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11 differences between orthodox and catholic

Orthodox and Catholic: differences

He Christianity It has been one of the most important religions throughout human history, being present in many of the world's great civilizations. Throughout history, Christianity has evolved, emerging numerous branches and thus emerging new religions. The first great split from Christianity It was caused by the schism, in which Christianity divided into Catholics and Orthodox. To know the differences between both beliefs, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the differences between orthodox and catholic.

Before going into the differences between Orthodox and Catholic, we are going to know what each of these branches of Christianity means.

He orthodox christianity It was a religion that arose as a consequence of the Schism of the West and the East, caused by the loss of confidence in the figure of the Pope. This branch became strong in the area of ​​the Byzantine Empire, causing that, currently, most of the nations that process it are from the eastern part of Europe.

The Orthodox consider that their religion is the most correct, since they seek a straight path within religion,

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following only the original creed and ignoring all the changes created by Catholicism, since they consider that these are not faithful to the religion. Some of these changes are the figure of the holy spirit, the non-existence of purgatory or the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary.

Orthodox Christianity is the second branch of christianity, with a huge number of followers throughout Eastern Europe, where it is the most followed belief. In these areas they have a series of churches, which have great autonomy, causing religion to change in each country.

Orthodox and Catholic: differences - What is Orthodox Christianity

He catholic christianity It is what is considered the true Christian religion, since it has followed the same model since the time of Jesus and has remained without separating of the central branch. Catholicism considers Pope as the most powerful figure, being chosen as a representative of God on Earth and, therefore, is the most important religious figure.

Catholicism is the religion with greater number of faithful throughout the world, with representatives in practically all nations, and being the basic belief of most Western countries in the world. For this reason, it is considered the most important branch of Christianity, being the one with the largest followers.

Catholicism is considered a created religion by Jesus, since it is thought that the rest of the beliefs vary the thoughts of Jesus Christ. Catholicism is the only one that maintains the main ideas with almost no variations.

To end this lesson from a Professor on the differences between Orthodox and Catholic, we must talk about the most outstanding differences, commenting on the characteristics of both beliefs.

The Main differences between Orthodox and Catholics are the following:

  1. The orthodox believe that to be united you only have to have one common faith, but Catholics see it as necessary to have a head of the Church, who sets the rules.
  2. Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit it comes from the Father and the Son, while the orthodox think it comes only from the Father.
  3. Catholics consider the marriage it must unite forever, while the orthodox do consider divorce valid on certain occasions.
  4. Catholics believe in purgatory, being a place where people's souls go when they are not yet ready to enter heaven. On the other hand, the orthodox do not consider that purgatory exists, but that there is a phase to enter heaven, called the test.
  5. Catholics consider the virgin mary she was totally immaculate, that is, she never had original sin. The Orthodox consider that the Virgin Mary was like any other person, and that she did count on sin.
  6. He Dad he is the central figure of the Catholics, but the Orthodox reject this figure as a spiritual leader, since they consider that the religious base must emerge in the councils.
  7. Catholics argue that the confession it must be private, since no one must know the sins committed, while the orthodox defend that the sins be cleansed in a public way.
  8. In Catholicism, priests cannot be married nor have children, while the Orthodox only ask the bishops for celibacy.
  9. The abuse to God are considered an insult by Catholics, while in the Orthodox religion it is not considered that way, since God is immutable.
  10. In Catholic churches they use images to represent religious figures, while the Orthodox do not consider these representations necessary.
  11. Catholicism is very popular in the area western of Europe, while the orthodox religion has greater relevance in the area Oriental.
Orthodox and Catholic: differences - Differences between Catholics and Orthodox
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