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The 75 best Peter Jackson quotes

Peter Jackson is a celebrated New Zealand director and producer, born in the famous city of Wellington during the year 1961.

This winner of 3 Oscars managed to position himself as one of the best directors of our time, especially thanks to his great films. "The Lord of the rings" and "The Hobbit." In his work as a filmmaker, Jackson has been one of the professionals who has most intensely explored the use of new technologies and thanks to them he has managed to create some really exceptional.

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Phrases and reflections of Peter Jackson, director of The Lord of the Rings

New Zealand, the place where Jackson was born, has been the setting for most of his films and thanks to him, many of us have been able to see the magnificent landscapes found there.

Next you will have the opportunity to discover the 75 best phrases of Peter Jackson, who we can undoubtedly consider one of the best film directors of the 21st century.

1. I think the George Lucas "Star Wars" movies are fantastic. What he's done, what I admire, is that he's taken all the money and profits from those movies and invested it in the development of digital sound and surround sound, which we're using today.
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Some films they have helped develop some technologies that we all enjoy today, a fact that we will always be grateful to certain filmmakers.

2. New Zealand is not a small country but a big people.

New Zealand is a truly impressive country, a place with some truly unique properties in the world.

3. Getting an Oscar would be an incredible moment in my career, there is no doubt about that. But the 'Lord of the Rings' movies aren't made for the Oscars, they're made for the public.

The “Lord of the Rings” movies are true works of art, regardless of how many awards they have won or not.

4. No movie has captured my imagination more than “King Kong”. Today I am making movies because I saw this movie when I was 9 years old.

King Kong is a film which captured the imagination of an entire generation, a resounding success that Jackson would later decide to try to replicate.

5. What I don't like are pompous and pretentious movies.

Some films try to appear what they are not, a widespread practice that this famous director does not like at all.

6. The most honest way to make movies is to make a movie for yourself.

All filmmakers should try to make that movie that they themselves might be interested in, unfortunately this is something that doesn't happen very often in real life.

7. Film is such a powerful medium. It's like a weapon and I think you have a duty to self-censor.

Certain aspects of real life do not have to be reflected in the movies, the role that the director exercises on many occasions, is to decide which scenes should come out and which not during a movie.

8. I mean, I didn't have much of a movie education, I guess.

The cinema should not be our greatest source of information, for this reading is a much more interesting practice.

9. I didn't want my children to have to go through an airport named after their father.

The nation of New Zealand has always been greatly interested in his films, it would not be surprising if in the future his airport was named after this famous director.

10. For much of my childhood, I didn't want to direct movies because I didn't really know what directing was.

The work of director is totally unknown to most people, because behind this position there are many more tasks than we can imagine.

11. Filmmaking for me always aims for the imaginary film and never achieves it.

Being able to faithfully represent the film that the director has in his mind is something practically impossible, Jackson knows very well that this is something completely normal that usually happens very often.

12. Rivalry doesn't help anyone.

Life is too valuable to waste it on personal quarrels, everything that does not bring us anything positive should be removed from our minds.

13. The big-budget blockbuster is becoming one of the most reliable ways to make movies.

Blockbusters are becoming more common, as over time the public has become accustomed to this type of film and tends to consume them with great ease.

14. One of the first movies I saw was 'Batman', based on the TV series with Adam West and Burt Ward.

A film which has nothing to do with the style of Peter Jackson, perhaps with it he discovered the cinema that he personally did not want to represent.

15. Everyone's life has these moments, where one thing leads to another. Some are big and obvious and others are small and seemingly insignificant.

We all go through good and bad times throughout our lives, but ultimately it will be up to us to give them the value they really deserve.

16. Where film is infinitely superior to any other medium is the emotion, the story, and the character.

Movies can transport us in the blink of an eye to worlds we didn't know before. We can be sure that cinema is currently the most immersive audiovisual medium available to our society.

17. The vast majority of the CGI budget is labor.

The CGI undoubtedly entails a great job and of course this will consume a very high percentage of the budget of a film.

18. The actors will never be replaced. The idea that somehow a computer version of a character will be something people prefer to look at is a ridiculous idea.

Actors will always be present in the world of cinema, we can be sure that they will never be replaced no matter how much technology advances.

19. They intimidated me and considered me a bit weird.

Even someone as important as Jackson also receives negative reviews, but just like he did, we shouldn't let the opinions of others decide for us.

20. There was a great magazine in the 80's called 'Cinemagic' for home movie makers who liked to make monster movies and special effects. It was like a magazine written just for me.

A very interesting magazine that perhaps many of you were unaware of, as we see in this quote Jackson spent long periods of time looking through its pages during his youth.

21. There's a very compelling attitude in New Zealand that stems from that psyche of being pretty isolated and not being able to depend on the rest of the world's infrastructure.

New Zealand has been cut off from the world for a very long time, its native people known as the Maori have their own unique culture and very different from the rest of the world.

22. They used to send eight minute Super 8 movies of various Ray Harryhausen scenes advertised on the back of 'Famous Monsters of Filmland' magazine.

Cinema has always formed an essential part of his life, since from a very young age he created his own works, using the home media available to him at that time.

23. 48 frames per second is something you have to get used to. I have absolute belief and faith in 48 paintings... it's something that could have ramifications for the entire industry. The Hobbit really is proof of that.

Technically all his movies are amazing. We will always be able to know when we are watching a movie by this great director, especially if we look at his fantastic photography and setting.

24. I've always tried to make movies that get audiences out of their seats... I want the public to be transported.

This director wants his films to be capable of transporting the public to a magical place, a curious quality standard in all of his works that is really difficult to achieve.

25. Prosthetic makeup is always frustrating.

Makeup in the world of cinema is incredible, thanks to it the actors can become real monsters in just 90 minutes.

26. When you start, you have to do something with a very limited budget. You won't be able to have great actors, and you most likely won't have a great script.

Directors usually have big financing problems in their first works, because until these are not recognized as excellent professionals, the opportunities they receive are really scarce.

27. I thought there might be something unsatisfying about directing two Tolkien movies after "Lord of the Rings." He would try to compete with myself and deliberately do things differently.

The saga of "The Hobbit" allowed Jackson to re-enter the universe of J.R.R Tolkien, a second great opportunity that this director took advantage of very gladly.

28. Buster Keaton's "The General" from 1927, I think, is still one of the best movies of all time.

Keaton had a truly unique way of working for his time and thanks to him, over the years, cinema managed to become what we all know today.

29. I watch “Goodfellas”, and suddenly it completely releases me; It reminds me of what great film directing is all about.

The movie "Goodfellas" starring Robert de Niro, is one of the most famous gangster movies in history. This famous film was presented under the title of "One of ours" in Spain and if you have not seen it, this may be the ideal time to do so.

30. As a filmmaker, you want nothing more than for people to say, I love your movie.

Every director always wants to please his audience, a well-deserved recognition that unfortunately is not achieved in all of his films.

31. I think "Jaws" is a remarkable movie.

"Jaws" known as "Shark" in Spain, was a film which marked an entire era. Currently there are still many people with a truly excruciating fear of sharks.

32. Once you go down a path, you take it to the end.

You never know for sure where life will take you, but what we can be sure of is that if we are patient and persevering, most likely we will reach a much more pleasant destination for us.

33. I like to keep an open mind, but I do believe that there is some form of energy separate from our flesh and blood. I believe there is some kind of energy that leaves the body when it dies, but I certainly don't have any particular religious beliefs.

What happens after death is something that no one really knows, keeping an open mind on these issues may be the smart thing to do on our part.

34. People accuse Tolkien of not being good with female characters, and I think Eowyn shows that that's wrong to some degree. Eowyn is actually a strong female character, and she's a surprisingly modern character, considering who Tolkien was as an English teacher in the 1930s and 1940s.

The society in which Tolkien lived was very different from today. Well, the role of women in those times was what we can all imagine, things as stereotyped as caring for the home or raising children.

35. In the old days, you cut out a scene that could have been a really great scene, and no one would ever see it again. Now, with DVD, obviously you can... there are many possibilities for scenes that are good scenes.

The new digital media allow cut scenes to see the light in the format of false takes or extra content. A little treat for viewers that they're sure to enjoy.

36. Every time you do something, people are going to like it or people are going to hate it. He tends to make the movies on the basis that he's making them for the people who are going to like them and he doesn't care too much about the people who don't like them.

Possible future criticisms should not paralyze our daily work, because as the well-known saying goes: it never rains to everyone's liking.

37. It is now such a complex society in terms of media. It just comes at us from all directions. You have to push it all away.

The media bombard us 24 hours a day and being able to manage them has become very complicated for certain people in today's fast-paced society.

38. I'm not anti-media at all. But the media, the news anywhere in the world, is based on drama.

Many media outlets are not completely truthful with the news they transmit, an unfortunate way of proceeding that this famous director deeply dislikes.

39. You don't want to believe everything you read on the internet.

On the internet, not everything that is said is true, we must be very careful with the information we consume.

40. Filmmakers have to commit to making 3D movies right like James Cameron did and not making cheap conversions at the end of the process.

3D can be a very interesting technique if we apply it to certain films, a simple piece of advice that this director dedicates to all of his professional colleagues.

41. As a filmmaker, I believe in trying to make movies that invite the audience to be a part of the movie; In other words, there are some movies where I'm just a spectator and I'm just watching from the front seat. What he tried to do is draw the audience into the film and get them to participate in what's happening on the screen.

Getting the public to immerse themselves in his films is a clear objective for him and for this to be possible, the setting of all his works must simply be exceptional.

42. The second movies are great because you can include it in it, and it doesn't really have a beginning, especially in a traditional way. You can break it.

The sagas are very interesting to him, with them this director can go much deeper into the plots of his films.

43. When I was about 14 years old, I got a splicing kit, which means you can cut the film into small pieces and change the order and glue it together.

As we can see, from a very young age, cinema was something tremendously interesting for him, a passion in which he was very early and in which later, as we all know, he would succeed.

44. Learning how to edit film was a breakthrough.

Mastering editing can be a very interesting facet for any director, and thanks to it, Jackson obviously has greater control over all the films he directs.

45. I fell in love with the stories that watched a British TV puppet show called 'Thunderbirds' when it first came out on TV, around 1965, so it would have been 4 or 5 years. I went out to the garden at my mom and dad's house, and used to play with my little toys, little cars, trucks, and other things.

The Thunderbirds are an animated series from the 60s based on the use of puppets, when this series arrived in Spain it was renamed "Guardians of Space".

46. If you take a regular animated movie, that's done by animators on computers, so filming is quite a technical process.

Most animated movies are created from a computer and that is why the process of making these movies can be very technical and complex.

47. Strategically, horror movies are a good way to start your career. You can have a lot of impact with very little.

Horror movies are highly demanded by the general public, it is more than proven that they always achieve very good box office figures.

48. Obviously, in movies, you're often on location, rain or shine, in a real place where the trees and cars are real. But when you're on stage,

as an actor, you are imagining the environment you are in.

The performers behave in a very different way making movies, than they would be doing in a theater. Well, the cinema is capable of offering a series of opportunities that the theater will never be able to match.

49. I never openly review my own films, I don't think it's my job to do that. I just get confused and do what I think is best for the movie.

From the director's chair, his films are from his point of view as they should be, what critics later think is simply something that is beyond his control.

50. To direct a genuinely animated film, you're really having meetings and discussing what you want with the animators who then go off and produce a shot while you watch and comment.

Animated films are very different from the usual ones, the way in which they are produced has nothing to do with what we know as conventional cinema.

51. If you do a trilogy, the important thing is to get to that third chapter, and the third chapter is what justifies what came before.

The sagas always show their full potential in the last film, because the filmmakers know very well that they must always keep the intrigue until the end.

52. I love Bilbo Baggins. I get along very well with Bilbo!

Bilbo is a really adorable character, in all the scenes where he appears he always manages to make us smile.

53. I never wanted to do "The Hobbit" in the first place.

He always knew that "The Hobbit" was the perfect prequel, a strategy that he would later prove to be a great success.

54. I just think that we are living in a world where technology advances so quickly. You have cameras that are capable of more and more: the resolution of the cameras is increasing.

Today's technology is truly amazing, anyone can own a camera with great definition. Something that undoubtedly allows improving the productions of home filmmakers.

55. We had to get past the mechanical movie era to be able to explore other things, but it will be interesting.

Digitization has allowed cinema to develop a lot, as we all know, current films are very different from those that were made long ago.

56. Critics in particular treat the CGI as a virus that infects the film.

The CGI does not have to harm a film, because with this new technique the works only get a better setting.

57. I remember when I was, I must have been 17 or 18, I remember 'The Empire Strikes Back' had a big cliffhanger, and it was like three years before the next one came out.

The “Star Wars” saga captivated the minds of an entire generation, among all those young people there was also a young man named Peter Jackson.

58. If you are an only child, you spend a lot of time alone and develop a great ability to entertain yourself and conjure up fantasy.

People who live in families with many members, live their lives in a very different way than do the so-called only children. The latter learn to manage their moments of solitude, in a much more efficient way.

59. Too often, you see filmmakers from other countries who have made interesting and original movies, and then they come here and homogenize to hack Hollywood directors. I don't want to fall for it.

Jackson is very clear that all his films will always have his personal style, no matter what Hollywood may think about them.

60. What I think is remarkable about my mom and dad is that they really had no interest in movies. None.

Cinematographic culture was not within his family, but even so this famous director fell in love with the world of cinema since he was very young.

61. I am always ashamed of those autobiographies of rugby players that journalists write.

Not all books are really worth it, as Peter Jackson makes us understand very well with this brief quote.

62. I've always had a slightly iconic view of people promoting books about themselves.

Those who sell books about themselves are seen by this director in a very particular way, an anecdote that demonstrates how any small detail of the world that surrounds us is seen by Jackson from a different prism than usual.

63. I have a freedom that is incredibly valuable. Obviously, my freedom is much smaller in scale than what people like Zemeckis and Spielberg have here. But it is comparable. I can dream a project, develop it, do it, control it, release it.

Thanks to the fame that he has achieved over the years, Jackson now enjoys great autonomy in his work. A real dream come true for him.

64. We have lost close friends and relatives to cancer and Parkinson's disease, and the level of personal suffering inflicted on patients and their families by these diseases is horrific.

Degenerative diseases are very painful both for the patient and for his entire family. A slow and painful death is undoubtedly the worst thing that as human beings we can experience.

65. It's one thing to support your child, but if you have an interest in what your child is doing, it makes it so much easier.

We must support our children in everything they set out to do, because our help will be an essential aspect so that they can achieve success in the future.

66. There is a generation of children who do not like black and white movies. There is a high level of impatience or intolerance now.

Today's society has changed a lot, especially if we compare it with the one that existed at the beginning of the 20th century. In some ways for the better and in others unfortunately for the worse.

67. One of the best things about growing up in New Zealand is that if you are prepared to work hard and have faith in yourself, anything really is possible.

New Zealand is a country where its inhabitants enjoy great possibilities, both educational and professional. A really ideal place to live.

68. Continued advances in stem cell medicine will change all of our lives for the better.

Stem cells will undoubtedly be very important for our future, because thanks to them we will most likely achieve a much better quality of life.

69. Stem cell therapy has the potential to treat a multitude of diseases that have hitherto been labeled 'incurable'.

Medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds, who knows how far human beings will go in their development. The future may be brighter than many of us imagine.

70. The producers of "The Hobbit" take the welfare of all animals very seriously and have always pursued the highest standard of care for the animals in their care.

Animal welfare should be a much more widespread premise today, since we should all be very clear that they too are fully capable of feeling and suffering.

71. I feel very lucky to be able to make films in New Zealand, and I will always be grateful for the support I have received from so many New Zealanders.

The nation of New Zealand always provided the greatest possible assistance during the filming of "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", a gesture that certainly honors them greatly.

72. I don't have a real job.

If we do what we want, can we call it work? As this famous director believes, since he does what he is most passionate about, he can't really call it work.

73. The Tolkien estate owns the writings of Professor Tolkien. 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings' were sold by Professor Tolkien in the late 1960s, the rights to the film.

J.R.R Tolkien was a great writer born in the nation of South Africa during the year 1892, during his career as a writer he created great Works like "The Hobbit" or "The Lord of the Rings", which Peter Jackson would successfully bring to the big screen many years later.

74. The first day I start shooting, I start having a recurring nightmare that every night I'm lying in bed, and there's a film crew surrounding the bed, waiting for me to tell them what to do, and i don't know what movie i'm supposed to do.

Filmmakers regularly carry a great deal of pressure behind them, a level of stress that can be truly unhealthy at times.

75. Over 55% of all shots using animals in 'The Hobbit' are actually computer generated; This includes horses, ponies, rabbits, hedgehogs, birds, deer, moose, mice, wild boars, and wolves.

No animal was mistreated in the filming of said film, something that should be totally mandatory in the world of cinema.

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