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The 100 best phrases of simplicity

Many consider simplicity to have little or to settle, but the reality is that simple things give us peace of mind, relaxation and acceptance, which They make us realize that we do not need to have thousands of empty things to have a full life and that rest is actually the main objective to pursue in this world.

If you want to delve into the concept of simplicity and apply this human value to your life, keep reading. Here you will find a selection of the best quotes about simplicity.

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The most inspiring quotes about simplicity

With this collection of quotes and reflections on simplicity, we can take a moment to analyze the course of our life and understand what direction we really want to take.

1. The truth is complex, but the complex can only be reached through the simple.

Things get complex when we don't want to understand them.

2. God is simple. Everything else is complex. (Albert Einstein)

For those who believe in God, he is everything.

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3. A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it is just a whisper. (Confucius)

The one who shouts does not speak louder, but the one who is honest.

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4. Simplicity is the key to brilliance. (Bruce Lee)

The simpler something is, the better result it has.

5. Simplicity is the first step of nature, and the last of art. (James Bailey)

Nature and art can be simple.

6. A little simplicity would be the first step towards rational living, I think. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

When we understand that we don't need much to be happy, we begin to really live.

7. I have three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. (Lao Tzu)

The only things to which we must cling, because it produces us great well-being.

8. With wisdom comes the desire for simplicity. (Brendon Burchard)

The wise understand that in simplicity there is peace.

9. I have always liked simplicity. (Marissa Mayer)

People who learn to see beauty in details enjoy what they have more.

10. The more simple and humble, the more attractive you are to people who are worth it. (Cecilia Curbelo)

Good people are attracted by the simplicity and honesty of our person.

quotes about simplicity

11. The man who has begun to live seriously within, begins to live more simply without. (Ernest Hemingway)

Living simply begins when we are calm on the inside.

12. The language that I like is a simple and spontaneous language, the same on paper as in the mouth, a succulent and nervous language, concise and tight. (Michel Eyquem de Montaigne)

Say the things you feel, never keep your feelings quiet.

13. Simplicity is the key to true elegance. (Coco Chanel)

Even in fashion, the most elegant is the simple.

14. After one has played with a large number of notes, it is the simplicity that emerges as a reward of the art. (Frederic Chopin)

Art becomes simple after going through a complex process.

15. The simple can be more difficult than the complex. (Steve Jobs)

Especially if we are used to only seeing the problem and not focusing on finding a solution.

16. The truth is always found in simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. (Isaac Newton)

The truth does not need decorations to come out.

17. Growth creates complexity, which requires simplicity. (Andy Stanley)

No matter how far you go, don't lose your humility.

18. Two simplicities. The bad: simplicity-starting point, sought too soon. The good: simplicity-result, reward for years of effort. (Robert Breson)

There are those who use the simple as an excuse not to make an effort.

19. A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will be useful throughout your life. (Winston Churchill)

Two tips that lead us to live for a long time.

20. The taste for simplicity cannot last long. (Eugene Delacroix)

A reflection on those who are conformists.

21. Let's learn to live simply, so that others can simply live. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Greed not only destroys us inside, it also affects others.

22. I think the simplicity of life is just being yourself. (Bobby Brown)

When we are ourselves, nothing can disturb us.

23. There is more simplicity in the man who eats caviar on impulse, than in the one who eats nuts on principle. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Simplicity is also in listening to our instincts.

24. Humility will open more doors than arrogance. (Zig Ziglar)

Nobody wants to work with someone who doesn't get along with everyone.

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25. Success is not a good teacher; failure makes you humble. (Shahrukh Khan)

Failure teaches us that nothing is guaranteed.

26. The simplicity and clarity distinguish the language of the good man. (Seneca)

Honest people will never create exaggerated stories.

27. From a naive simplicity you reach the deepest simplicity. (Albert Schweitzer)

We must never lose our childish innocence that leads us to discover the world.

28. I need few things and the little I need, I need little. (Francis of Assisi)

It is not about conformism, but about knowing that you do not need to have everything to be happy.

29. That's why we like stories. They offer us the clarity and simplicity that our real life lacks. (Patrick Rothfuss)

We always need to get away from reality for a while.

30. People cannot be developed in simplicity and silence. (Helen Keller)

Do not confuse simplicity with restriction.

31. Simplicity and love are so similar that when we are lost we look for them everywhere.

There comes a time in life when we long for peace of mind.

32. There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. (Leo Tolstoy)

Successful people who are not humble fall under their own weight.

33. He who is loyal raises his gaze with humility, and he who is disloyal, with pride.

Greedy people will never act for good.

34. The best ideas are the simplest. (William Golding)

They are the ones that develop functionally.

35. There are situations in life in which truth and simplicity make the best couple. (Jean de la Bruyere)

We all want to live surrounded by honest people.

36. Everything is very difficult before it is easy. (Thomas Fuller)

At first things seem impossible because we don't know them, but then they become easy.

37. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. (Albert Einstein)

Every explanation should be simple so that everyone can understand it.

38. Simplicity is an exact medium between too little and too much. (Sir Joshua Reynolds)

It's having a balance that doesn't overwhelm us.

39. The secret of happiness is to have simple tastes and a complex mind, the problem is that often the mind is simple and the tastes are complex. (Fernando Savater)

It is necessary to change the way we perceive things.

40. Every time you go up one step of triumph, go up two of humility.

To stay on top you must keep your humility, so you will not be blinded by ambition.

41. The greater we are in humility, the closer we are to greatness. (Rabindranath Tagore)

Your greatness is growing as a person.

42. Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. (Thomas Merton)

Greed leads us to have things we don't need to pretend what we are not.

43. The man grows when he kneels. (Alessandro Manzoni)

You don't need to be arrogant to be successful.

44. Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the significant. (John Maeda)

Simplicity is in knowing what really matters to us.

45. A big man is always willing to be small. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Because he knows that it is not synonymous with weakness, but with strength.

46. Power is dangerous unless you have humility. (Richard J. Daley)

Power can quickly consume us, as it is easier to tempt.

47. Who gets excited by the simple is usually not simple. (Jose Narosky)

There are those who see the simple as something impossible.

48. Isn't absolute simplicity what most amazes a genius? (Ernst Hoffman)

The simple also keeps a mystery.

49. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Classic things lie in their simplicity.

50. The pursuit of simplicity should allow us to rethink everything, not just problem areas. (Edward De Bono)

It makes us reflect on our capabilities and how to resolve any conflict.

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51. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of the non-essential. (Lin Yutang)

To be happy you have to have a clear line between what you need and what you want.

52. You'd be amazed how having money simplifies things. (Arturo Perez-Reverte)

Money does not buy everything, but it can alleviate many difficulties.

53. It is always the simple that produces the wonderful. (Amelia Barr)

Wonderful things lie in simplicity.

54. The language of truth must be, without a doubt, simple and without artifice. (Seneca)

The simpler an explanation is, the more honest it is.

55. Simplicity is a prerequisite for reliability. (Edsger Dijkstra)

Someone who exaggerates their stories is not to be trusted.

56. Very often, people confuse the simple with the simplistic. The nuance is lost in most. (Clement Mok)

About not confusing what is simple and what does not make any sense.

57. Simplicity is a state of mind. (Charles Wagner)

We are the ones who decide if something is complicated or not.

58. Humility is attentive patience. (Simone Weill)

And patience is what gets us far.

59. Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. (Confucius)

All virtue comes from our human simplicity.

60. When there is no humility, people degrade. (Christie Agatha)

They destroy themselves inside, because they don't find peace.

61. The secret of wisdom, power and knowledge is humility. (Ernest Hemingway)

Whoever reaches the top and loses his humility, it doesn't take so long until he falls or is left alone.

62. Build your character, stay humble and never forget where you came from.

Forgetting our origin leads us to seek to be something other than we are not.

63. The humility of hypocrites is the greatest and most haughty of pride. (Martin Luther)

Arrogant people disguise themselves as humble to pursue power.

64. What a pleasure it is to get together with simple and humble people. Not with people who believe a lot.

Proud people tend to steal our energy.

65. Here is my secret. It's very simple: it doesn't look good except with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

The things that make us happy are the ones that fill our interior.

66. Art is the expression of the deepest thoughts in the simplest way. (Albert Einstein)

That is why it is so important to work on the way we express ourselves.

67. The great men are simple, the mediocre bombastic. (Jaime Luciano Balmes)

The difference between truly successful men and greedy ones.

68. There is no greatness where simplicity, goodness and truth are lacking. (Leo Tolstoy)

It is just an empty greatness, which is not worth it.

69. Never say that reaching simplicity is difficult! Such a crazy statement comes from the ego. (Ilie Cioara)

It's hard when we think it's absurd.

70. Accepting it simply is the best way to say thank you for a good favor received.

Don't reject what they offer you with love.

71. Simple I meant sincere people, without hypocrisy and without considering me their ladder...

Surrounding ourselves with simplicity is having real and honest people by our side.

72. Knowledge is a process of accumulating facts; the wisdom lies in its simplification. (Martin H. Fischer)

We understand things as we perceive them.

73. If something has led us to success, it is simplicity, humility and work. (Sergio Ramos)

Success is not built in a hurry.

74. And the simpler things are, the fewer mistakes are made. (Ken Follett)

When we cover more than we can, we tend to fall very quickly.

75. Simplicity consists in making the journey through life, with only the necessary luggage. (Charles Dudley Warner)

It is understanding that the emptiness that we may have will not be filled with anything material.

76. Simplicity of character is the natural result of deep thought. (William Hazlitt)

We can achieve being simple when we reflect and change our actions.

77. Only those who know how to be small are great in life. (Jose Angel Buesa)

Who does not need to humiliate others to stand out.

78. The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility. (T.S. Eliot)

Learn to be simple and calm.

79. Anything simple always interests me. (David Hockey)

Many prefer to stay away from the hard stuff.

80. Simplicity is not the goal. It is the byproduct of a good idea and modest expectations. (Paul Randy)

It is what allows us to get where we want.

81. Our life is battered by details. Simplify, simplify. (Henry David Thoreau)

It is easy to succumb to the chaos of the world, that is why we must find our space of tranquility.

82. It is possible to recognize the truth by its beauty and simplicity. (Richard Feynman)

The truth is simpler than we think.

83. Simplicity makes me happy. (Alicia Keys)

A life without problems can only bring happiness.

84. Original is that which returns to the simplicity of the first solutions. (Antoni Gaudí)

Things usually go back to the beginning to improve.

85. I love external simplicity, which shelters great internal complexity. (Rene Lavand)

We are all complex, but we have the ability to order our chaos.

86. You have to work hard keeping your mind clear to do the simple things. It's worth going all the way with this, because when you're done you can move mountains. (Steve Jobs)

Don't stop chasing your dreams, but keep your mind focused on reality.

87. Simplicity is the ultimate achievement. (Frederic Chopin)

A goal that many pursue at some point.

88. Thinking well is not only of interest to philosophers, but to the simplest people. (Jaime Balmes)

Think of positive things that benefit us.

89. When one is simple (in his speech, in his actions, even in his poetry) he runs the uncomfortable risk of being taken for a fool. (Mario Benedetti)

Unfortunately, not all people are capable of appreciating simplicity.

90. Perhaps it is the very simplicity of the matter that leads us to error. (Edgar Allan Poe)

When we look for the difficult, the simple is unintelligible.

91. The simplification of life is one of the steps towards inner peace. (Mildred Norman)

The real goal to pursue is to find peace in our lives.

92. The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity. (Douglas Horton)

Chaotic people do not understand about simplicity.

93. Simplicity reveals the pure beauty of life. (Debasish Mridha)

The beauty resides in what is simple.

94. Man is an exceedingly complicated organism. If it is doomed to extinction it will die for lack of simplicity. (Ezra Pound)

An important reflection on our efforts to complicate things.

95. In chaos he seeks simplicity and in discord harmony. (Bruce Lee)

The best way to free ourselves is to take refuge in calm.

96. He seeks simplicity, and distrust. (Alfred North Whitehead)

Stay humble and be careful with those around you.

97. If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, then we would be so simple that we couldn't understand it.

Things become complicated by our own cause.

98. An intellectual says a simple thing in a difficult way. An artist says something difficult in a simple way. (Charles Bukowski)

The importance of knowing how to communicate.

99. You win and you lose, you go up and down, you are born and you die. And if the story is so simple, why do you care so much? (Facundo Cabral)

Life is a constant change, so instead of fighting against it, it is better to adapt.

100. Nothing is simpler than greatness; in fact, to be simple is to be great. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Greatness is not having more, it is being a better person.

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