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How does a divorce impact men and women?

When talking about a divorce and its consequences, women are generally thought of as the most affected gender.; however, similar responses have been shown that involve certain differential factors between men and women when facing the crisis.

Such factors are determined, for example, with the causes of the divorce, be it infidelity, problems economic, and lack of tolerance, among many others, in addition to which of the two members of the couple takes the decision.

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Differences between the psychological impact of divorce in men and women

So let's see the most common aspects that have been found in this subject, according to studies carried out at the university of California and Nebraska, in addition to other data obtained in consultation and investigations that I have carried out in my profession.

1. In general, a man, when divorcing his partner, also goes through the separation of their children

This leads man to feel a deep emptiness and in the case of the woman, assuming greater responsibility when she stays with her children.

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2. The judgments that are faced after a critical and macho society

We have become accustomed to making judgments simply based on what we observe without knowing the causes or the feelings that others carry inside.

3. The financial aspect

When it comes to money, it can become the worst enemy, not only for reaching an agreement responsibilities, but by taking on new challenges when it comes to taking control of money management and its organization.

The financial aspect has always been debated in that women are more impacted when it comes to taking that control, going to work (who did not do it), being aware of payments on time and that nothing is missing for the well-being of your children, compared to men who also find a large number of complaints and demands for the lack of financial support to support their children.

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4. If it is about the emotional part, depression and anxiety are very common in both genders

Here the difference is marked in the way in which that chaos is dealt withSince the man tries to mask his sadness, he relates much less and looks for outlets such as alcohol, looking for a woman or loneliness. While women are more likely to seek help, vent to friends, even cry, write or take moments for her, go out with her friends or drink alcohol.

5. physical well-being

We cannot leave aside the physical consequences that a break brings, since continuous illnesses, eating disorders and even physical neglect can be seen in both genders.

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6. Self-esteem takes a hit in men and women

This is because before the divorce an inventory begins to be made of what was delivered during the time the relationship lasted, thinking about what failed, having thoughts of an uncertain future or imagining your ex-partner having a new relationship or feeling that you are no longer the priority for the other. It is a game of ego, of pride, which is a hidden monster when it comes to reaching an agreement or ensuring the well-being of the children.


It's important to put attention on the points described above can occur in either of the two gender cases, or maybe it will be your case or not. What I do consider important to highlight is that both men and women are impacted by a crisis situation, without the need of blaming ourselves, without judging ourselves as to what the reason for the divorce was, but accepting that in the face of pain it becomes lighter when we have support of a professional who provides us with the adequate resources to transform families and start again from a state of welfare.

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