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12 Employee Loyalty Strategies to retain talent

If we had to reduce a company to its most fundamental elements, these would be the workers; not the money, nor the material resources that the workspace has, and then not a simple business idea.

It is the members of a staff who make a company go from being a hypothesis to a reality; However, there are those who make the mistake of thinking of workers as a raw material that is added to the organization so that it works with it, as if it had a life of its own apart from the humans that make up.

This idea that workers are the core of the company explains why it is so important apply staff loyalty strategies, to retain the talent that is already operating within the organization and not have to depend on a steady stream of new people coming into the job after going through a process of selection. But... How to get workers to decide to stay in the long term where their professional career is taking place? Let's see it.

Talent retention strategies for companies

Having the ability to have workers who feel well integrated into the company and remain in it as a "default" option is important because, in this way:

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  • They identify with the long-term objectives of the company, becoming more motivated to do their job well.
  • There are cost savings in terms of personnel selection tasks, training and onboarding.
  • A preservation of knowledge is created that remains within the company thanks to the fact that the Experienced workers spend enough time together to learn from each other.
  • There is a greater ability to quickly find the right professional when an unexpected opening appears.

Not everything depends on the amount of money paid with salary at the end of the month; In order to retain workers, it is necessary to look beyond remuneration and offer them good, qualitatively relevant conditions. For this reason, the Human Resources departments focus not on the numbers of the economic world, but on the communication and work dynamics that really motivate and offer a work space that is difficult to find in the competence.

In this sense, these are some of the ways in which companies reinforce their ability to maintain In its workforce, workers who are well adapted to their role and to the objectives of productivity and efficiency.

1. Apply an onboarding protocol

As we have seen before, saving time, money, and opportunity cost in onboarding is one of the reasons why it is worth being able to retain talent; however, this is in turn an essential process to retain new workers. This consists of making sure that they understand everything they need to know in their first steps within the company, avoiding that they feel lost. Assuming that they will "learn on their own" is a mistake which leads to many of the new incorporations not being consolidated, and leaving after a few weeks.

  • Related article: "Onboarding: what it is and why it is key to employee performance"

2. Provide access to training programs for workers

It is important that the workers of the organization perceive that the company offers them a Professional Development Plan that they can opt for if they meet objective criteria. This way, They will notice that they can take advantage of the knowledge that exists within the organization and at the same time apply it in itSo your efforts will pay off.

3. Give time flexibility options to improve family reconciliation

This is one of the most important employee loyalty strategies, since family needs tend to be among the top priorities of workers.

4. Clearly display the internal promotion conditions

Give a clear picture of the conditions that must be met to promote and be promoted to a higher position in the organizational chart It is essential so that a perception of favoritism and injustice does not appear which is very frustrating.

5. Offer a psychological assistance service

Something as simple as being able to confidentially deal with aspects such as work stress or burnout syndrome helps prevent aggravation of certain psychological problems incompatible with the well-being of the worker and with the maintenance of a work dynamic adequate.

  • You may be interested in: "8 strategies to improve the work environment of your company"

6. Give the option of teleworking if possible

Today, the idea that "by default" work must be face-to-face is highly questioned, especially in creative jobs or jobs related to new technologies. many skilled workers decide to refuse to work by going to an office every day without a reason that justifies it very well.

7. Facilitate horizontal and upward communication channels

It is key that workers can communicate incidents or errors in work dynamics both to members who occupy a position equivalent to theirs, and to their superiors. In this way they will perceive that they are not wasting their efforts in vain due to the inability to correct problems that have already been detected but before which nothing is done to fix them.

8. Give credit fairly and consistently

This is a sign that all human beings are fundamentally emotional; something as simple as acknowledging the merit of someone who has done something especially well can be key to deciding to stay in a company.

9. Apply early response protocols in cases of mobbing

Some conflicts escalate in cases of mobbing; To quickly tackle these situations, it is necessary to have prepared protocols that allow the well-being of the victim to be safeguarded without holding them responsible for what happened and prevent the perpetrators from repeating this conduct within the organization.

10. Offer self-management capacity

Due to work inertia, many companies err on the side of excessive supervision that cannot be justified. For example, there are specialized workers who feel watched by superiors who do not understand what they are doing due to their lack of niche recognition. To avoid this, it is necessary to offer the capacity for self-management at work, demonstrating that one trusts the criteria of those members of the workforce who are precisely valuable for their talent.

11. Offer leisure and teambuilding activities

Regularly carrying out pleasant or stimulating group activities that break with work roles and offer the possibility of strengthening personal ties helps to break prejudices and that the members of the staff understand each other better, thus favoring group identification beyond the plots of work of each one.

  • Related article: "Team Building: what is it and what are its benefits"

12. Apply a clear and defined work philosophy

It is important that companies work from a series of well-defined values ​​and principles; if this does not happen, a work climate marked by uncertainty and the feeling of improvisation will appear that will decrease confidence in the collective project.

Do you want to train in the field of Human Resources?

If you are interested in specializing professionally in HR or want to incorporate its theoretical and practical principles into your leadership skills, the University Master's Degree in Selection and Talent Management offered by the University of Malaga (UMA) is for you.

This training program is taught by a teaching team with extensive experience in fields such as personnel selection, worker training, job design, work or talent retention strategies in the workforce, and has the collaboration of several HR managers from some of the main companies that operate in Spain. To learn more about this UMA Master's, go to their website.

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