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Noel Rosa: the 6 most famous songs

Noel Rosa (1910 - 1937) was a singer, composer and musician from Rio de Janeiro who excelled as a sambista.

This legacy for the universe of samba and Brazilian popular music is generally of an incalculable value and has enormous influences and timeless classics:

1. Com que Roupa? (1929)

Noel Rosa - Com que Roupa?

Even though he belongs to a media class and is frequented at the faculty, Noel Rosa ended up turning off samba hair and bohemian carioca, abandoning his studies and dedicating himself fully to music.

Com que Roupa? It was the first great succession in the artist's career, marking its humorous tom and focused on everyday dinners. Second some theories, or theme foi inspired num real episode give his life from him: when he was invited to go out with a group of friends, he would not allow him to hide all his clothes from him.

Pois this life is not soup
E eu pergunto: com que roupa?
Com que roupa que eu vou
Pro samba, what do you invite me?

However, other interpretations of the classical apontam that it is about a

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metaphor For the economic difficulties of a povo that I do not have, but continue struggling to maintain the high-astral.

2. Fita Amarela (1932)

Martinho da Vila - Fita Amarela (Noel Rosa)

Na bem-humorous music and used for a time, or composer satirizes I tied my own death. Inspired by the figure of the malandro, very present in his songs, this little man declares his love, claiming that he will want that woman até depois de morto.

Stating that he does not want the typical funeral homages of Catholicism, he affirms that he prefers a fita amarela, associated with Oxum, an important orixá do candomblé and da umbanda, responsible for power feminine.

I want the sun, do not invade or meu caixão
For a poor soul, not dying of heat
When I die, I don't want to choro nem vela
I want uma fita amarela taxed as nome dela
There is a soul, there is another incarnation
Eu wanted that a mulatto sapateasse not meu caixão

Counting that he needs music and two instruments to survive, or home he does not deny the faults of life that he carries: lack of money, bliss, etc.

However, he leaps into the situation and leads to hypocrisy, believing that he will be lost and praised when he leaves this world.

3. Botequim Conversation (1935)

Moreira da Silva - Botequim Conversation (Noel Rosa)

Uma das most popular and re-recorded music by Noel Rosa, Botequim conversation It was composted with the participation of Osvaldo Gogliano, more known as Vadico.

Letter Encena as falas de um freguês that goes to o garçom de um bar, fazendo more and more unusual orders. Please be careful, he settles non-local that later I referred to him as "nosso Escritorio".

Seu garçom lends me algum dinheiro
Que eu deixei o meu com o bicheiro
Vá dizer ao seu manager
That pendure is desperate
Do not fit there in front

The theme is focused on the episodes of daily life that happened in the bars of Rio de Janeiro, jumping with some behaviors that were associated with malandragem, like hanging on to count and play no bug.

4. Last Desejo (1937)

Maria Bethânia - Last Wish (Noel Rosa)

Last Desejo Also the composition of Vadico was written when Noel was still suffering from tuberculosis. Or subject is appointed as a form of artist is fire do seubig Love, Juraci Correia de Moraes, a cabaret dancer.

Aware that in his life he could be playing a fim, this little guy began to think about ways how he would grow other hairs and, above all, pela mulher that he loves.

Those people that I hate
Always say that I am not ready
What a meu lar é o barcoquim

That eu ruin his life
That I don't deserve food
What do you pay for mim

In an extremely sincere way, he affirms that he wanted to be remembered with love and saudades by her. However, for the public opinion, in the mouth of serious rivais, he wishes to be eternalized like someone who only cared about festivals and samba.

5. Feitiço da Vila (1934)

Nelson Gonçalves - Feitiço da Vila

Known as or "Poeta da Vila", Noel Rosa nasceu no bairro of Vila Isabel, um two most important berços do samba carioca.

Some sources say that the theme, that is one of the two most played musician, would have been raised during a rivalry with the composer Wilson Batista.

Our famous verses, or rhythm, are represented as part of nature, something that did not bleed two local residents.

Eu sei by where I pass
Sei tudo or que faço
Paixão does not annihilate me
More than dizer
Modésty à part
Meus senhores
Eu sou da Vila!

Falando do samba como o melhor produto do Rio de Janeiro, a song descreve a sonoridade like a feitiço that infects everyone in volta. Assim, a composition é uma tribute and a declaration of love to the place where the artist is born.

6. Philosophy (1933)

Chico Buarque - Philosophy (Noel Rosa)

A striking characteristic of the work of Noel Rosa, which has hundreds of compositions, is olhar attentive and critical about a contemporary society.

This letter or subject describes the situation in which he lives, telling you that you are others or criticized, but not linked to the privacy that happens.

Aware that he is frowned upon by many people, this individual is not bothered, because he dedicates to life what he loves most: or samba.

It doesn't bother me that you tell me
That a sociedade é minha inimiga
Pois singing in this world
I live escravo do meu samba, muito embora vagabundo
Quanto a você da aristocracia
What a dinheiro, but do not buy joy
You have to live forever being escrava dessa people
That cultivates hypocrisy

Nestes verses, Noel Rosa feared the opportunity to respond, assuming that many can be dinheiro, but not with sincerity and joy.

Philosophy It became more famous among the public in 1974, when it was re-recorded by Chico Buarque on no record. Sinal Dated. Since, at the time, the artist had his censored compositions and could not sing them, he decided to gather several national songs that tinham um answer theory.

Quem foi Noel Rosa?

Noel Rosa was born in Vila Isabel, not Rio de Janeiro, on December 11, 1910. Or labor was complex and required or use of forceps, or that it impaired or developed your jaw.

Born a family of class media, or artist you have access to bons colleges and chegou to ingressar na Faculty of Medicine, more to paixão pela music always falou higher than or interested in us studies academics.

Frequent two bars in Rio, Noel Rosa began to become a well-known figure of local boemia. This is the context for him to learn to play bandolim and violão, beginning to be part of some musical ensembles.

Portrait of Noel Rosa

Lembrado as um homem de muitas paixões, or sambista casou com Lindaura Martins, plus he maintains other relationships. Among them stands out the romance with a dancer Juraci Correia de Araújo, best known by Ceci, who will be inspired by various songs.

Contudo, or greatest legacy of Noel Rosa é, sem dúvida, or his contribution to the dissemination of popular Brazilian music. Part of the first generation of Carioca samba, and a number of huge divisions, or an artist who has played or musical style for national radio stations.

Despite having left a fairly vast work, or a composer who was only 26 years old, on May 4, 1937, in a sequence of a tuberculosis.

Take the opportunity to know also:

  • A fascinating history of the origin of samba
  • Chiquinha Gonzaga: biography and main music
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