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Lenda do Curupira explained

One of the most well-known figures of national folklore, or Curupira inhabits the forests and is dedicated to protecting the life that exists throughout it.

We are present in our culture, part of the Brazilian folklore and collective imagery, being represented as a hero or an ameaça, depending on the version of history.

To lenda do Curupira

Or Curupira, protetor das arvores e dos animais, he um be fantastic that lives not found das matas. Quick, I am aware of an extreme force, he is described as a man with vermelho hair.

When you find hunters trying to kill the offspring or homens that appear to cut and burn the trees, or Curupira face barulhos, beating our trunks and assorted, to scare them. He also learned from fazer that these invaders are perceived as not local.

How do you inverted feet, ou seja, you calcanhares na front, suas stuck apontam to the opposite direction. Assim, when humans try to follow or trace him, they end up frazzling the road and, many times, disappearing forever.

Find a detailed history in the animation below:

instagram story viewer
O Curupira (HD) - Série I swear that I saw

As origens da lenda e o Brazilian folklore

Assim like other figures of national folklore, to lenda do Curupira have originated us myths and indigenous beliefs, usually related to nature elements.

Seu I don't see you from the old tupi and some specialists accredit it that it means "body of men", but there are controversies and different interpretations.

Demônio da forest that terrorized you locais

The first record of the history to which we have access was written by the Spanish Jesuit José de Anchieta, through a letter redirected in 1506. Nela, or father contava that or Brazil hid a demonic force that was known to persecute and punish you locais.

Anchieta would like to mention that some two of his companions will find the bodies of his victims. Second or story, the natives deixavam offerings To tempt to please or Curupira, we walk and we topos das montanhas: they continue arrows and colorful penalties, among other objects.

Transmissão e transformação da lenda

As apontou Luís da Câmara Cascudo, no seu Dictionary of Brazilian FolkloreSince it was present in several regions of our territory, there were no certainties about where it arose.

For various indigenous peoples, or Curupira was viewed as a Explanation for the unheard-of mobs that we will see the forests. He was also responsible for the sudden disappearance of the hair of some hunters, because they would terrorize you, forcing you to skew or walk away.

As tempo, or myth, it was being transmitted between the communities and also transformed. First seen as a maleficent entity, it happened to be represented as an appearance that became popular and we know on the page.

Embora can be described in several ways, something remains the same: either Curupira continues to be or great protector of local fauna and flora.

Inverted pests and a reputation as a cheater

A figure of Curupira is quite associated with the Amazon region, where we also live matuiús, a few indigenous lendário that would like you to the contrary.

As we circulate nas margens do rio, eles deixariam as suas stuck "liars" na areia, confusing the visitors and the unwary.

It is possible that these figures, mentioned by Simão de Vasconcelos em Chronica da Companhia de Jesus (1663), this is the root of the deceitful character that was attributed to Curupira.

Ha in 1955, I don't study Santos e Visagens, or anthropologist Eduardo Galvão calls attention to the children of the creature, described as a "genius" of the forests.

The stories that he collected, apart from emitting repentant watercress, he was also capable of imitate human voices to confuse your inimigos.

Other verses and curiosities about a lenda

Presented as an individual of short stature and body forte, in some verses or Curupira é um garoto e, noutras, um anão, being able to measure just four hands.

Sua appearance is altered drastically in certain variations of the history: power as orelhas compressidas, being lacking ou ter or body covered with hair, pointed and colorful teeth, etc. In Pernambuco, for example, it is possible for him to emerge as a person.

In some regions, such as Maranhão and Espírito Santo, the narrative is mixed as do Caipora, that you do not fear the opposite and are associated with the activities of the caça.

It is also interesting to mention that this lenda finds parallel in other similar myths that will arise in different parts of the world, such as Argentina, Paraguai, Venezuela, Colombia and Sweden.

Proteção às Florestas Day

Present us myths of folklore, literature, culture and our own memory, or Curupira is a fairly celebrated magical entity on the Brazilian scene.

Currently, it is associated with the Dia de Proteção às Florestas, also known as "Dia do Curupira" and commemorated in July 17.

Take the opportunity to see also:

  • Lenda do Boto (Brazilian Folklore)
  • Lenda da Cuca explained
  • Lendas of Brazilian folklore
  • Lenda da Iara analyzed
  • An incredible literature by Monteiro Lobato
  • Poems about Amazônia
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