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Brazil shows your face: letter e analysis

"Brazil" was composed by Cazuza, George Israel and Nilo Romero in not last two years eighty (more precisely in 1988).

Music is a kind of political and social manifesto created in a very particular moment in the history of the country. Regarding the period of redemocratization of Brazil, we wanted to leave behind or past marked by the military leadership and to walk in the direction of a free and democratic future.

A song is the sixth band of the CD Ideologia, released in 1988. It is estimated that this page or album has sold more than 2 thousand copies, an impressive number for the national market.


Don't invite me
For this poor party
That you homens armaram
To convince me
To pay sem see
All that dope
What a damn thing
Before eu born

Do not offer me
Nem um cigar
Fiquei na porta
Parking the cars
Don't choose me
Chef you're welcome
Or my credit card
É uma navalha

Show your face
I want to see that he pays
Pra people ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio?
Or nome do teu sócio?
Trust me

Don't invite me

instagram story viewer

Pra essa festa poor
That you homens armaram
To convince me
To pay sem see
All that dope
What a damn thing
Before eu born

I will not draw
A garota do Fantástico
Do not subornaram me
Could it be that é o meu fim?
Watch TV to cores
Na taba of um indium
Prá só dizer "sim, sim"

Show your face
I want to see that he pays
Pra people ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio?
Or nome do teu sócio?
Trust me

Great country
Em nenhum instant
I will bring you
No, no vou will bring you

Show your face
I want to see that he pays
Pra people ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio?
Or nome do teu sócio?
Trust me

Show your face
I want to see that he pays
Pra people ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio?
Or nome do teu sócio?
Trust me

Trust me

A revolted letter by Cazuza denounces financial inequality, social injustices and corrupt behavior of the Brazilian political class.

It was created in transition to the democratic regime, when the population clamored for the implementation of direct vote.

Don't invite me
For this poor party
That you homens armaram
To convince me

A feast of the poor, referred to in song, dates back to the period of the electoral college set up for the implementation of indirect voting.

De facto, or candidate Tancredo Neves, future president of Brazil with a post scheduled for March 1985, would be elected indirectly, with the participation of the popular vote. Tancredo Morreu before taking possession of the assumption or command of the country between March 15, 1985 and March 15, 1990 was José Sarney.

It is worth noting that the year of the creation of "Brazil" was also the year of the creation of the Federal Constitution. Or essential document for the consolidation of new bases for the country after years of a cruel regime that has been impunged for the force.

What is known to me as "democracy party" was rebutted by Cazuza as "poor party", in order to show his personal dissatisfaction with him as a rumored country. By letter, therefore, it is not a criticism of politicians as well as a criticism of media.

The letter is very significant because, at the same time that it celebrates the direct conquered as it remains, it demonstrates the indignation of yet no one is politically or future that is undone.

Or saying

Show your face

It would be impossible to be sung during the years of military rule, a period marked by extreme censorship, exiled hair from artists and torture and expulsion of intellectuals. The verses stimulated me to leave or half to express themselves lightly, half reprimanded.

Let me interpret this stretch of music as an incentive for politicians to really show me here that, of course, fato, eram, finally leaving real face in view, revealing the ideologies that moved you half of retaliações.

A continuous letter for fazer reference to this tragic period of our history and alludes to those who will finance our misfortune. When Cazuza said:

I want to see that he pays
Pra people ficar assim

It is making a clear allusion to the imperialist countries that will finance the military in Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina ...). Hoje, it is known (and when the height is mistrusted), that the United States is behind politics we consider that we are a third world fomenting wars and influencing the rest or the rise of presidents.

Quando or composer says:

Or my credit card
É uma navalha

It refers to the daily life of a large part of two Brazilians at a height who, with difficulty in paying the basic bills, travel to the credit card as a solution. A seemingly simple strategy looks like the end of the month, reféns of very lofty swears.

Num period in which political scandals start from the daily população, to the courageous music of Cazuza and a hino of enough and of revolt.

Unfortunately we can affirm that, in dealing with the current political scene, Cazuza's letter remains extremely contemporary and continues to place two key points in our country.

Racks of criação

Nilo Romero, one of two partners of Cazuza na criação da canção, emphasizes respect for the composition:

"This letter originates from the necessity of Cazuza to use his sensibility to write something that is marked in the life of everyone or Brazil. How do you see a perant intolerance or little case of people who make decisions about the country. "

The music "Brazil" was originally made for the film "Rádio Pirata", by Lael Rodrigues. However, it was created by the voice of Gal Costa as part of the opening of the Globo network novel "Vale tudo".

But it was not just a child of the novel authored by Gilberto Braga and Agnaldo Silva that the music of Cazuza was consecrated in the country.

Not on January 6, 1989, or the last anxiously awaited chapter of Vale tudo took to a dinner that entered for the history of dramaturgy.

Or vilão, Marco Aurélio, then played by Regildo Faria, pegou um jatinho particular and fugiu from Brazil, giving a banana to attend dinner. Do you know which sound trilha was chosen to illustrate or moment? Brazil shows your face.

9 Banana Vale Tudo novel

Historic context

In October 1988, the same year of the creation of music "Brazil shows your face", established no country to Constituição Cidadã, responsible for democratizing the country after so many years of severe ditching military.

The period was also marked by Directives Já, a movement that aspires to direct elections in 1985. Or I just wanted to be able to vote directly for two possible presidents: Paulo Maluf (PDS candidate), Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB candidate) and Tancredo Neves (PP candidate).

Cazuza was publicly against the electoral college, which wanted to elect a candidate for president indirectly.

Ideology Album

Or third solo album by Cazuza, which shelters the Brazilian song, and entitled Ideologia e was released in 1988 by Philips Records.

A produção, made by Cazuza, Nilo Romero and Ezequiel Neves, recebeu or Prêmio Sharp de melhor album do ano.

Regarding the breeding, Cazuza affirmed in an interview granted at height:

"This album was to be recorded on the 15th of October [1987], but there was a Ziguizira, I was admitted to the United States and only turned in December. But then, my life was another. I wrote several lyrics to the United States and, you should check here, read two songs per week, before entering my studio. I have different little things, romantic music too, more do meu jeito. Eu tinha umas four composições prompt before traveling. But the initial project only has the title: 'Ideology' ".

A band that recorded or album Ideologia was composed by:

  • Cazuza (vocal)
  • Nilo Romero (baixo)
  • Ricardo Palmeira (guitar)
  • William Magalhães and João Rebouças (keyboards)
  • Sergio Della Monica and Claudio (drums)

A layer idealized by Luiz Zerbini and carregava a series of profoundly different symbols, from a swastika, aé or a Peace and Love symbol e a foice e o martelo.

Ideology album cover.
Ideology album cover.

As faixas do album são as follows:

1) Ideology
2) Boas Novas
3) Or Assassinato da Flor
4) To Orelha of Eurydice
5) Civil War
6) Brazil
7) Um Trem Para as Estrelas
8) Easy Life
9) Blues da Piedade
10) Obrigado (By Ter Se Sent)
11) Minha Flor, Meu Bebê
12) Faz Parte do Meu Show

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Cazuza events

Conheça also

  • Music that country is east, by Legião Urbana
  • Perfeição Music, by Legião Urbana
  • Cazuza Ideology Music
  • Music Minha Alma (A Paz que Eu Não Quero)
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