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The 5 phases of the detoxification program against addictions

There are many types of addictions that exist, and each of them can affect the person who suffers them in a different way. At present, thanks to several years of study and design of intervention programs in the field of psychology and medicine we can find a series of common elements to each one of said programs of intervention.

The team of professionals specialized in detoxification should conscientiously study not only the addiction that the person has (taking into account whether it is chemical or behavioral counts) but also his social and economic environment, the type of social relationships he maintains and his situation familiar.

In addition to that, it is important that the detoxification processes are based on therapies and orientations scientifically proven and that guarantee both the reinsertion into society of the person presenting the addiction.

In today's article we will briefly present the main phases of a detoxification program against addictions, designed by highly qualified professionals and based on scientific evidence.

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What are the main phases of the addiction detoxification program?

Detoxification programs for people with addiction cases are usually well structured and have well-defined phases through throughout the process, through which the patient moves in an orderly manner with the support of the therapist(s) who carry their case.

These are the elementary phases that an addiction detoxification program must have, whether it is a chemical addiction (those in which addictive substances are involved) or behavioral (it occurs in those addictions without a chemical substance, in which only activities that generate addiction).

1. initial contact

The first step in a detoxification program begins when the affected person or the family of the person with the addictive disorder contacts the center to expose their problems and request professional help.

In this phase, an initial assessment interview is carried out in which the therapist asks a series of questions. about the nature of the addiction, the problems that the person is going through, the demands of it and the objectives and procedures of the treatment that must be carried out,

Once the patient is considered suitable for treatment, admission to the center is specified, if necessary, and all the protocols and sanitary and logistical indications that must be met to start the process of detox.

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2. Residential admission and Therapeutic Community process

In the initial phase of residential admission in an environment away from the patient's usual family or social environment, the entire therapeutic process is carried out to ensure that the person successfully overcomes the stages of drug detoxification or addictive behavior, detoxification and rehabilitation of their behavior addictive. The person is placed in a social context in which it is easier to overcome withdrawal in its most intense stage and sharp, when the body struggles to adapt again to a reality without drugs.

detox phases

This phase lasts around 4 months (although the duration may vary) and in it the team of therapists and professionals from the center work jointly so that the person avoids relapses and overcomes his addictive disorder completely, almost always within the center of detox.

The patient will remain within the center's facilities for a month and a week, then he will be able to leave on weekends to see her family.

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3. Reconnection with the outside

The phase of reconnection with the outside will consist of the person You can start to leave the center or see your loved ones gradually and systematically when the corresponding time milestones have passed.

The patient will be able to call her family after 21 days of admission; if you have children, you can make video calls to your family after 2 months of treatment; In this phase, you can also hold a family or virtual meeting (after 30 days) and you can also go out for the first time to see your family for two days (after one month and one week).

According to the terms established in the agreed conditions, after a month and 3 weeks you can leave for a weekend full week and after 2 months and a week, another 2 full day outing will be allowed to see your family. In all these outings they must establish and comply with a series of therapeutic objectives and abstinence must be respected.

4. Readjustment to the new personal reality

This third phase takes place after 3 months of treatment and begins when the person has completed a strict abstinence throughout the detoxification process and has shown good behavior permanent.

In this phase, departures continue for a full weekend and essential aspects are worked on to discharge the patient: The development of healthy leisure and free time habits is consolidated; job is sought; training objectives are established and a healthy social network is established.

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5. Therapeutic discharge and outpatient follow-up

The last phase is carried out after the completion of the detoxification process and its objective is the incorporation of the person into their family environment, labor and social with the maintenance of absolute abstinence and all the behavioral and cognitive changes that have been worked on and are carried keeping.

This phase also consists of monitoring the person by the professionals who have treated them, resolving his doubts and addressing unforeseen events and concerns that arise, as well as the advice of their friends and family to prevent relapses and ensure that the change is real and permanent.

Therapists conduct follow-up sessions on a weekly basis with the patient and also maintain close contact with the relatives, who make sure at all times that the changes remain permanent and that the person does not fall into their addiction.

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