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The 17 Natural Regions that exist on Earth (and characteristics)

Do you know what natural regions are? They are geographical areas delimited by a series of parameters, which can be the type of climate, vegetation, relief, etc. There are different types, with very specific characteristics.

In this article we will know what these regions consist of, what elements form them and how they can be classified. Specifically, we will talk about 17 natural regions, and we will explain the most relevant characteristics of each of them.

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Natural regions: what are they?

Natural regions are geographical areas delimited by some elements, such as vegetation and climate, as well as by different physical accidents. In other words, they are units of the territory, which are divided based on parameters and criteria. Sometimes, however, delimiting these areas is not so easy.

Thus, The natural regions consist of a way of geographically classifying different areas of the territory. They allow dividing it according to its relief zones, its vegetation and other ecological and environmental aspects.

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There are different elements that we can find in natural regions.

Ecosystems are biological systems made up of two elements: living beings and the natural environment where they live.. All natural regions have certain ecosystems (in fact, they can have more than one).

These can be of different types: jungle, coastal, marine... In addition, ecosystems carry intrinsic certain relationships of dependency between plants and animals that allow coexistence and life.

2. Fauna

The fauna includes all the animal species of a certain place (or climate, environment, etc.). Each natural region presents its own. Thus, most natural regions have animals (although some more than others).


Natural regions can be of different types, according to the criteria we use to classify them. One of these classifications is the one that divides these regions into the following three subgroups.

1. climatic regions

They are classified by their predominant characteristic climate. In turn, the natural climatic regions are divided into three types of zones (climatic strips):

1.1. Warm zones

In the warm zones the predominant climate is a warm climate; They are hot areas, with high and stable temperatures (vary little). On the other hand, they are characterized by being humid areas. They are located around the Earth's equator, that is, above and below it.

1.2. temperate zones

Temperate zones have high temperature variations; the seasons are well differentiated (unlike the previous case). They are located in the south and north of the warm zones.

1.3. cold zones

Also called polar zones, they are cold natural regions, with low temperatures. In these areas the winters are long and “hard”. They enjoy few hours of sun; this is due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.


2. orographic regions

The classification parameter of orographic regions is the relief. Depending on the type of relief, natural regions can be of five types.

2.1. Mountainous regions (mountains)

They are areas with numerous mountains, large mountain ranges and elevated areas. For example: the Andes and the Swiss Alps.

2.2. plateau regions

They are areas with plains but higher; For example, the Tibetan plateau.

23. plain regions

These natural regions also have plains, like the previous ones, but they are low and long. For example we find the Venezuelan plains.

2.4. Desert regions (deserts)

They are desert areas, with dunes and sandstones. They tend to have an intense climate. Deserts are areas with very little water, where it practically does not rain. They are generally hot areas, although there are also cold deserts.

They have little vegetation, as well as few animals that inhabit them. The flora and fauna of deserts is characteristic, so that they can survive in these conditions (for For example, cacti, which store water in their stem, or the meerkat, which obtains water from the roots of plants. floors).


2.5. hill regions

Finally, the hilly regions are rather flat areas, with some elevations, but not very high.

3. Phytogeographic regions

Finally, Phytogeographic natural regions are classified by their predominant vegetation. These can be of five types, we know them below.

3.1. Wooded regions (forests)

They are natural regions where forests (especially those of high altitude) and mountains predominate. They have great biodiversity. Summers here are usually warm and winters are cold.

Specifically, forests are areas that have numerous grouped trees. There are different types of forests (tropical, boreal...), depending on their climate, area, etc.

3.2. scrub regions

In these areas, xerophytic vegetation and thick-leaved green shrubs predominate. The xerophytic vegetation is one that adapts to the dry climate. On the other hand, small plants abound, with extensive and deep roots. The typical fauna of the scrub region is made up of snakes, different reptiles and arachnids.

3.3. Savannah (grassland) regions

Also called grassland region, they are regions with plains, where it rains annually, with an intertropical climate. The vegetation is grassland (also called grasslands); that is, herbaceous and sparse vegetation, with abundant undergrowth. There are few trees. On the other hand, extensive low-lying meadows abound. The lands are usually not very fertile, with very porous soils.

3.4. jungle regions (jungles)

These areas have great biodiversity, and are generally located in the tropics, around the Equator. These are the tropical jungles, where it rains very often. Its temperatures are high and constant, creating a humid environment. Its vegetation is high, very varied and leafy.

Jungles are forests that are usually found in tropical countries; their trees grow together and are very tall. Typical animals there are jaguars, alligators and ninja frogs.

3.5. chaparral regions

Finally, natural chaparral regions have little vegetation (and low elevation). Its characteristic climate is extreme (with very cold winters and very hot and dry summers). Its vegetation is rather sparse; the plants it has are small and short-lived, with deep roots. Its characteristic fauna is made up of birds, rodents, lizards and snakes.

4. Hydrographic regions

These natural regions are classified according to their hydrographic regions (river basin districts).; River basin districts refer to the marine and terrestrial zones (watersheds, groundwater, coast, etc.).

Thus, within the hydrographic regions, we find four types of zones. They are the following.

4.1. Coast zones

They are areas surrounded by the sea. They usually have port activity (ports).

4.2. lake areas

These natural regions have numerous lakes and lagoons (extensive areas of water).

4.3. river areas

These are areas with numerous rivers, that is, with flowing water, in constant movement.

4.4. mangrove areas

In these areas are mangroves and swamps, that is, water with a lot of organic matter.


Bibliographic references:

  • Maxima, J. (2017). natural regions.

  • National Geographic Staff. (2017). Vegetation Region. National Geographic Society.

  • Olson, D.M., E. Dinerstein, E.D. Wikramanayake, N.D. Burgess, G.V.N. Powell, E.C. Underwood, J.A. D'amico, I. Itoua, H.E. Strand, J.C. Morrison, C.J. Loucks, T.F. Allnutt, T.H. Ricketts, Y. Kura, J.F. Lamoreux, W.W. Wettengel, P. Hedao, and K.R. Kassem. (2001). Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World: A New Map of Life on Earth. BioScience 51(11): 933-938.

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