founder and director of a girls' college. His mother was Auguste Wilhelmine Sophie Frege (1815-1898), of Polish noble family.

It is worth mentioning that when Carl died (in 1866), it was Auguste who was in charge of directing this girls' school.


Regarding Gottlob Frege's childhood, we can say that some milestones at that time would mark, in a certain way, his academic and professional trajectory, especially in terms of philosophy it means.

One of these events was the publication of a book, by his father, entitled Hülfsbuch zum Unterrichte in der deutschen Sprache für Kinder von 9 bis 13 Jahren. This book dealt with a topic that would greatly influence Frege's ideas and interests, and that was the logical structure of language.

Academic and professional trajectory

Once childhood was over, Gottlob Frege set out to pursue his studies. He first studied compulsory education at the “gymnasium” (Secondary School) in Wismar. There he graduated in the year 1869, at the age of twenty-one.

A little later that same year, in 1869, Frege began to study mathematics at the University of Jena. He spent two years at that university, taking subjects in mathematics and physics. Although his major was mathematics, Frege also attended some Kantian philosophy classes., in which he learned about the work of Immanuel Kant.

Far from staying only with mathematics, Frege also studied philosophy and physics at the universities of Jena and Göttingen (Germany). In addition, in the latter (University of Göttingen) he received his doctorate in philosophy in the year 1873.

Regarding his professional career, Frege began working as a mathematics professor at one of the universities where he had studied: the University of Jena. From there, he was working practically all his life as a mathematics teacher in different entities.


Some of Frege's most prominent teachers were: the philosopher Kuno Fischer (1824-1907) and the physicists Hermann Schaeffer (1824-1900), Christian Philipp Karl Snell (1806-1886) and Traugott Schaeffer (1824-1900).

It is worth noting the influence that another teacher had on Frege: the physicist Ernst Karl Abbe (1840–1905), known for laying the foundations of modern optics, along with other colleagues. We can say that Abbe was Gottlob Frege's mentor throughout his academic career.

relevant works

We can highlight three essential works by Gottlob Frege, which intermingle his three fundamental pillars of knowledge: logic, philosophy and mathematics.

1. Begriffsschrift (1879)

Frege's first relevant work was Begriffsschrift, which was translated as “Ideography, a formal language of pure thought in imitation of arithmetic”; through it, Frege lays the foundations of modern logic, and establishes, for the first time, a system of mathematical logic, through a symbolic language.

It is curious that this work, which today is one of his most important works (also for philosophy in general), was initially ignored, especially by his colleagues.

2. Grundlagen der Arithmetic (1884)

Translated as "Fundamentals of Arithmetic", here Frege specify what are the philosophical foundations of mathematics.

3. Über Sinn und Bedeutung (1892)

Translated as: "On meaning and reference", this work is currently considered the most widely read work of Gottlob Frege. Specifically, it is a seminal article in which he expresses his fundamental ideas on the philosophy of language.

Bibliographic references:

  • Auteur., Weiner, Joan, (cop. 1999). Frege. Oxford University Press.
  • Kenny, a. (1995). Frege: an introduction to the founder of modern analytical philosophy. London: Penguin Books.
  • Mendelsohn, R. L. (2005).The Philosophy of Gottlob Frege, Cambridge University Press.
  • Ruiza, M., Fernandez, T. and Tamaro, E. (2004). Gottlob Frege Biography. In Biographies and Lives. The online biographical encyclopedia. Barcelona, ​​Spain).

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