Judas ISCARIOT in the Bible

Judas Iscariot in the Bible is one of the 12 apostles of Jesus and known for having betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 coins. In a Teacher we tell you his story in detail.
One of the best-known characters in the Bible was Judas Iscariot, who plays a key role for the New Testament and especially for everything related to Christianity. Of Judas we know mainly his role in the betrayal of jesus christ but the rest of his life is something unknown to most people and, therefore, in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to offer you a Summary of Judas Iscariot in the Bible.
- The origin of Judas Iscariot
- judas as apostle
- Judas' betrayal of Jesus
- Jude's death
The origin of Judas Iscariot.
Judas Iscariot is one of the apostles of which we know less data before his entry into the group of Jesus Christ, since the biblical sources barely comment on him, and so We can only conjecture about part of his life from the few versions that appear in the sacred scriptures.
We know for sure that Judas Iscariot was not from Galilee, he being one of the few apostles who did not belong to the region. Biblical sources say that Judas was from Queriot, a town in the Judean area, and therefore a much more prosperous and powerful region than Galilee. We do not know with certainty the reasons that led Judas to move to Galilee, nor does it seem that Jesus' existence in the region was a reason.
Some religious texts, several of which are not accepted by the Church, speak of a possible childhood of Judas, even saying that he was taken by Satan, but in this lesson we must talk about the information of Judas according to the Bible and in the holy book at no time does it speak of the first years of Judas.
Judas as an apostle.
At an indeterminate moment, Judas was appointed an apostle, being one of the 12 people who were going to accompany Jesus and to whom they gave the mission of spread your word all over the world. Judas was from the group of apostles known as the third generation, along with Judas Thaddeus and Simon the Canaanite, this group being the last to enter the 12.
Judas is spoken of in the Bible as a greedy and dishonest person, emphasizing that he loved money and was obsessed with it. Within the group of the apostles, Judas Iscariot he was the treasurer, for which he was in charge of the group's money, something for which he was frowned upon by the rest of the apostles, that they considered that Judas liked money too much and he came to perform evil actions for this. In the Gospel of John it is even said that Judas kept the money of the poor for himself.
We do not have much more information about the work of Judas as an apostle, since not much is said about him during the miracles that Jesus was performing. For all we know, he was not too prone to participate in the activities of the apostles, and it doesn't seem like he had a very good relationship with them either.
Here we discover the main Differences between Judas Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot.

Judas' betrayal of Jesus.
Without a doubt, the main reason Judas is known for is because of his betrayal of Jesus, being his name always linked to this action and causing the image of Judas to always be stained by it.
during the call The Last Supper, Jesus gathered all the apostles from him, performing a ritual so that his flesh was transforms into bread and his blood into wine, giving his followers a try. After this, Jesus Christ gave a few words to the group, one of these being the statement that someone from the group was going to betray him, knowing the Messiah that the traitor was going to be Judas.
Before dinner, Judas had told the guards, who were looking for Jesus, where they could find him. When the guards arrived in the area, Judas kissed Jesus, known as Judas's kiss, being this the indication to point to Jesus. Judas received the amount of 30 silver coins for selling Jesus, being the deal he had reached with the enemies of the one who had been his friend and leader.
It is said that later Judas repented of his actions him and tried to return the coins with which he had been paid. The priests did not accept the coins, and Judas threw them to the ground, realizing that it was money stained with blood from his actions.

The death of Judas.
To conclude this summary of Judas Iscariot in the Bible, we must talk about the death of Judas.
The death of Judas has a great controversy, since there are two different biblical sources that talk about his death, and the two tell different versions about the end of Judas.
- In it gospel of matthew it is said that after the betrayal Judas went and hanged himself, not giving any more details about the death of the traitor.
- On the other hand, in the book of the Acts of the Apostlesit is said that Judas fell headlong and he tore it apart, commenting that all his entrails were scattered on the ground.
Currently, there is a tendency to use a version that reconciles both texts and it is said that what could have happened is that Judas hanged himself with a rope, but it broke, causing Judas to fall to the ground and his head will smash on the ground. The problem with this version is that for Judas to take place, he would have to have hanged himself headfirst to the ground, something complicated.
For this reason we cannot be sure how Judas died, but we can know two things: that he was a suicide and that this was committed because of the shame that the apostle suffered when he understood that he had killed his friend of his

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- Carracedo, J. m. h. (2020). The characterization of Judas Iscariot in the Gospel of John. Augustinian study, 55(1), 5-29.
- Andreev, L. (1944). Judas Iscariot. Editorial Calomino.
- Bosch, J. (2015). Judas Iscariot, the slandered (Vol. 17). Antonio Machado Books.