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NYMPHS in Greek mythology

Nymphs in Greek mythology

Like all mythologies, the Greek also has unique creatures, which appear in myths and have a meaning regarding the world in which they inhabit. One of the main creatures of the Greek beliefs are the nymphs, minor deities associated with nature. For all these reasons, in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to offer you a summary of the nymphs in greek mythology.

Nymphs were female minor deities in Greek mythology. They were associated with natural elements, either general, or with a specific natural element. They were very numerous, which is why some of them appear in most Greek myths, with more or less participation.

to the nymphs they were considered olympians, since they were summoned to the summons of the Olympus although they were not part of the usual group of 12 Olympians. Its important role seems to be related to ser daughters of Zeus, since the king of the gods considered them a very important part of his world.

The nymphs performed very different tasks from each other, but generally accompanied and helped other gods, such as Artemis or Apollo.

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What is the difference between nymph and goddess?

The difference between the nymphs and the goddesses is that they could not grow old, but Yes they could die.

Nymphs in Greek mythology - What do the nymphs represent?

When talking about the nymphs in Greek mythology, we must take into account that they could vary a lot, receiving different names depending on the place they inhabited. The first nymphs were the celestial ones, which appeared in the sky, and which were the following:

  • auras: They were the winged nymphs that formed the breezes, being the daughters of the wind gods.
  • Hesperides: Some nymphs who took care of a garden located in the Atlas Mountains, in North Africa, where Hercules had to carry out one of his works. Among the main Hesperides were Arethusa, Egle, Eritia, Hespere and Hesperia.
  • hyades: The ninjas in charge of causing the rains, living in the clouds. These nymphs were Fésile, Corónide, Cleea, Feo and Eudora.
  • Pleiades: Seven of daughters who accompanied Artemis in her adventures. These nymphs were Maya, Celeno, Alcíone, Electra, Estérope, Taigete and Mérope.
  • nepheles: Nymphs of the clouds that, like the hyades, were capable of causing heavy rains.

In unProfesor we discover the main greek mythology characters.

Another important role of the nymphs in Greek mythology was their presence on earth and their relationship with plants and forests, being elements closely related to these deities. For this reason, the main ground nymphs are the following:

  • alseides: They were the nymphs that inhabited the flowers, which had a great resemblance to what we now know as fairies.
  • auloniades: They were the nymphs of the valleys and mountains, where they usually accompanied the god Pan. The most famous of them all was Eurydice.
  • lemons: They were the nymphs in charge of protecting the pastures.
  • napeas: They were a series of nymphs that lived in valleys, mountains, valleys and ravines.
  • oréades: They were the nymphs in charge of protecting the mountains and their caves. The most famous of these was Echo, who lost her voice due to Hera's jealousy.
  • dryads: Tree nymphs, living inside them on occasion. Unlike other forest nymphs, they had complete freedom within their domains.
  • hamadryades: They were nymphs related to a tree, being attached to it, and losing their lives if the tree was destroyed.

The nymphs in Greek mythology could also be related to bodies of water, both huge sources such as seas or oceans, as well as small formations such as rivers.

Among these types of nymphs in mythology were the following:

  • naiads: The ninjas related to fresh water, such as rivers or lakes. Generally these nymphs were daughters of river gods and sometimes they were linked to a single river.
  • oceanids: They were personifications of the rivers, so there was one for each of the rivers that the Greeks knew.
  • oceanides: They were the nymphs daughters of Océano and Tetis, being associated with salt water. Within this group we can find creatures as important as the Nereids or the mermaids.

To continue this lesson on nymphs in Greek mythology, we must continue talking about types of nymphs. less common, but just as important. For all this, the rest of the important nymphs are the following:

  • meliss: They were a group of nymphs related to bees, being able to take care of them and give them orders.
  • maenads: They were a group of nymphs closely related to Dionysus, serving from his birth, and accompanying him later.
  • muses: The famous muses were also nymphs, each of them being related to a type of art.
  • Underworld Nymphs: Some nymphs were capable of living in the Underworld under the orders of Hades, such as Leuce or Mente.
  • Themids: Some nymphs who were in charge of keeping divine objects and who were sometimes also prophets.
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