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Android Operating System: advantages and disadvantages (2020)

Today, smartphone technology offers us endless possibilities to choose from a wide variety of different offers. Nevertheless, When choosing an operating system for our device, the options always come down to the Google or Apple system.

Knowing whether or not the Android system is the best for our mobile will depend on whether we know its characteristics, that is, both its advantages and disadvantages compared to other operating systems of similar benefits. The use of this well-known system has advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account to make the best decision.

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Android Operating System: advantages and disadvantages

So that, if you are interested in knowing in depth the main advantages of the Android operating system, as well as its disadvantages, in order to compare with useful information and decide if this may be the system you need, consult the selection that we have prepared in today's article.

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Advantages of the Android operating system

This operating system offers a wide variety of advantages over other, which we present below and which must be taken into account, in order to be able to compare and exercise an accurate judgment and with data, about which is best for our interests.

1. Open Source

The first advantage of Android, and the most notable, is that it works with open source, which means that anyone You can create applications and contribute to increase the offer of this in the android universe, being the vast majority of them, free.

The fact that its code is open also enables a great variety of other advantages, such as the fact that errors can be reviewed and repaired more quickly, and other advantages that we will see below continuation.

2. greater freedom

Another positive characteristic that defines this operating system, which emerges from the first one, is the total freedom with which that Android developers work to make all kinds of applications without limits and without asking for any type of permission.

In addition to that, it is also worth highlighting the fact that Android does not depend on any manufacturer or operator to implement system improvements, which results in its level of freedom.

3. diversity and versatility

For all of the above, Android is also the operating system with the largest number of manufacturers. and it is present in the majority of commercial brands, as well as users, which makes it the most widely used system.

To this fact we must also add the versatility of devices in which we can find this operating system, among which we can find, in addition to telephones mobile phones, tablets, smart watches, computers, GPS devices and all kinds of state-of-the-art household appliances that have the necessary technology to connect.

4. multitasking system

The android operating system also has a multitasking system that allows you to open different applications at the same time and make them work simultaneously, as well as put them in sleep mode, if we are not using.

All this will help us to work with more agility and also to save on memory and battery consumption, since the system also allows us to close applications that are not useful to us, while we work with others.

5. Greater interaction

Thanks to the freedom that this system displays, another of its characteristic advantages is its great customization capacity, that is, the fact that users and Android manufacturers have a greater capacity for interaction and can customize to their liking by installing both personal wallpapers, animations or themes of all guy.

Thus, thanks to Android we will be able to choose those themes, styles or interfaces that best suit our taste, which will undoubtedly give our devices a special touch.

6. Community

Another notable fact of the Android operating system is that its own characteristics based on the freedom of creation and communication between its developers, encourage and enhance feedback between creators from all over the world. world.

That is why the system has the largest community in the world, always in constant movement and permanently generating all kinds of forums, collective events, and meetings of all kinds.

Disadvantages of the Android operating system

In addition to the advantages that we have reviewed, the Android system also has a series of disadvantages that must be taken into account if we want to know in depth and in its entirety the characteristics of this operating system.

1. Battery duration

The first disadvantage of the Android system, and one of the best known, comes from its multitasking system, and it is the fact that the battery of the devices consumes more and, therefore, runs out much sooner, than in the case of other systems.

Thus, to save battery consumption, it will be necessary to download a series of external applications, as well as to optimize the general functioning of our device, as also happens in the excessive consumption of data, for example.

2. Complexity

There is a general impression among consumers that this operating system is somewhat more complex than the rest. for inexperienced users, since it is a bit complicated to configure, as well as being not very intuitive in terms of generals.

Thus, to improve the conditions of the device, it is necessary to have a minimum knowledge, which also entails In some cases, inexperienced users can damage some elements of the system, when trying to do changes.

3. Poor quality of some applications

Another characteristic derived from the open source of Android is the fact that sometimes some applications are of low quality or end up being unnecessary for our team.

That is why it is always advisable to download those applications that we know and which we are sure of their usefulness, to avoid surprises in the future.

4. Vulnerability

The fact of having an open source also makes this system more susceptible to attacks and some hackers take advantage of errors in the system itself to attack it.

This is a factor that we must take into account if we are interested in acquiring an android device or we already have one, having a quality antivirus is crucial to avoid risking possible attacks.

5. Lack of update support

Unlike other operating systems, Android does not have update support that allows us to obtain the latest version of the device for our use and enjoyment.

This is, without a doubt, one of the most characteristic drawbacks of Android, and that in the rivalry with other systems such as iOS, it loses out significantly.

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