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As 10 melhores musicas infantis

Music has a fundamental role, not the development of children, helping not to socialize, as well as the process of acquiring language and consolidation of self-confidence.

Relembre dez great infantis musics, understand or mean behind each one of them and discover importantly that the power does not mature two small ones.


It was a very funny house
No tinha teto no tinha nothing
No one could enter nela no
Because na casa não tinha chão
No one could sleep in the net
Because at home no tinha parede
No one could fazer pee
Because pinico não tinha ali
But it was feita with great care
Na rua two fools number zero

A song gives life to a strange house, completely empty, where everything is missing. Há quem say that a letter face like that or small ouvinte value or what tem Inside his own house from the absence of a sung venue.

Home é um classic by Vinicius de Moraes released during the seventies I do not release To Noah's Ark I have managed to beat barreira do tempo enchanting children I tied the days of the leaf. The verses viraram music for us years oitenta to the voice of Toquinho.

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Uma curiosidade: a casa da lyrics by fato existeiu, she was linked to a project of the Uruguayan plastic artist Carlos Páez Vilaró, friend of Vinicius de Moraes.

Vilaró decided to build his own house / atelier in the city of Punta Ballena in 1958. As he argues or projects independently from zero, or space is permeated, it is missing for a long time.

Home - Vinicius de Moraes (video clip)

A virou canoe

A virou canoe
Pois deixaram ela tack
Foi because of Maria
I don't know how to row

Se eu fosse um peixinho
E soubesse swim
Eu tirava Maria
Do fundo do mar

Siri pra Cá,
Siri pra la
Maria é bela
I wanted to get married.

A cantiga de roda A virou canoe Serviu of sound trilha for a series of infantis brincadeiras.

Com a letter to a child learns to interact socially (once you are not involved in children, it is customary to be dated throughout the letter).

A song also has a moral effect because it unfolds concept of cause and consequence (To canoe virou because it burned remá-la não o soube fazer), thus reinforcing the importance of the sense of responsibility.

Palavra Cantada | To Canoa Virou

Não atire or pau no gato

Não atire or pau no gato (to-to)
Because isso (Isso-Isso)
I don't know (face-face)
O gatinho (nho-nho)
That's our friend (go-go)
We must not mistreat
You Cheer Up

A letter acima and a version aprimorada - has been said politically correct - from a song written by muitas gerações (Atirei or pau no cat).

A nova canção ensina as crianças a we will respect you and to develop as cats a relationship of affection and affection.

Não Atire or Pau No Gato - Atchim e Espirro

Shine shimmer star

Shine, shine, star
Lá no céu pequenininha
Solitary was conducted
Hair with light

Shine, shine, star
Lá no céu pequenininha
Shine, shine, star
Lá no céu pequenininha

A letter of Shine shimmer star teach a small child to unwrap uma relationship as space I can see that it is part of a much larger system than it is used to thinking.

The short verses stimulate little ones to olharem to top and to repair no ceu.

As a personagem gives music and a unique star, to criança also me and introduced to the conceito da solidão in a way positive (a star, lonely and small, it is so powerful that it is able to give light to the céu).

BRILHA, BRILHA, ESTRELINHA é other musics for baby to sleep ⭐ HD ☁️🦁☁️

March soldier

March soldier
Paper head
I don't want to go straight
Vai prisoner pro quartel

Or quartel hit fire
Police deu sinal
Layer, layered, layered a national flag

Some of the most famous music for children March soldier. By letter, at the beginning, it contextualizes our military space and introduces us to children as soldiers.

Logo to follow if we know what happens if the official does not fulfill its functions (here to be created and introduced to noção de punição).

The second part of the letter tells us a little story: or quartel pegou fire and we need to save it. Nesse trecho a criança learns to protect or that it is us zelar hair bem comum.

Soldier March - Official Music Clip - Galinha Pintadinha DVD 1

Se essa rua fosse minha

It is essa rua
Se essa rua fosse minha
Eu mandava
Eu mandava Ladilhar
Com pedrinhas
Com pedrinhas de brilhante
Just to see
Só pra ver meu bem passar

A popular cantiga de roda Se essa rua fosse minha Ensina a criança, in the first place, to differentiate between the public space and the private space. You verses also falam about love and about or I wish that we transform the world into a place melhor for those of us who love each other.

Ao ouvirem a letter, you little percebem that, as well as the songwriter, we cannot do everything we want, but we can clam a different reality. Here, o sweetie was demonstrated eu-lyrical hair as an impulse to transform a rua do bairro, a more beautiful place for a loved one to pass through.

Se essa rua fosse minha - Galinha Pintadinha 2

Or toad not lava or pe

Or toad not lava or pe
don't wash because I don't want
ele mora la na lagoa
I did not wash or because I did not want
more than cool!

A letter of Or toad not lava or pe Ensina para as crianças basic conditions of hygiene and self care.

O toad, na cantiga, ganha human characteristics and the little ones easily identify as partilhando or wanting to deixarem the cleaning habits on the side.

In the last verse we see as a consequence of the decision taken by the toad - and as children perceive what will happen if we decide to follow the same escort.

O Sapo não lava o pé - DVD Galinha Pintadinha - Desenho Infantil

Or cravo brigou com a rosa

Or cravo brigou com a rosa,
Debaixo de uma sacada,
Or cravo saiu ferido,
E a pink torn apart.
O cravo ficou doente,
I was to visit Rosa,
O cravo teve um fainted,
E to pink is going to crash.

To song Or cravo brigou com a rosa Travessa gerações e fala on asidas and vindas de um casal de namorados.

Ao ouvir by letter, a child learns in a slight way that as romantic relationships are timid and vindicated, good moments and ruined moments. Sad, the song shows a less good situation, but it also reveals that, from that sad room, you two will reconcile.

O Cravo e a Rosa | As melhores musicas infantis | 22 minutes

Boi gives face preta

Boi, boi, boi
Boi gives face preta
Paste this child that fears half a mask

No, no, no
Do not hit the not
Ele é bonitinho, ele chora coitadinho.

A song of ninar Boi gives face preta ensina a little criança a be brave I have not stopped when faced with something unexpected and seemingly scary.

Ao same tempo that seems to ameaçar from some form to criança, to canção do Boi gives face preta show what you have compaixão - Quem sings sentence sorrow for tears of the little one. A criança tem, portanto, or seu legitimate receio.

Boi cara preta - Canção de Ninar

Ciranda cirandinha

Ciranda cirandinha
let's all cirandar!
Let's give meia volta
Volta e meia let's give

Some of the most famous music among as crianças á gerações é Ciranda cirandinha. As genuinely simple lyrics, the importance of the song is not actually present in our verses, but rather social interactions than the music it promotes.

Ciranda cirandinha It is usually a music sung together, during a brincadeira de roda, which provides between the children a playful interaction where partilham or space and comungam uns like others.

This type of collective song does not develop physical development of children one time that melhora expressão bodily, fala and stimulates communication as other children and as an adult who commands jump.

Ciranda Cirandinha - DVD Galinha Pintadinha 3 - OFFICIAL

To the importance of musics turned for as children

Music is among the first social experiences of children. De facto, as children are sensitive to music before birth. (Shetter)

Few people know the real value of songs in the universe of child development. Muitas são as vantagens de expor os little ao musical world: among the greatest contributions to music is or fate of expand or vocabulary facilitating the process of literacy and development of the ability to focus during some time in a single activity.

As children also benefit linguistically from their exposure to books and taxes, because as songs have extra dimensions understanding and constituent an incentive for teaching / learning activities that lead to divergent ways of thinking (Jalongo and Bromley, 1984)

Além to amplify concentration capacity, as songs ensinam in a slight way and first to dicção - to fala -, stimulating the correct pronunciation of words.

In individual thermos, to music encourages creativityIt helps not process memory and promotes self-confidence and self-esteem.

No case of music accompanied by gestures, activity stimulates motor coordination and body expression.

To music and the socialization process

In collective thermos, as songs help integration with other children and allow us to get in touch with different realities and cultures. According to the 1998 Brazilian Curricular Reference for Infant Education:

It is very important to jump, dance and sing as crianças, raising your needs for bodily contact and affectionate bonding.

A relationship with the countries and caregivers also benefited: music helps to melt communication with adults and strengthens or bond of affection How are you involved with children in activity?

Conheça also

  • Livro O Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry
  • Os melhores livros infantis da Brazilian literature
  • Histórias Infantis: 3 commented contos for crianças
  • Poem Leilão de Jardim, by Cecília Meireles
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