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The 80 best phrases of The Beatles

If we think about the popular music of the 60s, there is one rock band in particular that sticks in the minds of the fans. And it is that The Beatles were not only a band of British boys, but they were quite a sensation for young people, making them part of pop culture to this day.

Composed of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, The Beatles became known as the most influential band of all time, thanks to its mixture of musical styles and lyrics on various themes of the life. Let's see what was the life philosophy of this band through this compilation of The best phrases of The Beatles.

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The most memorable phrases of The Beatles

'Beatlemania' will remain forever in the hearts of those who lived at that time, but we can learn a little more about it with the following best phrases and songs from The Beatles.

1. And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

Remember that you give what you receive.

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2. There is nothing you can do that cannot be done.

Many of the things that we believe to be impossible are only in our minds.

3. What I can tell you is that you have to be free.

The freedom to be who you want to be.

4. Nothing is real and there is nothing to worry about.

Worrying more only makes the problems bigger.

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5. If people listen to what we say, we say that we have lived in the world of drugs. There is nothing like being healthy. (John Lennon)

As young people who experienced drugs, they knew that this was not a place to stay.

6. I'll keep going as long as he's able to hold the drumsticks… (Ringo Starr)

Living by his passion for drums.

7. I'm falling fast, but I'm miles above you.

Failure is not synonymous with the end, if you learn to get up afterwards.

8. He is a man from nowhere, sitting on his land from nowhere, making his plans from nowhere, for no one.

Do we exist if nobody remembers us?

9. Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say all is well.

There will always be a tomorrow.

10. You say you want a revolution, well you know we all want to change the world.

A feeling that is very present in the soul of young people.

Beatles Quotes

11. Count your age by friends, not by years. Tell your life with smiles, not with tears. (John Lennon)

We must treasure the most valuable experiences.

12. Take these broken wings and learn to fly.

Something broken can be rebuilt, even with new pieces that give it great value.

13. I am him, you are him, you are me and we are all at the same time.

Although we are different people, we are united by the same thing, that we are human.

14. The movement you need is in your shoulder.

You just need to figure out which path you want to take.

15. I used to think that anyone doing something weird was weird. I suddenly realized that anyone doing something weird wasn't weird at all and it was the people saying it was weird that were weird. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

People classify as strange what does not adhere to their rules and sometimes, in order to be ourselves, we must break those rules.

16. It is better to be an outspoken atheist than a hypocrite. (George Harrison)

Talking about his religious inclination.

17. I'm a loser, and I'm not what I appear to be.

We have all felt like losers at some point.

18. And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, hold on; don't carry the world on your shoulders.

Sharing our discomforts with others makes the burden less heavy.

19. Life is very short and there is no time to complain and fight, my friend.

It is better to enjoy life than to live bitter within it.

20. A love like ours could never die as long as I have you close to me.

Love needs commitment to stay for a long time.

21. When you have seen beyond yourself, then perhaps you will find peace of mind.

It is when we fully know ourselves that we find peace with ourselves.

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22. Declaring it. The same way we declared war. This is how we will have peace… we just need to declare it. (John Lennon)

The way John believed world peace could be achieved.

23. My independence seems to have vanished in the mist.

No one can take away the freedom that is in your mind.

24. Someone told me "but The Beatles are anti-materialists." That is a big myth. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

Clarifying the rumors that were constantly being created towards them.

25. You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope one day you will join us. And the world will live as one. (John Lennon)

Encouraging all his fans to make a positive change for the world.

26. As usual, there's a great woman behind every jerk. (John Lennon)

Love can abound even in places where it shouldn't be.

27. I only had two alternatives. Give up or continue. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

A choice that can change the course of our lives, but that no one can make for us.

28. The important thing is to be here and now. There is no past and there is no future. (George Harrison)

We live in the present, so there is no point in anticipating tomorrow or clinging to yesterday.

29. Oh please tell me you'll let me be your man, and please tell me you'll let me hold your hand.

The need to be with the loved one.

30. Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away...

When we don't face our problems right away, they build up to bursting.

31. But when you talk about destruction, know that you won't be able to count on me.

Stay away from those people who do not bring you anything positive.

32. Yoko didn't fall in love with a Beatle, she didn't fall in love with my fame. She fell in love with me for myself; that's why she got the best of me. She was the last trip. (John Lennon)

Explaining her relationship with Yoko and how it started.

33. I have often been criticized for saying 'peace and love', but I still do. (Ringo Starr)

An example of continuing what we preach regardless of other people's opinions.

34. When I take you in my arms and feel my finger on your trigger, I know that no one can hurt me, because happiness is a hot gun.

Love makes us powerful, not weak.

35. Somewhere in her smile, she knows she doesn't need another lover. There's something in her style that shows it to me.

The moment when you are sure you want to be alone with that person.

36. And in her eyes you see nothing, not a single sign of love behind her tears, she cries for no one, a love that she should have had years ago.

The wounds of love are the most difficult to heal.

37. When your precious possessions start to tire you, look towards me, I won't be far away.

The most valuable treasure is the things that make you happy.

38. Love is like a flower: give it time and it will grow. (John Lennon)

Love also needs constancy and patience.

39. There is no one you can save who cannot be saved.

You can't help a person who doesn't want to be helped.

40. We are discreet, genuine and British to the core. (Ringo Starr)

Proud of his roots and the place of origin of the group that they always carry with them.

41. All the lonely people, where do they come from? All the lonely people, where do they belong?

People who are still looking for their place in the world.

42. Nothing is going to change my world.

You have the power to walk the places you want to go.

43. There is a certain kind of innocence that is measured in years.

The innocence that allows us to continue discovering the world.

44. And though we may be blind, love is here to stay, and that's enough.

Love is the guide that the world needs to take more seriously.

45. If we had known we were going to be the Beatles, we would have tried harder. (George Harrison)

If these young people did not expect something, it was to become such a big movement.

46. I would like to finish something like… unforgettable. (Ringo Starr)

A goal that they more than achieved.

47. My mother was from heaven, my father was from earth, but I am from the universe and you know how much that is worth.

Take the values ​​that were instilled in you to find your own belief.

48. Bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky, I know that this love of mine will never die. And I love her.

A love that flourishes even in the most difficult moments.

49. And when the broken-hearted people in the world agree, there will be an answer.

When we are willing to change to look for something better, we can go far.

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50. I'm not good at the technical part, but I'm good at rhythm, like moving my head. (Ringo Starr)

You don't need to be good at everything, just focus on what you like to do the most.

51. You ask me if my love will grow. I do not know i do not know. Don't walk away and maybe that's how you'll see it.

Love cannot move forward if there is no will to move forward.

52. It's hard to be someone.

It is never easy to find our place, but it is worth the effort.

53. Go back to where you once belonged.

Returning to our home can help us find the lost path.

54. In real life, the one who doesn't give up is a brave man. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

True courage is trying again and again without giving up.

55. Time is a very tricky thing. All that exists is now. (George Harrison)

Time comes and goes, it never stops and we should do the same.

56. I am not the Beatles. It's me. Paul is not the Beatles... The Beatles are the Beatles. Separately, they are separate. (John Lennon)

The Beatles was the whole group, not just one member.

57. I'm a tidy guy. I don't like chaos. I kept the records in the record rack, the tea in the tea cart, and the teapot in the teapot box. (George Harrison)

Talking about her organized personality.

58. I am alive and well and I am not concerned by rumors of my death. But if he were dead, he'd be the last to know. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

Taking with humor the rumors about his supposed death.

59. It's better to fade away like an old soldier than to burn out. (John Lennon)

The way Lennon believed we could stay forever.

60. Music is like a shrink. You can tell your guitar things that you can't tell people. And it will answer you with things that people can't tell you. (Paul MCCARTNEY)

Music is also a form of therapy.

61. Everything is in the mind. (George Harrison)

Both the good and the bad, as well as the things that we believe we can achieve and those that we cannot.

62. You look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone.

Not all the people who mark you are destined to stay by your side.

63. We were all on this ship that was the sixties, our generation, a ship that was going to discover the New World. And the Beatles traveled to the top. (John Lennon)

A movement that seemed small but that spread throughout the world.

64. Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you create, something you do, something you are, and something you give away. (John Lennon)

Peace comes from within and we externalize it to make it a reality.

65. I would give you everything I have for a little peace of mind.

Fame can come at a very high cost.

66. Free as a bird is the next best thing to be.

Appreciate the freedom you now have to do what you want.

67. I'm going high with a little help from my friends.

Friends are people you can count on to help you get ahead when you don't have the motivation to do so.

68. Words are like endless flowing rain in a paper cup, slipping as they pass, trickling through the universe.

Words can change the course of a person's day.

69. Of all the love I've won or lost, there's one love I should never have come across.

Have you had a love that does not make you proud?

70. I never listen to the radio. If it's bad, I make fun of it and if it's good I get jealous that I wasn't the one who thought of it. (John Lennon)

An example of the ego that some artists share.

71. I have never done anything to create what has happened. It has created itself. I'm here because it happened. But I didn't do anything to make it happen apart from saying “yes”. (Ringo Starr)

A hobby that became his way of life.

72. I wish the fans would take meditation instead of drugs. (Ringo Starr)

A very valuable advice for the well-being of his fans.

73. Help me get my feet back on the ground.

People who truly love you help get you back on track when you need it.

74. Living is easy with your eyes closed, misinterpreting everything you see.

The negative effect of living locked in a bubble of perfection.

75. All you need is Love.

Love for the things you do and for what you want to give to others.

76. Well you can radiate all that you are, yes you can radiate all that you are. Oh now!

The best way to stand out is to be yourself.

77. Pools of sadness, waves of happiness go through my mind dominating and caressing me.

We will always go through good and bad times.

78. Love has a dirty habit of disappearing overnight.

Nights always bring a taste away when you're in love.

79. He has no point of view and doesn't know where he's going… Isn't he a bit like you and me?

We don't always know what the future we want to pursue is.

80. The world is like a birthday cake. So she takes a piece, but not too much. (George Harrison)

Take risks, but without ceasing to be careful.

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