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Elevador Lacerda (Salvador): history and photos

O Elevador Lacerda is one of the two most important cartões-postais of Salvador, the capital of Bahia, and connects the upper part and the lower part of the city.

Inaugurated on the 8th of December 1873, Elevador Lacerda was the first elevator in the world used as public transport and it is now fully operational.

Lacerda elevator

History of Elevador Lacerda

Since 1609 the city of Salvador has maintained a system of garlands to transport merchandise between the upper part and the lower part of the city. There are registers of regular transport, including a number of Dutch engravings from the period.

When the guindastes were not operational or were overloaded, it was necessary to carry or carry material through the very tight sides, making it difficult or sorting out the merchandise.

When do you come?

The initial pontapé of the work of Elevador Lacerda was given in 1869. A construção usava um hydraulic system that electric hair was replaced about forty years later, sometime in 1906.

Foi no day da Nossa Senhora da Pra (December 8) of the year of 1873 that the elevator was, of fate, inaugurated, containing some tower. A construction was then called Elevador Hydraulico da Conceição da Praia (or Elevador do Parafuso).

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Nesse first day 24 thousand people were transported - or acquired value on that day was delivered to the Asilo dos Expostos da Santa Casa da Miséria.

OR world's first urban elevator year to be inaugurated broke also another record: 63 meters high, it was the highest elevator on the planet naquela occasion.

Construction of the second tower and subsequent renovations

In September 1930, the second tower of the Elevador Lacerda was inaugurated, with more than two elevators, and was built with elements in the art deco style.

Someone in 1896 or elevator became known as Elevador Antônio de Lacerda.

O Elevador Lacerda faced, since its inauguration, four major reforms and revisions.

What built or Elevador Lacerda?

O nome Elevador Lacerda face reference to the idealizer of the project, or to the entrepreneur and baiano engenheiro Antônio de Lacerda (1834-1885).

The breeder you have helped do irmão, Augusto Frederico de Lacerda, - also engenheiro - to start the job. Both Antônio and Augusto studied at Nova Iorque, not Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The high costs of the Pharaoh construction for the time were supported by two engenheiros, or sponsor Antônio Francisco de Lacerda.

Photos of Elevador Lacerda

Lacerda elevator

Lacerda elevator

Lacerda elevator

Lacerda elevator

Lacerda elevator

Technical data

Or Elevador Lacerda is the main means of transportation between Cidade Alta (area of ​​the city and the historic center) and Cidade Baixa (port region).

Currently the building is 73.5 high and works 24 hours a day. O Elevador transports about 900 thousand people a year over two twelve months a year (about 28 thousand people per day).


A trip costs fifteen cents and lasts about 30 seconds.


O Elevador has a structure composed of two towers that house four cabins. The towers are linked by a 71-meter platform that crosses Ladeira da Montanha.

At present, the construction has the capacity to transport 128 people totaling four cabins. The work was all built using pieces of steel imported from England.

Physical wave

O Elevador Lacerda transports Brazilian and foreign cities between Praça Cairu, located in Cidade Baixa, and Praça Tomé de Sousa, located in Cidade Alta.

Or building with a privileged view encompassing the three central points of the city: Baía de Todos-os-Santos, or Mercado Modelo or Forte de São Marcelo.

Status and Tombamento do Elevador Lacerda

Em 1955 or Elevador Lacerda ended up being nationalized pela Prefeitura. Em 2006 or building foi teased IPHAN.

Conheça also

  • Christ the Redeemer Monument
  • Cathedral of Sé
  • Arame Opera Monument (Curitiba)
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