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Disco The Dark Side of the Moon, by Pink Floyd

The Dark Side of the Moon é o oitavo studio album by the English band Pink Floyd, released in March 1973.

The progressive rock group marked the time and influence of various later generations with its complex sounds. Na verdade, this end became one of the two most iconic albums of the 70s.

Currently faced as a classic, The Dark Side of the Moon It continues fazendo successso between as more diverse gerações.

A layer e or title of The Dark Side of the Moon

A layer of the record he made practically famous as much as his own music, turning a kind of "Visual identity" of the band and being reproduced in different products and contexts, for decades next.

In a beautiful background, we see a prism being crossed by a ray of light that transforms into a rainbow. Or phenomenon, known in Optics as refraction, consists of the separation of light in a spectrum of cores.

Capa do disco The Dark Side of the Moon.

A imagem foi uma breeding of Aubrey Powell and Storm Thorgerson, two designers who were conceived by producing more layers of various rock albums, naquela epoch.

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When the album was released, several questions will arise about the symbolism of the layer, but the members of the band will never want to clarify its meaning.

A theory plus oil is what uma is about metaphor for the group's own sound. Like a simple light that transforms into a sequence of cores, Pink Floyd's music would be extremely complex, despite its simple appearance.

Já o title reproduz um two verses gives music Brain damage, which integrates the B side of the album:

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. (I find you on the dark side of the lua.)

This "dark side of the lua" seems to represent something that is not in sight and that, by isso same, it is mystery for us.

No context of the song, the expression also seems to designate the moment in which an individual is given reality, or isolation, to loucura.

Context: a saída from Syd Barrett

The Pink Floyd group was founded in 1965 by Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Nick Mason and Richard Wright and their logo was a great international success.

Apart from being two founders, Barrett held the role of band leader. However, or excessive consumption of substances such as LSD seems to have accelerated some of the musician's medical conditions, causing a great declinio na sua saúde mental.

Portrait of Syd Barrett.

In few years, Barrett's behavior became more erratic and the artist seemed to be losing sight of reality. By all means, he did not get more lidar with fame, nem complir with as professional obrigações.

Em 1968, Syd he ended up breaking away from the group. O episode seems to have deeply marked the remaining members of the band and served as inspiration for the album faixas.

As disco music The Dark Side of the Moon

With lyrics composed by Roger Waters, or disc apresenta more intimate verses than the previous ones, provoking reflections on numerous difficulties and pressões da vida comum.

Among other songs, or fala disc of timeless questões that part of human nature, such as mental health (or lack of delay), or envelhecimento, to gain and death.

Side A

Or disk starts com Speak to me, an instrumental theme that has some recited verses (and not sung). Neles, we fear or disappoint a little guy who sat mad. It is about someone who seems to be non-limiting and who claims that his mental health is deteriorating very quickly.

Ha Breathe assume um take more positive, portraying the human being as someone who must be free and seek or his own path, individually and being honest with himself.

On the run It is an instrumental faixa that manages to translate into a sensation of urgency, of movement. They are of logs and steps that integrate to music transmitted to the idea of ​​being of departure, fleeing from something else.

Pink Floyd - Time (2011 Remastered)

Sequence logo, Time It questions the passage of time and the ways in which we perceive it, sublining the importance of achieving the present moment, because life is passing at high speed

Or side A ends with The Great Gig in the Sky, a song that wounds that to death is something inevitable and that, by itself, must be faced with naturality and lightness.

B side

Or second side of the disco começa com Money, uma das faixas most famous. It is about a criticism of capitalism and consumer society that calls attention to the way people who live obsessed with gaining and accumulating money.

Pink Floyd - Money (Official Music Video)

Us and Them It is a music that focuses on war, portraying it as something absurd and unjustifiable. The letter seals the eternal separation between "us" and the "others" that leads us to face each other as inimigos.

Or instrumental Any Color You Like A sound item that can be perceived or imagined as a sequence of cores, waves and patterns.

To faixa Brain damageDirectly inspired by Syd Barrett's crise, it tells the story of someone who seems to have been lost by reason and fallen without a path of loucura.

Brain damage

Similar to a farewell, or little subject comments on the instability of his companion, stating that he will find "no dark side of the lua".

Or suggest that this individual accredits that he will have a destiny similar to that of a friend, perhaps for the life he leads.

Finally, em Eclipse There is a game of contrasts between light and shadow, life and death. Or subject sublinha to life event, concluding that the runoff ends up winning not final.

Creation and reception of the album

As songs of the disco begin to be composted during an international tour. Logo depois, or group decided to give some shows to present the music it was creating and perceive to the public's response.

Assim, just before the assessment is concluded, the band partiu na tourê The Dark Side of the Moon Tour, between the years 1972 and 1973.

It was also a period that Abbey Road Studios recorded or record, mainly eternalized by his work with the Beatles.

A produção e os sound effects, quite innovative for the time, ficaram by Alan Parsons. Assim that was launched, Ti have Dark Side of the Moon atingiu um huge event, becoming one of the two best-selling albums in the UK's history.

Seen as one of the two most remarkable records of international rock, it also sparked several reflections and theories. Uma delas, quite popular, is his relationship as a film O Magical of Oz.

Conheça also

  • Music Another brick in the wall, by Pink Floyd
  • Music Comfortably numb, by Pink Floyd
  • Music Wish you were here, by Pink Floyd
  • Movie O Magical of Oz
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