5 psychological problems derived from the misuse of social networks
In recent years, many of the people who attend psychotherapy present dysfunctional behavioral habits in the use of social networks.
This is partly because these digital platforms have grown rapidly in popularity in the last 15 years, but this is not the only cause. The very design and mechanics of social networks also contribute to the fact that a good part of their users are carried away by the experience and that they act from a counterproductive irrationality. That's why, In this article we will see a series of problems derived from the misuse of social networks like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or TikTok.
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The 5 main psychological problems associated with the misuse of social networks
Social networks have become one more element of the daily life of millions of people. In a world in which the border between the digital and the material is increasingly blurred due to the omnipresence of the Internet, smartphones and computers and tablets, the opposite would be rare, that these virtual platforms were barely used.
And it is that phenomena such as Facebook, Instagram or TikTok take advantage of the incredible potential of the digital world when it comes to developing varied functionalities and adapt quickly to circumstances, on the one hand, and the fact of having a lot of information about the users who navigate between its pages, on the other other.
The result is that there are those who see on these digital platforms something that is difficult to "disengage" from. Even if it's for half an hour. And it is that, to a certain extent, social networks are not made to help their users to solve problems and satisfy needs that exist beyond the screens, but are designed to constantly capture the attention of those who use them, making it difficult for them to disconnect. That is to say, they propose solutions to some problems that they create, at least for people with certain psychological predispositions.
Taking the above into account, here we will see what are the psychological problems that come from the misuse of social networks. Of course, it is not about mental disorders, but simply dysfunctional behavior patterns, which may or may not be part of psychopathologies with other symptoms apart from these.
1. Limit social interactions to the digital world
Some people almost completely replace meaningful social interactions with social interactions on social networks, be it chatting, leaving comments, etc. Over time, this disconnection with face-to-face interactions leads to the appearance of other problems, such as fear. meeting new people in person, adopting an excessively sedentary lifestyle, inexperience in the use of social skills, etc
This is a problem that can especially affect those who are predisposed to introversion as a personality trait.
2. Poor time management due to distractions
One of the characteristics of social networks is that second by second they offer different content adapted to the preferences of each user. Therefore, it is easy to lose track of time when using them, and this makes some people get used to using their breaks to use them, to later realize that they have lost too many minutes or hours of work, study, etc
3. Use of social networks to try to gain popularity at all costs
Most social networks offer a lot of visibility to a series of users who are seen as benchmarks in these virtual spaces: influencers, opinion leaders, etc. This approach encourages some users to feel compelled to seek the attention of others almost anywhere. price, dedicating a large part of his free time to it and even committing imprudence just to receive likes and comments.
4. Use of social networks to not miss anything
Another of the mechanics that social networks use is to raise the need to be aware of everything that happens minute by minute. In fact, many people use these digital platforms for hours, not so much out of curiosity as out of fear of being “out of date” in a certain social circle.
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5. Using social media to try to cheer yourself up
A curious effect that social networks have on many people is that part of the users use them for a long time. often when they feel sad or anxious, simply scrolling to see what the network offers them and forget about what the rest. The problem is that since these digital platforms mostly portray idealized lives, this can inadvertently make people feel worse.
Are you looking for professional psychological assistance?

If you are interested in having psychological support from mental health professionals, get in touch with our team. In Advance Psychologists We have spent two decades caring for people with all kinds of emotional discomfort, behavioral problems or aspects to improve in their way of interacting with the environment and with others. Among these are inappropriate habits of use of social networks and difficulties when it comes to limit its use: we carry out psychological treatment to prevent these digital platforms from taking control of your life.
We currently offer psychotherapy for people of all ages, couples therapy, family therapy, coaching, and psychiatric and neuropsychological care. You will find us in our center located in Madrid, and also through the online therapy modality (carried out through a video call program). To see our contact information, go to this page.
Bibliographic references:
- Pantic, I. (2014). Online Social Networking and Mental Health. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 17(10), 652-657.
- Scott, H. and Clelland, H. (2019). Understanding Links Between Social Media Use, Sleep and Mental Health: Recent Progress and Current Challenges. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 5(3), 141-149.
- YHMM & RSPH (2017). #StatusOfMind: Social media and young people's mental health and wellbeing. United Kingdom. Royal Society of Public Health.