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Cautious self-control triad: what it is and how it is used in therapy

The covert conditioning paradigm was developed by Joseph R. Caution in 1966, and is encompassed within behavioral therapies. In this type of conditioning, the stimuli are presented in the imagination.

In this article we will learn about the self-control triad, a covert behavior modification technique Also developed by J.R. Cautiousness, used mainly in addictive, sexual and impulse control disorders, and which tries to reduce unwanted behaviors.

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Self-control triad: what is it?

The self-control triad is a technique derived from self-control, characteristic of Joseph R. Caution. Its objective is to reduce the probability of occurrence of an unwanted response or behavior using stimuli through imagination. Remember that a behavior can also be a thought (in this case, unwanted).

Self-control techniques aim for us to acquire and exercise the ability to exercise control over ourselves, and imply that we learn to control our behaviors in all its aspects (that is, our thoughts, actions, emotions, etc.).

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Caution's Self-Control Triad attempts to alter the frequency of a response by manipulating its consequences; With this technique, the antecedent stimuli, the behavior itself, and the consequent stimuli (consequences), are They present the person in an imaginary way, that is, in imagination (the person must imagine everything in an imaginary way). detailed).

covert conditioning

The Self-Control Triad belongs to the paradigm called covert conditioning (in imagination), which was also developed by Cautela, in 1996.

Covert conditioning is a type of procedure that includes a series of passes:

  • educational phase.
  • Training phase.
  • Application phase.
  • Consolidation and generalization phase.


For its part, the self-control triad of Caution is developed in three steps:

1. First step

The patient, when he is about to engage in the unwanted behavior (or when he simply thinks of such behavior, or an unwanted thought occurs to him), he says out loud, “Stop!” and stops the unspoken thought.

That is, this step may include thought stopping, which is another covert conditioning technique, also typical of Caution.

2. Second step

After saying “Enough!”, the second step involves the patient taking a deep, relaxing breath, and therefore relax.

3. Third step

The third and final step of the self-control triad consists of mentally visualize a pleasant image or scene.

Origin of covert conditioning

As we have seen, it was Joseph R. Caution who initiated the studies of covert conditioning. In 1966, Cautela described and used the so-called covert sensitization technique, from which an imagined aversive consequence (for example, a feeling of nausea) was applied. contingent on maladaptive or unwanted behavior, which is intended to be eliminated.

Prior to Caution, as antecedents of covert conditioning, we find two other authors: Wolpe (1958), who used Systematic Desensitization (SD) and Homme (1965), who carried out an experimental control of behaviors symbolic.

  • You may be interested in: "What is systematic desensitization and how does it work?"

Technique Applications

The Cautious self-control triad applies to thoughts or behaviors that we want to reduce and/or eliminate.

These thoughts or behaviors may appear in some disorders such as addictive disorders (such as compulsive gambling or gambling). addictions to some type of drugs), impulse control disorders, some sexual disorders such as paraphilias, etc That is to say, psychological disorders in which control is lost in carrying out certain actions, persistently.

Another similar technique: thought stopping

The thought-stopping technique, also from Caution, is similar to, but not the same as, the self-control triad.

This technique focuses, as its name suggests, on the control of thought. It can be put into practice when we feel nervous or upset with some kind of thought. (or several); to apply it, we must focus on them and identify those with negative connotations. At that moment, we will say to ourselves (subvocally): "Enough!". Then, we will replace those thoughts with more positive ones.

For thought stopping to be effective, it will take a lot of practice and persistence, in order to that we can identify our negative thoughts well, as well as reverse them and turn them into positives.

Bibliographic references:

  • Caution, J. (1977). Covert Conditioning. Editorial Descleee DeBrouwer, SA Bilbao, 11-20.
  • Caution, J. (1984). The self-control triad: A procedure for covert conditioning. Advances in Latin American Clinical Psychology, 3, 17-33.
  • Lopez, A., Sueiro, E. and Novoa, M.I. (2009). Changes in sexual fantasies. Preliminary study. Proceedings of the X Galician-Portuguese International Congress of Psychopedagogy. Braga: University of Minho, 2777-2788.
  • Vallejo, M. (2012). Behavior Therapy Manual. Volume I Madrid: Dykinson (Issues 6-12).
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