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The 75 best phrases of Marlon Brando

Marlon Brando Jr. was a famous American stage and film actor, born in Omaha during the year 1924.

Thanks to excellent films like: "The Godfather", "Julius Caesar", "A Streetcar Named Desire" or "Apocalypse Now", this actor He managed to establish himself as one of the best actors in film history, being nominated for 8 Oscars, of which he won two.

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Marlon Brando's best famous quotes

We have all seen at least one film by this great interpreter, since his professional career lasted no less than 50 years. Unfortunately Brando passed away in 2004, due to respiratory failure at the age of 80. A death that took away from us one of the biggest stars that Hollywood has given us.

Below you can discover the 75 best phrases of Marlon Brando, some phrases that will reveal a lot about his particular philosophy of life.

1. I have eyes like those of a dead pig.

As we can see in this quote, his eyes were never the part of his body that he liked the most, but even so, his gaze captivated millions of viewers around the world.

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2. The only thing an actor owes to his audience is not to bore them.

Cinema is an essential part of the entertainment industry, thanks to it many people manage to forget about their daily problems, even if it is only for a short period of time.

3. If there's one thing that's upsetting to the stomach, it's watching actors on TV talk about their personal lives.

The personal lives of the actors, usually have nothing to do with that of all those characters they play. The vast majority of them are usually behind the scenes, totally normal people.

4. Understanding the full meaning of life is the actor's duty, playing it is his problem, and expressing his dedication.

In order to correctly interpret a role, the actor must immerse himself deeply in the character, even going so far as to internalize some of the feelings that he might harbor.

5. Privacy is not something I am simply entitled to, it is an absolute prerequisite.

Privacy was always something very important to Brando, something that the press often did not respect as it should.

6. An actor is at most a poet and at least an artist.

All great actors are undoubtedly artists, since interpretation is a complex skill that, taken to excellence, becomes an art.

7. If we are not our brother's keeper, at least let us not be his executioner.

Our actions can influence the lives of third parties, if we are intelligent people we will never do anything that could harm our friends and family.

8. He never confuses the size of his paycheck with the size of his talent.

Money does not have to reflect a job well done, because great artistic works have always been done, because of the artist's love for the art with which he expresses himself.

9. If you want something from an audience, you give blood to their fantasies. It's the ultimate hustle.

Movies that contain action and death usually have a large audience, blood has always been something that has managed to get people's attention.

10. The only reason I'm in Hollywood is because I don't have the moral courage to turn down the money.

Although money was not essential for him, it was necessary to maintain his lifestyle.

11. An actor is a guy who, if you're not talking about him, he's not listening.

Many actors tend to be somewhat self-centered, after all, they all seek, through interpretation, to constantly be the center of attention.

12. There's a line in the picture where he growls, "No one tells me what to do." This is exactly how I have felt my entire life.

The actors know the script perfectly, but they don't know the non-verbal language that they must adopt during the recording. Only the most talented actors manage to find the most suitable attitude for the character.

13. I don't care that he's fat. You still get the same money.

Regardless of our body weight, the cinema will always have interesting roles for us. As one of the greatest actors ever, Brando was never particularly concerned with his weight.

14. With the women, I have a long bamboo stick with a leather loop on the end. I slip the noose around their necks so they can't escape or get too close. How to catch snakes.

The sense of humor of this actor was, as we see, something very peculiar. Throughout his life he was married 3 times and was the father of 11 children.

15. Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It is the life of a vagabond. Stop acting, that's the sign of maturity.

The actor's life may not always be the best for a person. When the time comes, retirement can be an option considered interesting.

16. I don't think it's the nature of any man to be monogamous. Men are driven by genetically ordered impulses over which they have no control to distribute their seed.

Monogamy was not something he was completely satisfied with, Brando had always been a man whose impulses largely dominated his personal life.

17. Kowalski was always right and never afraid. He never wondered, never doubted. His ego was very sure. And he had the kind of brutal aggressiveness that I hate. I'm afraid of that. I hate the character.

Some of his characters weren't completely to his liking, but still his portrayal of them on camera, was just simply exceptional about him.

18. I went home and did some rehearsals to satisfy my curiosity about whether I could play an Italian. I put on a little makeup, put Kleenex on my cheeks, and worked out the characterization first in front of a mirror, then on a television monitor. After working on it, I decided that I could create a characterization that would support the story. The people at Paramount saw the footage and they liked it, and that's how I became the Godfather.

The role he played in the film The Godfather made him an intergenerational star, with him, this actor managed to expand his legend to unsuspected limits.

19. My mind always calms down when I imagine myself sitting on my South Sea island at night.

Brando was the owner of an atoll called "Tetiaroa", a paradise in Polynesia where there is currently a luxury resort called the Brando Resort in his honor.

20. At Paramount, I sat down for lunch with John Wayne. I couldn't even speak.

A Lunch that brought together two great celluloid legends at the same table, this situation was surely a very interesting moment for both actors.

21. Never give in to the impulse of mediocrity.

We must be as we are, society should never be able to change our character.

22. People ask that a lot. They say, 'What did you do while you took time off?' - As if the rest of my life took me some time off. But the fact is that making movies is waiting time for me because the rest, the almost complete whole, is what is real for me. I'm not an actor and haven't been for years. I am a human being, hopefully someone concerned and somewhat intelligent, who occasionally acts.

Life had many more interesting things for him than just acting, for him, real life was everything that happened between shootings.

23. I'll make him an offer he can not refuse.

One of his most famous phrases, which this actor blurted out in his well-known role in "The Godfather", a quote that all his admirers will undoubtedly remember forever.

24. Regret is useless in life. It's in the past. All we have is now.

A great quote from this actor that encourages us to live life to the fullest, the present is the only moment we truly control.

25. Elvis Presley had nothing to do with excellence, just the myth.

Elvis Presley was a man who behind the spotlight also had his flaws, facts that this great actor knew firsthand, most likely through common partners.

26. I met a few gangsters, and they all told me they loved the picture because he had played the Godfather with dignity. Even today I can't cash a check in Little Italy.

His role in "The Godfather" was much more important for his career than he initially thought, since the fame he acquired thanks to this character accompanied him throughout his life.

27. Even today I run into people who automatically think of me as a rude, insensitive, tough guy named Stanley Kowalski. They can't help it, but it's worrisome.

The public should understand that a character does not define the personality of an actor, it is even possible that both personalities are actually totally opposed.

28. Bertolucci is extraordinary in his ability to perceive, he is a poet... It is very easy to work for him.

Bertolucci was undoubtedly a great director, some of his films, such as "Novecento", have been revealed over the years as true works of art.

29. The power and influence of a movie star is curious: I didn't ask for it or take it; People gave it to me. Just because you are a movie star, people give you special rights and privileges.

Media stars usually have preferential treatment within society, a certain consideration that even if they have not asked for it, it will happen anyway.

30. If you're successful, acting is as easy a job as anyone could wish for. But if you don't succeed, it's worse than having a skin disease.

For an actor to be successful, he must have an innate gift for acting. Very few people manage to achieve success in the film world.

31. Hollywood is run by Jews, owned by Jews…

There is a long list of actors in Hollywood who are Jewish, for example: Woody Allen, Kirk Douglas or Harrison Ford.

32. The close-up says it all, it is then that the learned and rehearsed behavior of an actor is becomes more obvious to an audience and subconsciously fades away from their experience of the reality. In a close-up, the audience is only inches away, and their face becomes the stage.

An actor must be really good to be able to convey feelings, just by using his easy gestures. A technique that Brando undoubtedly mastered perfectly.

33. Acting serves as the quintessential social lubricant and device for protecting our interests and gaining an advantage in all aspects of life.

Interpretation can open many doors for us in society and can also be a very powerful social tool, within our most intimate circles.

34. All I want to be is normally crazy.

We should never put limits on ourselves in life, if we fervently desire it we can achieve everything we set out to do.

35. I thank you for not snoring.

Snoring is usually very annoying for the vast majority of people. As we can see, this actor needed complete silence in order to rest.

36. If America's spending money on entertainment is any indication of taste, clearly most of us are junkies.

Some films of dubious quality manage to achieve very good box office figures, a fact that allows us to get an idea about the cinematographic tastes of the general public.

37. George Bernard Shaw said that thinking was the greatest of human endeavors, but I would say that feeling was. Allow yourself to feel things, to feel love or anger, hate, anger.

Acting is an activity that can be strenuous, as actors go through a great deal of emotional ups and downs and attitude changes, throughout an entire film.

38. The mafia is the best example of capitalism we have.

The mafia is capitalism brought to the world of crime, a clear example that money is fully capable of corrupting people.

39. The military mind has one goal, and that is to make soldiers react as mechanically as possible. They want the same predictability in a man as in a telephone or a machine gun, and they train their soldiers to act as a unit, not as individuals.

In the army, soldiers must act firmly and forcefully, if a soldier hesitates even for a second, the lives of all his companions may be in danger.

40. Food has always been my friend. When I wanted to feel better or had a crisis in my life, I opened the fridge.

Food can help us alleviate emotional tension, but overeating can cause us many other pathologies. If we don't know how to overcome an emotional crisis, we can always consult a psychologist.

41. Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts. Whenever we want something from someone or when we want to hide something or pretend, we are acting. Most people do it all day.

People have acted since the beginning of time, not as a profession but for possible socioeconomic benefits.

42. It's the hardest thing in the world to accept a "small" success and leave it at that.

If we are not careful, success can become a psychological drug, since thanks to it we will get compliments and rewards that we logically do not want to stop receiving.

43. The people around me never say anything. It seems they just want to hear what I have to say. That's why I talk all the time.

Actors are usually the center of attention no matter where they go, without a doubt this was a role that, as we see, Brando had to represent many times.

44. Working with any actor is like working with a monkey.

As we can see, this interpreter had a very bitter sense of humor, a fact that he assured brought him more than one enmity.

45. The most repulsive thing you can imagine is the inside of a camel's mouth. That and watching a girl eat octopus or squid.

Both images can be really repulsive, let's hope we don't have to come across them in our daily lives.

46. We make any excuse to preserve the myths about the people we love, but the opposite is also true; If we don't like an individual, we strongly resist changing our opinion, even when someone offers proof of his decency, because it is vital to have myths about gods and demons in our lives. lives.

Many people tend to create false ideas about others, something that undoubtedly harms them sooner or later in their social relationships.

47. It is a simple fact that we all use acting techniques to achieve the ends we seek.

We all act at certain moments in our lives, with the idea of ​​achieving a certain goal. Acting is an art that is usually very present, in a completely natural way in the world.

48. I don't know what people expect when they meet me. They seem to be afraid that I'll pee on the palm of the pot and slap their butts.

This actor was a man who imposed enormously, both on his admirers and on his detractors. Running into him in a corridor was something that left more than one person paralyzed.

49. I don't extend my hand anymore, but I never get tired of waiting for the next magic.

His life offered him a lot of exciting situations and in his private life he was always a person who greatly enjoyed the success he achieved.

50. You've seen every race ruined, but you've never seen an unfavorable image of a motorcycle because Jews are always on the lookout for that. They never allowed it to be shown on the screen!

Brando was an ace at the wheel both in cars and motorcycles, thanks to the movie "The Wild One", we can get a little idea about his expertise behind the wheel.

51. If there are two hundred people in a room and one of them doesn't like me, I have to get out.

Hiding his disgust was never an easy thing for this actor, so he decided to avoid those people with whom he could argue.

52. Sometimes you have the feeling that it is 11 in the morning here and you are not at school.

Free time was something very precious to him, after having led a very busy life for a long time, vacations became his favorite time of the year.

53. Most of the successful people in Hollywood are failures as human beings.

The fact that you are successful in the cinema does not mean that you are a good person, many actors unfortunately have a really disappointing human quality.

54. What could be a brave choice for you, for another person you simply cannot experience fear.

Some human beings are capable of taking more risks than others, a fact with which we will surely obtain a greater probability of success.

55. I believe I did what honor dictated and that belief sustains me, except for a slight wish to be dead that I'm sure will pass.

Some of his roles were really emotional and thanks to them he managed to penetrate the hearts of all his admirers very deeply.

56. Most writers write haphazardly. The actor is fighting unwarranted words all the time.

Some scripts can be really indigestible for any actor, making even more difficult a job that is already complicated enough.

57. Every time you get knocked down you get up stronger.

If we never give up, we will never really be defeated. Although life is difficult for us, to achieve success we must know how to overcome our problems.

58. It's a long climb up Fool's Hill.

In some of the roles he played, his characters were really put to the test. Many of whom came to experience complicated situations, in which we would not like to have to be involved.

59. Acting is an empty and useless profession.

Interpreting is a profession that does not have to be for life, if the time comes we get tired of it, we can always choose to dedicate ourselves to something else.

60. It doesn't really matter what you're thinking, as long as you're thinking about something.

Intelligence is the most important attribute that human beings can possess, because thanks to it we can become successful individuals, regardless of the sector we dedicate ourselves to.

61. Ask most children about details about Auschwitz or about how American Indians were killed as people and they don't know anything about it. They don't want to know anything. Most people just want their beer or their soap opera or their lullaby.

So that the same mistakes that have already happened in the past are not made, history is our greatest ally. Let's be clear that if we don't know where we came from, we will never get to the future we all want.

62. No one "becomes" a character. You cannot act unless you are who you are.

Even though he played a very intense role, his mind always kept full control over the character he was playing. A great professionalism that was always his best letter of introduction.

63. I believe that awards in this country at this time are inappropriate to be received or given until the condition of the American Indian is drastically changed.

Native Americans have always been a deeply mistreated people, since the arrival of the white man in America. A fact without a doubt transcendental, that this actor always kept in mind throughout his life.

64. Would people applaud me if he was a good plumber?

The work of many men who perform essential jobs is never recognized by society as a whole, when in reality if it were not for them, our comfortable lives would not be possible.

65. The four pillars of wisdom that support journalistic efforts are: lies, stupidity, money grabs, and ethical irresponsibility.

Many journalists talk about third parties without being completely sure about what they say, a nefarious way of acting that can lead them to make a mistake, which they remember for a long time time.

66. The main benefit that acting has given me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis.

Without a doubt, it must be a very difficult task to lead a relatively normal life, when we are someone as famous as Marlon Brando. Going to a psychoanalysis professional can always be a good option, even for the most famous.

67. I have decided to tell the story of my life to the best of my ability, so that my children will separate the truth from the myths that others have created. about me, as myths are created about everyone swept up in the turbulent, distorting whirlwind of celebrity in our culture.

For him it was always very important that his family knew how to differentiate the myth from the person, behind what the public knew he was really a much more sensitive person than we can imagine.

68. Sometimes I act and people think I'm insensitive. Really, it's like a kind of armor because I'm too sensitive.

Being so emotional led him to build a wall between himself and society, a barrier that he always carried with him throughout his acting career.

69. Do you remember when Marilyn Monroe died? They all stopped working, and you could see the same expressions on their faces all day, the same thought: 'How can a girl with success, fame, youth, money, beauty... How could she kill herself? No one could understand it because those are the things that everyone wants, and they can't believe that life wasn't important to Marilyn Monroe, or that her life was somewhere else.

Fame and success are not everything in life, some much more important things, like family or love, we don't usually value until we finally lose them.

70. I refused to be a fool dancing on a rope held up by all those big shots. I don't apologize, that's my life.

The big industry moguls could never buy him, he would only play those characters that he truly liked.

71. I had to read Wuthering Heights for English and I have never enjoyed a book in my entire life as much as that one.

Emily Bronte's novel "Wuthering Heights" became her bedside book from that moment on, a book that if you haven't read it is highly recommended.

72. A sensitive person gets fifty impressions where another person can only get seven. Sensitive people are very vulnerable; they are so easily brutalized and hurt just because they are sensitive. The more sensitive it is, the safer it is to be brutalized, it will develop scabs. Analysis helps. helped me. But still, in the last eight, nine years I've been pretty messy, kind of a mess.

When someone is sensitive he will suffer from his own problems, but also from the problems of all his relatives, an empathy that over time can turn the life of the person who possesses it into a great accumulation of suffering.

73. The more sensitive you are, the safer you are to be brutalized, scab over, never evolve. Never allow yourself to feel anything, because you always feel too much.

Brando wished all his life that he didn't have to suffer from those problems that didn't really concern him, but his likeable personality always made him worry about everyone else.

74. I saw a snail crawl on the edge of a straight razor. That is my dream. That is my nightmare. Crawling, slipping, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving.

Life can play a trick on us in the blink of an eye, in reality we are all metaphorically that snail on the razor's edge.

75. Horror and moral terror are your friends.

What others think of us does not have to matter to us, we must live our lives as we wish.

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