Education, study and knowledge

7 things you should never say in a job interview

If you have been interested in a job, and when you submit your Curriculum vitae you have managed to move to the next phase, that is, the interview, congratulations! Now you have the opportunity to demonstrate to the interviewer the qualities that you possess.

Making a good impression during the interview is going to be decisive if you really want to demonstrate your worth, as it will indicate, in the eyes of the recruiter, whether or not you are suitable for a position you are applying for. you aspire Therefore, during that brief space of time, it is necessary that you show the best of yourself, and you need to use words well, because what you say can cause a good or bad image of who you are and what you can contribute to the company.

Recommended article: "How to face a competency-based interview: 4 keys to getting the job"

Things not to say during a job interview

In today's article, we have made a list with 7 things not to say during a job interview.

1. I have no flaws

A classic question in job interviews is: "Can you tell me a defect and a virtue that you have?" It is recommended that you bring this question prepared, because

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It is always better to say some defect in addition to your virtues. If you say that you have no flaws, the interviewer will think you are lying, so he may interpret that you are not sincere. Are they going to want an employee who is not sincere in their company? Probably not.

If you are asked this question during an interview, a correct answer would be: “Sometimes I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I don't like to leave tasks undone." In this way, you mention a possible defect, but it can even be positive for the company.

2. What is your company doing?

another of the most common questions in a job interview is: “Do you know our organization? If when you were called for the job interview you did not know much about the company, it is normal. But if you are really interested in the job, after knowing that they have been interested in your profile, you will have done a little research online to find out what they do: what is their product, who are their customers, etc.

It often happens that they themselves explain to you what the company is about. Now, if this is not the case, do not be the one asking about what the company does, especially if you have said that you are very motivated by the idea of ​​working with them. Certainly, If you don't know anything about the organization, it won't seem like you're very interested in getting the job..

3. How long does it take to promote employees?

It is completely normal for you to want to be part of a company that takes into account the possibility that employees grow within the organization and can move up in the positions that the company offers.

Now, when they are interested in your profile, they usually do it for a vacant position. If, for example, the position you are offering is a cashier, It doesn't make much sense that you already want to be a supervisor.. Even if you think about it, this is not the time to say it. The time will come.

4. During my vacation in Thailand….

In the competency interviews, it is common for the interviewer to ask you so that you can tell a story in which you make clear the skills you master. For example, a recruiter might ask, "Tell me how you solved a serious problem at your last job."

Stories are a good way to connect with the interviewer and, furthermore, they are ideal for explaining how you behave in a certain context. Now, during a job interview you don't have much time to present your strengths. Put aside the irrelevant things and get to the point.

5. I don't like teamwork

Teamwork is one of the skills that companies value most today., because when you work effectively as a team, the synergy, that is, that the efforts made by the members of the organization are enhanced, increasing the efficiency of the results.

Also, if you don't like working in a team because you have social skills poor and you come into conflict with other co-workers, this can cause negative consequences not only in your performance, but in that of the organization. Therefore, never say that you don't like teamwork, because the interviewer can quickly dismiss your profile.

If you want to know more about teamwork, you can take a look at our article: "The 5 benefits of teamwork"

6. Ugh, in my last company...

It doesn't matter how bad you had it or how bad you ended up in the last job, never use the job interview to put them down and criticize them. That can work against you, because if you ever leave the new company, you could behave the same way.

So keep a positive and neutral attitude despite your grudges, and focus on what you learned and the experience you gained at that company.

7. I didn't get along with my boss

Similarly to the previous point, never criticize your previous boss. Even if your last supervisor made your life miserable at your previous job, it's better to bury the past and let it be.

Also, mentioning this during a job interview can lead the interviewer to ask compromising questions, so that in the end it will be difficult for you to get out of this situation. This can lead the recruiter to decide against you.

Frequent mistakes during a job interview

In addition to the things that you should never say during a job interview, there are certain behaviors or habits that you should avoid when you are in front of the interviewer. Being late, dressing inappropriately, or interrupting the interviewer are some examples.

If you want to know more about the behaviors you should skip during a job interview, you can read our article: "Job Interviews: The 10 Most Frequent Mistakes"

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