The 70 best Neil Gaiman quotes
Neil Gaiman is a writer of fictional and nonfiction comics, novels, and graphic novels with a dark, whimsical tinge that plays with the limits of human capacity. Among his most outstanding works are Coraline, Stardust and The Sandman.
If you are interested in knowing the philosophy of life and the thought of this author, keep reading; here we will review Neil Gaiman's best quotes.
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The most memorable Neil Gaiman phrases
Next we will see a compilation of the best personal Neil Gaiman phrases and about his stories.
1. We owe it to each other to tell stories.
The stories are part of the culture of the towns and people.
2. I lived in books more than anywhere else.
Talking about feeling the books as their true home.
3. The world always seems brighter when you've just done something that wasn't there before.
The power of every writer, to bring new things to life.

4. Imagination is a muscle. If you don't exercise, you atrophy.
That is why it is important to encourage imagination in children.
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5. I get bored easily and, above all, for me writing is not work.
When you do what you love, it stops becoming a job.
6. The most interesting thing that happened in the art world of the 80s were comics.
A new form of art that became a way of telling stories in a different way.
7. Ultimately you are what others think you are.
Everyone will have a different opinion about you.
8. I don't want to have everything I want. Nobody wants it, not really.
Sometimes we disguise what we need with things that really don't make us feel full.
9. When you're afraid but do it anyway, that's bravery.
Overcoming fear is taking risks despite your insecurities.
10. The old rules are falling apart and no one knows what the new rules are. So make your own rules.
It's okay to follow your values, but also build your own beliefs.
11. And then only the memories remain. And these fade and blend.
Memories are never entirely faithful.
12. Your heart will spend its life longing for something you can't have, something you can't even imagine, and that longing won't let you sleep, and it will haunt you all your life.
The worst regret is not having something that we never could in the first place.
13. The only thing you have that no one else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.
The greatest attraction of people is what they are capable of doing.
14. I hope that in this coming year you will make mistakes. Because if you're making mistakes, then you're doing new things, trying new things, learning, living, striving, changing yourself, changing your world.
Mistakes are what drive us to grow and therefore be better.
15. They are made of points of view, images, memories, puns and lost hopes...
Talking about what dreams are made of.
16. It's amazing how much of us is still immersed in dreams when we wake up each morning and how fragile that moment is.
Dreams can also be a great source of inspiration.
17. If you make art, people will talk about it. Some of the things they say will be nice, some will not.
Art is a form of expression and each person perceives it in a different way.
18. Do what you have to do to keep making art.
Encouraging us not to leave the path of artistic creation.
19. Every story has a happy ending, you just have to know when to stop telling it.
Everything that is started must have its deserved end.
20. Do the things that only you can do. The impulse, at the beginning, is to copy. And that's not a bad thing.
Taking inspiration from others isn't bad, but it's up to you to find your own path.
21. Have you been in love? Awful isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. Open your chest and open your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and ruin you.
Sometimes love is a death sentence.
22. I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you in school… They don't teach you anything worth knowing.
The school can be restrictive in terms of valuable lessons for daily life and success.
23. May your next year be full of magic, dreams and good madness.
A very special wish.
24. It's like people who think they'll be happy if they go live somewhere else, but learn that it doesn't work that way. Wherever you go, you take with you.
It is useless to look for something new if we drag what bothers us, everywhere we go.
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25. Monsters come in all shapes and sizes.
Fears are individual.
26. Never trust the narrator. Just trust the story.
A good story is the one that hooks the public.
27. Things don't have to have happened to be true.
Not all truths are empirical.
28. Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes when you fall, you fly.
We must always have an open mind to reality in order to challenge it.
29. People think that dreams are not real simply because they are not made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real.
They are real because they are part of us.
30. Life is a disease... invariably fatal.
A dark point of view on life.
31. Tomorrow may be hell, but today was a good writing day, and on good writing days nothing else matters.
Every creator finds a valuable space to make some art.
32. We all couldn't just know everything. We make. We just tell ourselves no, so that everything is bearable.
Many of the limitations we believe we have are the product of our mind.
33. There has never been a real war that was not fought between two groups of people who were sure they were right.
Why do you think wars are generated?
34. The gods die. And when they do die, they are not mourned or remembered.
They become a memory of what they once were.
35. It's always worth trying, even if you fail, even if you fall like a meteor forever.
It is preferable to know that we tried than to be left wondering what would have happened.
36. The books were safer than other people anyway.
Your favorite refuge.
37. You have the same as everyone else; a lifetime.
A life that you can take advantage of in different ways.
38. Children have the right to find their own authors, and I want to be that author, not syllabus material.
Every child should have the possibility to explore his imagination.
39. To survive you must believe.
Believe in yourself and that you can achieve it.
40. Are we human because we look at the stars or do we look at the stars because we are human?
A sea of possibilities that we do not know if we will discover at some point.
41. Write your story the way it should be written. Write sincerely and tell it to the best of your ability. I'm not sure if there is any other rule. Not one that matters.
His advice to all those who wish to write.
42. I couldn't be an angel again... Innocence, once lost, cannot be regained.
Innocence is a valuable treasure that is often underestimated.
43. Better to have burned in the dark, to have inspired others, to have lived, than to have sat in the dark, cursing the people who borrowed, but did not return, your candle.
Overcoming adversity takes time, but it is not impossible.
44. Ideas are harder to kill than people, but they can be killed in the end.
Ideas die when someone takes advantage of their power and twists them in their favor.
45. The really dangerous people believe that they do what they do solely and exclusively because it is, without a doubt, the right thing to do. And that's what makes them dangerous.
People who commit malicious acts believe that this is their reason for living.
46. Being a writer is a very peculiar kind of job: it's always you against a blank sheet of paper (or a blank screen) and very often the blank sheet of paper wins.
The creative block is the most recurring enemy of every artist.
47. There are so many fragile things, after all. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts.
We break when we don't get the hope we long for.
48. The stories may well be lies, but they are good lies telling true things and sometimes they can pay the rent.
It is not only his passion but it is his way of earning a living.
49. What I am saying is that a town is not a town without a bookstore. You may call yourself a town, but unless you run a bookstore, you know you're not fooling anyone.
Emphasizing the need for bookstores to exist in the towns.
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50. Tales and adventures are the shadows of the truth that will endure when the mere facts are dust, ashes and oblivion.
It is through the stories that we learn about the adventures of our ancestors.
51. Sometimes the best way to learn something is by doing it wrong and watching what you did.
There is no way to learn if we don't make mistakes before.
52. Empathy is a tool for building groups of people, to allow us to function as more than self-obsessed individuals.
Empathy helps us to have better communication with others.
53. As sure as the water is wet and the days are long and a friend will always disappoint you in the end.
True friends are the ones who stay until the end.
54. Some of them are things that people are afraid of. Some of them are things that look like things that people used to be afraid of a long time ago.
Explaining the different 'monsters' that exist for people.
55. Face your life, it's pain, it's pleasure, don't leave any road untaken.
Life is not static and for this reason it is full of good and bad moments that must be lived.
56. I hope you read good books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to do some art: write, draw, build, sing or live as only you can. And I hope that, sometime in the next year, you surprise yourself.
A beautiful message of encouragement and motivation for those who want to make art.
57. Most of us only find our own voice after sounding like many other people. But the only thing that you have, and that nobody else has, is you.
Finding our way can take time and that is why perseverance is the key.
58. I know people who love negative reviews because it means they've made something happen and got people talking; I know people who have never read any of your reviews, your call. You keep making art.
The important thing is to learn to handle criticism and take it as inspiration.
59. You've already done that art, and by the time they're talking about the last thing you did, you should already be doing the next thing.
Talking about not having to stay with the old, we have to keep reinventing ourselves.
60. It is the privilege of jesters to tell truths that everyone is silent.
In honor there is always a small dose of lethal truth.
61. The ingratitude of a daughter is sharper than a reptile's tooth. But love can subdue the haughtiest spirit.
Love can take us to the top or drag us to madness.
62. I have never met anyone who was what they seemed; or at least, it was just what he or she seemed like. People carry worlds within them.
No one is one thing because we have all experienced different things in life.
63. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.
Do what your passion guides you to do.
64. I couldn't control the world I lived in, I couldn't run away from things, people or moments that hurt me, but I enjoyed what made me happy like a dwarf.
It is impossible to control the world in our favor, but we can enjoy what we do in it.
65. Sometimes monsters are things that should scare people, but they don't.
The monsters are the fears that we generate with our mind.
66. Here's how you do it: you sit at the keyboard and type one word after another until it's done. It is that easy and difficult.
The 'secret' of how to work to make a story.
67. A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.
A portal to other worlds that nurture our creativity.
68. The key is not to learn from children, but not to forget that we were.
Use the power of curiosity to create new things.
69. Where would the grace be if I had everything I want just like that? It's that and nothing else, and then what?
The comforting thing about having something is knowing how hard we work to get it.
70. Thanks to social networks, teenagers discover titles that are cool, and that sells many books.
The positive power of social networks for writers and as a motivation for young people to approach art.