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How to prevent work stress in companies: 6 strategies

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Stress is an increasingly common state in society, especially within large cities. It is an alteration of the organism, where we are overwhelmed by the demands of the environment. When this is due to work, we talk about work stress.

In this article we will know what this alteration consists of, and we will talk about how to prevent work stress in companies. For this, we will offer 6 proposals that companies can apply to prevent stress among their workers.

Stress and work stress: what are they?

Stress is a psychophysiological state of the organism, which appears when the demands of the environment exceed the resources available to us. The term "anxiety" is sometimes used to refer to how we feel during highly stressful times.

Stress can appear in different areas of life, be it personal, social, work... When it is manifested in the workplace (that is, when it appears as a consequence of work), we speak of "stress labor". It is known that up to 59% of Spanish workers suffer from work stress, which has a negative impact on the person's health, but also on their productivity, quality of life, etc.

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Job stress is due to multiple factors: long working hours, high demands from the company, few hours of sleep, having a self-demanding personality, not meeting objectives, tiredness accumulated etc

When this stress is very high and appears together with other symptoms, then we talk about the "burnout" or "burnout syndrome". In fact, this syndrome has been recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) as an official syndrome.

Its characteristic symptom is professional burnout, which translates into physical and emotional exhaustion. But we are talking about more extreme cases than simple work stress; That is why it is important to prevent the latter, to prevent it from leading to a burnout syndrome.

How to prevent work stress in companies

But, How to prevent work stress in companies? Is this possible?

In this article we will offer some proposals to prevent it, aimed at being applied by the companies themselves.

1. Campaigns that promote sport

The first proposal that we put forward on how to prevent work stress in companies, and which may be a good idea, is that companies offer their workers campaigns or programs aimed at promoting sport among their employees. These may consist of planning certain sports activities throughout the year (for example once a week). Activities can be: yoga, cycling, basketball, soccer... There is a wide variety of sports to choose from.

These activities should ideally be in groups, and involve the maximum number of workers possible. From them it will be intended that workers acquire healthy lifestyle habits through sport; In turn, sport is a good tool to prevent and combat work stress, as it helps to release tension and secrete endorphins.

In addition, these types of activities can also be a good option to strengthen the bond between workers, enhance social relations and promote a good working environment.

2. Daily fruit in the office

This second proposal, also related to the previous one, offers us another perspective on how to prevent work stress in companies. It is aimed, like the previous one, at promoting healthy habits among workers. Thus, food is another key piece to obtain this lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyles help prevent work stress, whether inside or outside of work. In addition, it is known that diet greatly influences mood and energy. The initiative to provide free fruit to workers, although it may seem like a small gesture, can encourage other healthy behaviors in them.

3. Mindfulness sessions

He mindfulness it is, in turn, a philosophy of life, a healthy practice and a type of therapy. It consists of the practice of meditation, a state that is reached through concentration; Meditation allows you to "leave your mind blank" and reach a sense of peace and fullness, through breathing and relaxation exercises. Thus, mindfulness is a very good tool to prevent stress.

The idea of ​​proposing a mindfulness program within companies can also be a good option on how to prevent work stress in companies. This program can consist of a weekly mindfulness session in a designated space within the company, or outside of it. (in an open space). These details will depend on the preferences and availability of resources of each one.

4. massage sessions

This proposal, like some of the previous ones, is already being implemented by many companies, since it is considered innovative and healthy. through her, a service of masseurs and/or physiotherapists is hired to come to the office itself to give a short-term massage to the workers (for example, between 15 minutes and 30 minutes). These sessions can be spaced (for example once a week, once a month...), always depending on each company.

The type of massage is usually on the neck and head, but it can also cover other areas (although in the office the most feasible is the neck and head). These massages can produce a state of relaxation in the worker, even if it is short-lived. Feeling good and comfortable in the office helps prevent incipient feelings of stress or anxiety. In addition, this practice would allow "breaking" with the routine even for a short time.

5. Training in relaxation techniques

Another proposal that we make on how to prevent work stress in companies has to do with the relaxation techniques. Companies can schedule training sessions for workers that explain different relaxation techniques; Ideally, these can be applied within the office, at a time of certain wear and tear or stress, or simply from time to time.

There are exercises that can be done in the same office chair, or elsewhere depending on the type of work; these can be breathing exercises and/or meditation. They can last a few minutes and be applied when necessary. In addition, they will allow you to maintain an adequate rhythm at work, productive, but at the same time relaxed.

6. Ergonomics training

The last proposal that we put forward on how to prevent work stress in companies is training in ergonomics, a discipline within occupational hazards. Although training in occupational hazards is mandatory for workers in all companies, sometimes it is not sufficiently taken into account.

In addition, it is a good option to give special sessions on ergonomics, this particular discipline, which teaches us how to sit correctly to avoid injuries or contractures, how to work, what temperature is adequate in the office, what environmental conditions are the most suitable, etc

Adequate working conditions, at an environmental level, as well as a correct knowledge of how to work, It will allow the worker to be comfortable (preventing work stress), comfortable, not hurt and be as good as possible. productive.

Bibliographic references:

  • Fine, R. (2016). How to prevent work stress. Superheroes Sesame.

  • WHO (2000). ICD-10. International classification of diseases, tenth edition. Madrid. Pan American.

  • Peiro, J.M. and Rodriguez, I. (2008). Work stress, leadership and organizational health. Psychologist Papers, 29(1): 68-82.

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