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What telepsychology can contribute

The development of new technologies has allowed the forms of psychological intervention to be diversify and adapt to new objectives taking advantage of the potential of media such as the Internet or smartphones.

An example of this is PsiChat, a virtual telepsychology platform that offers services both to individuals seeking professional support and to psychotherapists and companies. Understanding how tools of this type work allows you to understand the directions in which you are moving the profession of the psychologist and the different services that can support him to reach people.

For this reason, here we will interview Ángela de Miguel, one of the people who has made the existence of PsiChat possible.

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Telepsychology services are consolidated

We spoke with Ángela de Miguel Laguna, co-founder and member of the management team of PsiChat, so that explain to us how a tool of these characteristics works and what are its scopes of application.

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What is PsiChat, said in a summarized way?

PsiChat is a company created in 2018 to operate in the field of psychological care and psycho-emotional well-being. Its creation pursued the objective of bringing psychology closer to the whole society and the contribution of new tools technologies to all those professionals and organizations for the exercise of the profession, advancing in the telepsychology.

On the other hand, PsiChat provides technology and at the same time the necessary equipment for care in different scenarios.

What types of telecare services do you offer? Different modalities appear on the PsiChat page, what are they?

With an initial development of a cloud platform with app (IOS, Android) and internal management portal for the attention of the psychotherapist in a personal or anonymous, immediate and safe way, it operates in several lines of performance.

The Alba 3.0 modality is for open and universal care. By downloading an app, you can access a team of psychologists with more than 10 years of experience who attend 24 hours via chat. This app is also being used successfully at the Complutense University of Madrid for attention from PsiCall, giving coverage to its campus of 80,000 students.

The PsiChat Call modality offers a direct attention service (Click to Call) (VoIP) for calls, chats and video call without call cost, to facilitate international attention from the website itself and that of others collaborators.

On the other hand, the PsiChat Professional modality is a tool to be used through a subscription or agreement of collaboration by professionals who wish to provide care services to their patients or community directly.

Finally, PsiChat Corporate works for the exclusive attention to the employee in clients and corporations. Currently, through the alliance with different Partners and Occupational Risk Prevention companies that can be seen on the website, ad-hoc products or special work teams for employee health care with clear objectives: business excellence, reduction of costs due to absenteeism and sick leave, psycho-emotional reinforcement of the workforce, efficiency and greater performance, and tax advantages in BenefitHealth.

What difference does this offer compared to other tele-attention platforms?

PsiChat is a platform for B2C but also B2B, which supports psychology professionals both individually and in corporations in the exercise of their profession. For example, it has signed the good practice of telepsychology in its PsiChat Professional environment with the Official College of Psychology (Madrid).

What types of professionals does the platform have?

All psychologists in care are licensed or graduated in Psychology, are registered, have experience, They have their civil liability insurance and have been validated by the person in charge to offer a service of the highest quality. quality.

Are there specialists, for example, in different types of psychological disorders?

There are three differentiated levels of attention in the group of psychologists within the platform. If necessary for a specific specialty, the possibility of referral is contemplated.

What should a professional who wants to attend from PsiChat do?

If you want to care for your own patients with your personalized PsiChat platform, simply subscribe to PsiChat Professional on the web.

What have the professionals who work in PsiChat been able to observe regarding the situation imposed by COVID-19?

In the current context of the pandemic, in addition to cases of anxiety, family conflicts and bereavements traumatic events, there is considerable prolonged psychological discomfort, especially from not knowing when it will end the situation. In addition, in all probability there will arise the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in a significant percentage of the world's population.

From the client's perspective, what should a person who wants to see a professional from the PsiChat team do?

Get in touch with them from any of their devices (PC or mobile), by pressing Talk to PsiChat from the web or through of the telephone icons on it, call 910 889 922 or download the PsiChat application on Google Play or App Store.

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