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A fascinating history of the origin of samba

Or samba, two main musical genres of Brazilian culture, a rich and interesting historical theme that brings together a mixture of influences.

The rhythm is the result of a fusion between African and Brazilian musical styles that emerged in Bahia, having been raised for Rio de Janeiro, not at the end of the 19th century, where it developed.

Os escravos trouxeram a semente do samba para o Brasil

As first manifestations that dariam originated ao samba datam do 16th century with blacks from Angola and Congo that chegaram not Brazil as escravos The trouxeram a semente daquele that it would become one of the two most important rhythms of our country.

One of the two most important ancestors of samba foi or lundu, which was feito nas senzalas. This is how simple we were the lodgings where the escravos lived during the period of the escravatura.

Or rhythm was given without a beat like pés and comas more, no chão or no proper body because there was no drum or any other musical instrument available.


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lundu, or most remote antecessor of samba, I ended up being absorbed by the big-local house where he lived or owned the land and his family.

Or Monday I see Africa, more precisely from Angola, and it was a manifestation that mixed dance and song. Com movements corporais very similar as we know as samba, and as a rhythmic cadência also semelhante, or lundu is considered by a number of scholars as the main ancestral do samba.

Other embryo do samba foi a chula, What did I see for Rio de Janeiro da Bahia with the move of a group of more humble people. Na chula is danced in the form of a roda, improvised and sung in a group.

Or samba saiu da Bahia e foi para no Rio de Janeiro

As the Assinatura da Lei Áurea in 1888, many freed slaves will go to the capital of the country, which was located in Rio de Janeiro, in search of work opportunities. Foram these people, old scrawls now free, that lift the embryonic rhythm from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. Foi na casa nova, in the capital of the country, therefore, that samba developed at the end of the XIX century.

Esse samba that despontou na city is a basically urban musical form, that ganhou body and voice mainly us hills from cariocas among a população originally more deprived.

Or lively and spontaneous rhythm - many times accompanied by clapping - that was sung nas festas, it ended up being incorporated later in the carnival, which was initially composed by cordões.

Where did the sambas happen?

Os sambas generally ocorriam nas houses and terreiros das negra mais velhas, that vinham da Bahia (popularly called aunts), and contavam with a lot of drink, food and music.

Os sambas - as festas - duravam a noite inteira e eram, em geral, frequented by boêmios, operários do cais do porto, ex-cativos, capoeiristas, descendants of escravos, a quite varied group.

Os sambas tinham, portanto, uma social function of interaction between marginalized groups They were highly guarded by the police, who wanted to keep the situation under control.

A casa da Tia Ciata foi o berço do samba

To the most important home of the region, which brings together the samba cream of its geração, foi a da Aunt ciata. Nela passaram great names like Pixinguinha e Donga.

In the house of another important black baiana - Tia Perciliana, from Santo Amaro - some instruments came to be introduced to the samba band as or pandeiro, which happened to be used in 1889.

As an important role in the samba culture, these women from Bahia will serve as warmth. It was nessas houses that those who were, in a certain way, excluded, we will find their pairs num space that served as Porto-Seguro to have fun and will be related to other people with conditions similar. In many disasters, we also found the practice of candomblé and other religious rituals.

A popularization of samba

As urban reforms that take place in the city, this poorer population was empurized for local periphery, more distant from the center, and we will end up raising this culture for the new regions festivals.

Or samba, no matter what, it was still seen as a “morro” culture. The political conjuncture of the moment or samba was deeply marginalized even as a lot of persecution of the police.

Or samba was formally passing as tempo to be seen with other olhos. Um two fatores that helped popularize the culture of samba foram os first parades of samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, which happened not at the beginning of the 1930s.

O cenário changed also with the participation of Getúlio Vargas, then President of the Republic, who allowed samba to exist since the louvasse the attributes of our land, what a patriotic fosse.

Therefore, from the 1930s onwards, samba passed to a greater community gap, ceasing to be restricted to a smaller group of people.

In 2005, Unesco recognized samba as a material heritage of humanity.

Quem foram the first sambistas

The musicians of the first generation are not alive to music, all of them work principally that sustain you - or samba was a mere hobby, little or nothing paid.

Foi in 1916 that was the composer Donga registered for the first time in the National Library of samba - foi a song Hair phone. This step was very important to legitimize the musical genre of those who created songs.

At batucada, for the same time, I entered a lot of samba recording some thirteen years later, in 1929, when Bando dos Tangarás gravou Na Pavuna.

About a origem do nome samba

Samba was uma word of African origin used to refer to the festivities that occurred in the poorest regions of Rio de Janeiro. These are animated encounters, com homens e mulheres, popularly called sambas. Samba, for isso, was not originally or not a musical genre, but was used to designate a type of event.

The first time that the word samba was used formally, the second is recorded in our records, it was in 1838. Na ocasião, or Padre Lopes Gama escreveu no jornal O Carapuceiro ao compare different styles musically: “tão agradável é um samba d’almocreves, like Semiramis, a Gaza-barks, or Tancredi”. O father used the word samba in this context to generalize and refer to a series of dances of African origin.

Or first samba recorded foi Hair phone, em 1916

Donga (Ernesto dos Santos) recorded and registered in the National Library to music Hair phone, in 1916, feita as your partner Mauro de Almeida.

Pioneiro, Donga, who fazia part of the Pixinguinha turma, helped to change to form as a society via or samba - foi muito graças à Música Hair phone that or samba passed to be recognized as a musical genre.

To music Hair phone ficou made big public hair no carnival next year.

Donga, Pixinguinha, Chico Buarque, Hebe Camargo E Outros - Pelo Telefone

The first samba rhythm recordings were quite conservative: there were no palms and percussion objects that appeared with frequencies at the parties of the houses and terreiros das tias.

The most important people of the samba origin

Aunt ciata (1854-1924), a girl born in Santo Amaro da Purificação, was very important in the history of samba. A girl he moved to Rio de Janeiro at the age of 22. In 1890, Tia Ciata was born in Praça XI, which was known as Little Africa because it sheltered many freed slaves. Cozinheira and filha de santo, she married as a black bem-succeeded (public official) and, as a large house, frequently opened doors for guests who enjoyed music and festivities. A casa da Tia Ciata was a two berços do samba in Brazil.

Among the first important figures of Rio de Janeiro urban samba, who frequented Tia Ciata's house, was Hilário Jovino Ferreira, Sinhô, Pixinguinha, Heitor dos Prazeres e Donga.

Scholars say that ala das baianas, samba schools, will emerge precisely as a tribute to Tia Ciata and the first baianas You are responsible for tracing or contagious rhythm from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro and for opening more houses and terreiros to shelter us. found.

Além de Tia Ciata a series of other black baianas - like Tia Carmem, Tia Perciliana and Tia Amélia - will open their houses and end up becoming matriarchs of samba.

Noel Rosa (1910-1937), a white man from the Rio de Janeiro media class, was the two most important names in the first generation of Rio de Janeiro urban samba. Like his lyrics, he fazia a kind of chronicle of his tempo, with a lot of humor.

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