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The 80 best phrases of Hosea Ballou

Hosea Ballou was an American Universalist clergyman, as well as a theological writer. He became the pastor of the Second Universalist Church in Boston, becoming known by his followers as one of the founders of American Universalism.

If you are interested in knowing the ideas of this thinker, you will like this selection of Hosea Ballou's best quotes, commented.

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The most interesting Hosea Ballou phrases

In this collection of Hosea Ballou phrases, we will have this cleric's point of view on life, religion and people.

1. To hate is to punish oneself.

Living with a grudge only hurts those who feel it.

2. Suspicion is much more than a legal error, more often unfair than fair. He is no friend of virtue, and always an enemy of happiness.

Suspicions can lead to misunderstandings and also unnecessary conflicts.

3. Brevity and conciseness are the parents of correction.

A lesson should not be threatening or intimidating.

4. No one has a greater asset to your business than a man's pride in his work.

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The greatest reward for our work should be the pride we feel in being there.

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5. Energy, like the biblical grain of the mustard seed, will remove mountains.

You attract what you think and how you act.

6. It's easy to be beautiful; it's hard to look like it.

Internal beauty is worth nothing if inside we are monsters.

7. Tears of joy are like summer raindrops pierced by the sun's rays.

They bring a relief that lets us know that it has all been worth it.

8. Let us strive to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace.

Peace can only be achieved with unity.

9. True happiness is cheap enough, but how expensive we pay for its counterfeit.

We tend to believe that happiness is in having a lot, when in reality it means having peace of mind.

10. Suspicion is always the enemy of happiness.

No one can remain calm if they live in intrigue.

Hosea Ballou Quotes

11. Theories are always very thin and insubstantial, only experience is tangible.

The truth is in the things we experience.

12. Never let your zeal overcome your charity. The first is nothing more than human, the second is divine.

When we let ourselves be conquered by greed, we become less human.

13. Experience is hindsight knowledge.

We learn through the lessons of our past experiences.

14. There is but one step from fellowship to slavery when one associates with vice.

You never control vice, it dominates you.

15. It is appropriate for the philosopher and perhaps more for the Christian to exercise patience.

Patience helps us see beyond our eyes.

16. Humanity as a whole is progressing, and philanthropy looks forward to it.

Despite the darkness, we can see charity emerge from people.

17. As "cruelty has no remedy in law", let avoiding it be a matter of honor for you.

Bad acts arise when we are unhappy or want revenge.

18. Tires the path that does not challenge.

Although we want to get away from problems, challenges help us grow.

19. Exaggeration is blood related to falsehood and almost as reprehensible.

Many 'magnificent' experiences are just decorated lies.

20. All our possessions are nothing compared to health, strength, and a clear conscience.

It is useless to have all the wealth, if we do not have a good quality of physical and emotional health.

21. Gratitude is the most beautiful flower that springs from the soul; and the heart of man knows no other more fragrant.

Being grateful for what we have and for those who help us leads us to appreciate our environment.

22. It is in illness that we most feel the need for that sympathy that shows how much we depend on each other for our comfort and even our needs.

When we feel bad, we need the company of others.

23. It is my humble prayer that I may be of some use in my day and generation.

What you do is necessary for life, do not think otherwise.

24. There is no possible excuse for a cautious lie.

Every lie is a lie.

25. If children owe gratitude to their earthly father, how much more does the great family of men owe gratitude to our father in Heaven?

Remembering the believers to whom they should bestow their faith.

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26. There is no such thing as "better" in the world of individuals.

We are all equal, no one is more than another.

27. Preaching is too useful, but practice is much more effective.

The best way to lead is by example.

28. There is no better rule to test a doctrine than the question: Is it merciful or is it not merciful?

The way to know if a doctrine is honest and true.

29. Hypocrisy is more often dressed in the clothing of religion.

Many kind people hide a facade of greed.

30. Never be so brief as to become obscure.

We grow dark as we lose our humanity.

31. Although ambition as such is a vice, it is also often the parent of virtue.

Ambition helps us to chase our dreams, unless we get carried away by greed.

32. The claim almost always exaggerates the original and is therefore exposed.

When someone exaggerates his story, you know he's lying.

33. Falsehood is cowardice, truth courage.

Nothing that does harm is good or honorable.

34. True sympathy is putting yourself in the other's place; and we move in proportion to the reality of our imagination.

You don't need to go through the same thing as someone else, to empathize with their situation and help them.

35. Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age.

Youth is an emotional and mental state.

36. The experience of others adds to our knowledge, but not to our wisdom; that is more expensive to buy.

We can learn from the experiences of others, but we will keep trying the same thing until we learn our own lessons.

37. Subservience is repugnant to a truly noble character, and breeds only contempt.

You can be complicit in an injustice when you keep quiet.

38. Cloudy weather finally melts into beauty, and the heart's brightest smiles are born from its tears.

We will always have hope for a new day that will help us prosper.

39. They sowed winds, and they will reap storms.

Remember that all your actions will have a consequence, good or bad.

40. If your character is merciful, you have the image of Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life.

All Christian teaching must preach the examples of love of Jesus.

41. Those who commit injustices bear the greatest burden.

No one can remain with a clear conscience when they commit an injustice.

42. No reproach or complaint is as powerful as the silent influence of a good example.

Everyone has to answer for their actions, but it is always better to teach with courage and kindness.

43. Self esteem is the best of all.

By having high self-esteem, we feel that we can conquer everything we set out to do.

44. A good smile is the sun of wisdom.

He learns to be happy and the rest will go to the background.

45. Illness is the retribution of outraged nature.

Nature takes all the wounds that are inflicted on it with malice.

46. Everything in the world exists to end up in a book.

Everyone has the ability to do something great.

47. How quickly a truly benevolent act is rewarded by the awareness of having done it!

We do a good deed for the satisfaction of doing something useful, not to expect a reward.

48. Obedience sums up all our duty.

We must all obey in the face of good values.

49. A godly life is the strongest argument you can offer the skeptic.

The best preaching is to not judge anyone and welcome everyone.

50. There is no immunity from the consequences of sin; punishment is swift and sure for one and all.

We all pay for the consequences of our actions.

51. Enthusiastic and impulsive people will sometimes misrepresent without thinking, but misrepresentation is a pretense of malice.

In the race to be great, we tend to be hopelessly impulsive.

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52. Illness, by opening our eyes to the realities of life, is an indirect blessing.

In difficult times is when we most appreciate the things we have.

53. Between the humble and contrite heart and the majesty of Heaven there are no barriers; the only password is prayer.

Prayer is a connection between the soul and the spiritual character.

54. Hate is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.

Hate never brings anything good to people.

55. It is the nature of the intellect to strive to improve in intellectual power.

Those who want to improve seek to increase their knowledge on their own.

56. Prosperity seems hardly certain, unless it is mixed with a little adversity.

No one is safe at the top for long.

57. Doubt is an incentive for the truth and patient inquiry leads the way.

Doubts lead us to seek answers.

58. Idleness is empty; the tree in which the sap is stagnant remains fruitless.

It is always good to take advantage of free moments.

59. There is an unavoidable standard of judgment regarding religious faith in doctrinal matters. Can you reduce it to practice? If not, don't have any of that.

All religious teaching must practice good values.

60. Patience is sometimes tested by the fanaticism and nonsense of the self-righteous, wise and self-aware, who profess the religion of Christ, but stand on tiptoe.

Religious fanatics are the worst enemies of religion.

61. A religion that requires persecution to sustain itself is from the propagation of the devil.

Exposing a criticism of those who use the teachings as a way to attack others.

62. Faith, to be genuine and of any real value, must be the fruit of that divine love which Jesus manifested when he prayed for his enemies on the cross.

It is the greatest teaching that Jesus left.

63. It is a glorious occupation, life-giving and self-sufficient in its nature, to struggle with ignorance.

The best way to alleviate ignorance is to find out the truth.

64. Education begins at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the earshot of the children tends toward the formation of character.

Parents are essential for the education of children.

65. Moderation is the key to lasting enjoyment.

All enjoyment is necessary, but when it gets out of control, it becomes a sentence.

66. Even when you have occasion to rebuke, try to do it with manifest kindness. The effect will be incalculably better.

We achieve more by speaking calmly and understanding, than by throwing fire from the mouth.

67. If we agree in love, there is no disagreement that can hurt us.

We can all have differences and argue, but if there is love, there is a solution.

68. Error is always busier than truth.

There are mistakes that are made by mistake.

69. A mother's love, in some degree, sanctifies the most despicable offspring.

No matter how they take care of their children, they end up choosing their path, be it good or bad.

70. The eye is the entrance to the soul.

Do you think eyes reveal a lot about a person?

71. Honest and brave people have very little to say about their courage or their honesty.

Real people don't need to embellish their stories, they let their actions speak for them.

72. Most people who commit a sin expect some personal benefit to come from it, but blasphemy doesn't even have this excuse.

There are acts that cannot be justified.

73. Has not God endured you all these years? Be tolerant with others.

A lesson to be learned from religion is to be kind and understanding with others.

74. Only what can be called true refinement is what elevates the soul of man, purifying morals, improving the intellect.

It is about taking our beliefs and mixing them with the good values ​​we have acquired.

75. The law of heaven is love.

The universal mandate that we must all follow.

76. True repentance always involves reform.

When we really want to change, it is because we have learned from our mistakes.

77. The sun has no need to boast of its brilliance, nor the moon of its splendor.

No one needs to outshine others to shine.

78. It is well to beware of those whose visual organs prevent your honest consideration.

A reference to staying away from people who are not honest.

79. Prosperity often heralds adversity.

They say that the higher you are, the harder the fall.

80. A careless and blasphemous use of the name of the Divine Being is not only sinful, but is also prima facie evidence of vulgar associations.

The first step of the hypocrisy of those who claim to follow God.

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